Palmes, William, Life of Mrs. Dorothy Lawson of St. Anthony's near Newcastle-upon-Tyne in Northumberland

(Newcastle-upon-Tyne :  Imprinted by George Bouchier Richardson, at the sign of the River-god Tyne, Clayton-treet-west; printer to the Society of antiquaries, and to the Typographical society, both of Newcastle-upon-Tyne,  1851.)



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ER many and great deservings of the Society
ty'd me in gratfullness to study for some
requittall, wherefore I mov'd the superiour
to impart (according to the laudable cus¬
tome of religious orders to their speciall
benefactours) the priviledges of the Society, and make
her by communication partaker of their works, as if
shee were a member thereoff, which he most willingly
condescended to with the whole latitude of his pre¬

When I brought these unexpected tidings, her eyes
were filled with tears, distilling from joy, her mouth
considerate and sparing of speech utter'd the canticle of
old Simeon ^' Now dismiss O Lord thy servant i\
PEACE ;" and I shall speak within compass of modesty,
if I compare the change, or new luster in her counten¬
ance, with the known effects of alacrity and cheerfull-
ness the Sun at the dawning begetts in the universe, or
sovereign ointment that fell on Aaron's beard, and
diffus'd a generall perfume to the rest of his body.
Shee prosecuted all religious institutes with love and
reverence, but was peculiarly devoted to the Society of
Jesus, and so ovcrjoy'd att the receit of this favour,
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