Lamont, Corliss, Freedom is as freedom does

(New York :  Horizon Press,  1956.)



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  Page 188  

188                                                                                       FREEDOM IS AS FREEDOM DOES

also a general intimidation of the mind which will result in self-


In 1950 the San Diego, California, City Council rejected as an
inscription for a war memorial the Four Freedoms enunciated by
President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The inscription was intended
for a plaque at a new Veterans Memorial Building. The Council
took its action after Admiral William H, Standley, a former U.S.
Ambassador to the Soviet Union, protested that "Freedom from
want is a Russian communistic slogan," and that "Freedom from
fear is a political slogan." The Admiral magnanimously did not
object to freedom of speech and freedom of worship.

In the same year Monogram Studio of HoUywood canceled the
filming of a script dealing with the life of Hiawatha, fifteenth-
century Onondaga Indian Chief immortalized in LongfeUow's
classic poem. The studio thought the production might be con¬
stiued as Communist propaganda. To quote The New York
Times: "It was Hiawatiia's efforts as a peacemaker among the
warring Indian tiibes of his day, which brought about the Con¬
federation of the Five Nations, that gave Monogram particular
concern, according to a studio spokesman. These, it was decided,
might cause the picture to be regarded as a message for peace,
and therefore helpful to present Communist designs." ^^^

In point of fact the movie industiy, under the influence of the
Motion Picture Producers and Distiibutors of America * with its
Production Code, has for many years suppressed scripts and cut
pictures that stiayed from the glorification of orthodox morality,
portiayed "excessive and lustful kissing," or were too contiover¬
sial poHtically. The Production Code, a sixteen-page manual of
"Dent's" and "Be Carefuls," was drawn up in 1930 by a Jesuit
priest and a CathoHc layman. This Code, reflecting the viewpoint
of the Roman Catholic Church, should be abolished.

One of the most shameful acts of censorship was the with¬
drawal in 1938, under pressure from Will Hays as President of the
Motion Picture Producers and Distributors, of a script by Sidney

" In 1945 the name of this organization was changed to the Mo¬
tion Picture Association of America.
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