Lamont, Corliss, Freedom is as freedom does

(New York :  Horizon Press,  1956.)



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304                                                                                       FREEDOM IS AS FREEDOM DOES

CUSHMAN, ROBERT E. Now Threats to American Freedoms. (Pubhc Af¬
fairs Pamphlet No. 143) New York: Pubhc Affairs Committee, Inc.,

DAVIS, ELMER. But We Were Born Free. New York: Bobbs-Merrfll Com¬
pany, Inc., 1954.

DOUGLAS, WILLIAM o. An Almanac of Liberty. Garden City; Doubleday
& Company, Inc., 1954.

EDMAN, mwiN, with SCHNEIDER, HERBERT w. (eds,). Fountainheads of
Freedom: The Growth of the Democratic Idea. New York: Reynal
& Hitchcock, 1941.

EMERSON, THOMAS I. and HABER, DAVID. Political and Civil Rights in the
United States, A Collection of Legal and Related Materials. Buf¬
falo, New York: Dennis & Co., Inc., 1952.

ERNST, MORRIS, and SEAGLE, WILLIAM. To the Pure: A Study of Obscen¬
ity and the Censor. New York: The Viking Press, 1928.

FRAENKEL, OSMOND. Our CivH Liberties. New York: The Viking Press,

---------. The Supreme Court and Civil Liberties. New York: American

Civil Liberties Union, 1952.

GELLHORN, WALTER. Security, Loyalty, and Science. Ithaca: Cornell
University Press, 1950.

--------- (ed.). The States and Subversion. Ithaca; Cornefl University

Press, 1952.

GILLMOR, DAN, Fear, the Accuser. New York: Abelard-Schuman, 1954.

GRISWOLD, ERwiN N. The Fifth Amendment Today. Cambridge: Harvard
University Press, 1955.

HAiGHT, ANNE LYON. Banned Books: Informal Notes on Some Books
Banned for Various Reasons at Various Times and in Various Places.
New York: R. R. Bowker Company, 1955.

HAND, LEARNED. The Spirit of Liberty. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1952.

HAYS, ARTHUR GARFIELD. Let Freedom Ring. New York: Boni and Live-
right, 1928.

HULBURD, DAVID. This Happened in Pasadena. New York: The Macmfl-
lan Company, 1951.

JACKSON, ROBERT H. The Supreme Court in the American System of Gov¬
ernment. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1955,

KAHN, GORDON. Hollywood on Trial. New York: Boni and Gaer, 1948.

konvitt;, MILTON R. Civil Rights in Immigration. Ithaca: Cornefl Uni¬
versity Press, 1953.

LATTIMORE, OWEN. Ordeal by Slander. New York: Bantam Books, 1951.

LOWENTHAL, MAX, The Federal Bureau of Investigation. New York:
WiUiam Sloane Associates, Inc, 1950.
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