Crisis at Columbia

([New York :  Columbia Spectator,  1968])



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  Apr 30:Page [1]  




Vol. CXII, No. 10.



 University Calls in 1,000 PolicetoEndDemonstration

 As   Nearly   700  Are   Arrested  and   100   Injured;

 Yiolent   Solution   Follows   Failure  of   Negotiations

    In a brutal bloody show of strength from 2:30

  until  5:30 this morning, New York City police, at

  the request of the Columbia administration, eleared

  the five buildings held for the past week by student


     Almost seven hundred students and faculty were

  arrested and at least several hundred injured,

  some seriously,  in the action. A minimum of four

  faculty  members received severe  head wounds.

   The use of  poliee force followed failures  yester-

  day to  negotiate  a  settlement between the admin-

  istration and  the  demonstrators, The faculty ad'hoc

í  committee  placed a  fĩnal effort in seeking support

'  for their  proposals,  but neither the  admĩnistration

  nor the demonslrators had indicated fu!l accepiiince.

   A  spokesman  for  St. Luíce's Hospĩtal stated this

  morning that 713 persons were beiiig _ro:ilcdforwounds

  'received during  the police action. 'I'lii tiy-í'ivc-; ikooî.Il'

  were treated in an infirmiry setupin Philosophy Hall.

  A spokesman for Kníckerbocker Municipal Hospital

  estimãted that 25 people from Columbĩa were being

  treated there.

    The charges leveled againstmost ofthose arrested

  will be second or third degree criminal tretipassing

  though  it ís expected  that the políce will charge some

  persons with resisting arrest. Those simply aírested

  for trespassĩng will be allowed to go free without

  bail.  The adminístration also maintains  that it will

  prosecute the students involved.

photo by Tom MeC

Low Library


       punched. They piilled

people np, threw them forward or

down, hicking some. Plainclothes-

men on the periphery were hitting

and kicldng indiscrimínately, how-

ever, even those who were moving.

jslo injuries were seen, althongh a

      s of the Majorii; Coali-

disperscd abont



                     coming, but paraded aroi

be forced to move." Anolher fifty- i and bcgan to surround the

five TPF marched up, fiíteen or j at about 3:0_. Therewerea

twenly plainolothes. They.formed  "of poli

a wedge and chargcd, first push-  and when a faculty :

ing, then swinging. They had ne  ish instruclor Frederick Courtnej,

tried lo join the group of about 151!

standlng in front of the Low cn-

trance, ho was puiled into agroup

ol  plainelothes  polioemen  and

kicked several times in the head

and back. Ile was probably the

first casualty of the night.


  Whilo policeresorted to violence

at other campus  bulldings to rc-

movc devnonstraíĩng students,  a

small dot_.chment of the Tacti-

_al Pullce Foree — wlthout bllly

clubs— peacefully removed about

a hundrcd black students from

Iiamilton HalL

  Led  by Chief  Inspector Wade,

about thirty policemen lined up in

       Hiimilton  at 2:15 a.m.

throughout the ontiro incident.

Jt thq main enterance to the buil-

ding as police realiied tliat they

did not have  a key to open the

locked and barricaded



         doors to Hamilton

Hall, where the demonsĩratlons

began a iveek ago, were opened.

  Shortly before, a small group

of police had cnterod llamllton

lln-ough underground tunnels. Ttic

sludents were told to linc up bi

roivs of two and pulice begaii to

hiindcuff them. However.Inspeetor

Wadc, at the requcst of laculty

; who v

.lilcjsv.:! •:■


 The studenls wcre informcd tliat

   .vcre being arrostcd rnt' ti'es-

   ng, their names were taken,

and they were led to police busses

through the tunnels under Ilamil-


 At  Fayorwcather, faculty _ir_d

students were in front of both en-

trances, faculty  standing with

linked armp In front of studcnts

sitting wlth linked arms. After

ten mĩnutes, a columii of fifty

nniformed policemen and fifty

platnclothesmen  wíth helmets

marched in by way of the south

?atc. A captain made the samean-

nouncement temoveasat Low, then

ihc uuli.L' liiĩucl u|j, aud svunt tothe

    (Continucd on IMgc 3)

Students Plan  General Strike

After Poliee Action on Canipus

eloped almost sponlaneously this

lcarod ocit the five occupiod Uni-


 While police bcgan ĩoputarrest-

ed persons into their paddy wagons,

i line of demo.islrdlors, statiding

jusí sottth of Ihtr sundial, began to

chant, "Strike, Striiw!"

 Latei - this morning, the Colum-

bia Sludent Council, tho Graduate

Facuities Student Councll and the

.ormer Strtke Courdinatlng Com-

míttee held a press  Conference

at 9 a.m. this morning, in which

they stated that  there has been

:iu L'lian^L' i:

ilíjliC'C- i'

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  Apr 30:Page [1]