Palmes, William, Life of Mrs. Dorothy Lawson of St. Anthony's near Newcastle-upon-Tyne in Northumberland

(Newcastle-upon-Tyne :  Imprinted by George Bouchier Richardson, at the sign of the River-god Tyne, Clayton-treet-west; printer to the Society of antiquaries, and to the Typographical society, both of Newcastle-upon-Tyne,  1851.)



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ER son contriv'd the funerall in a proportion
correspondent to her quality, and his love
and honom* to so dear a mother. The next
day after her death all the gentry there¬
abouts were invited and a dinner was pre¬
pared for them. The poor of that and the bordering
parishes were serv'd that day with meat; the next
with money. Divers boats full of people came in the
afternoon from Newcastle, all plentifully entertain'd
with a banquet; and when their civill respects were
ended, we carried the corps in the evening to Newcas¬
tle, in her own boat, accompanied with at least twenty
other boats and barges, and above twice as many horse,
planting them on both sides of the shore, till their ar¬
rival at the city. They found the streets shining with
tapers, as light as if it had been noon. The magis¬
trates and aldermen, with the whole glory of the towne,
which for state is second only to London, attended
att the landing place to wait on the coffin, which they
received cover'd with a fine black velvet cloth, and
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