Palmes, William, Life of Mrs. Dorothy Lawson of St. Anthony's near Newcastle-upon-Tyne in Northumberland

(Newcastle-upon-Tyne :  Imprinted by George Bouchier Richardson, at the sign of the River-god Tyne, Clayton-treet-west; printer to the Society of antiquaries, and to the Typographical society, both of Newcastle-upon-Tyne,  1851.)



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  Page 36  

36                            HER RELIGIOUS EXERCISES.

iur, ita vita nostra in virtutibus, virtutes in intima intentione
subsistantj'—As the fabric cannot stand without pillars,
the pillars without foundations, so doth our life and livlie-
hood consist in virtues, and virtues receive their consist¬
ency from an internall intention.

By these symptoms that appeared, we may form an im¬
perfect conjecture of that the all-searching eye of God
could only penetrate, and undoubtedly conclude that as
shee contemplated him by virtue of this intention, whilst
the interposition of mortallity impedited a better finition,
so those obstacles being removed, shee now enjoys him in
a very eminent degree or intension of beatifical vision.

Even as the Spouse who thro' dimm clouds wounded
her beloved but with one eye, or the eagle that in a
density of mist cannot clearly discover the sun, but when
that obscurity is dispell'd, shee wounds with both, and
the eagle beholds that bright body of light with undazled

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