Crisis at Columbia

([New York :  Columbia Spectator,  1968])



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  May 1:Page 4  

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Rudd  Rocommends

No Major  Changcs

In  Sliike  Deinandf.



 last nighttoldameclingofapprox-

 imalely one hundred students in

 Wollman Auditorium thal 'this is

 not a revolutionary sltuation."

   Hc recommended that the lead-

 ers of the proposed student stríke

 not raise their  demands beyond

 the orĩglnal siĸ detnands formula-

 ted by students  occupying bulld-

 ings, adding only a  demand foi

 the resignations  of  Presldent

 Grayson Kirk, Viee President Da-

 viá B. Truman, and those trustecs

 who are responsible for the police

 action on campus yesterday.

   iîudd stated that -the Trustees

 would  rathcr close this universlty

 Cor a  year than givc up power,"

 and added that  it  ivould bc *U-

 toplan* to believe that the student.

 can noiv seize powcr at Columbia


   Peter Sehneider, Graduafe Fi

 ulties,  a member of the Strihe


 poscd that tho conclusions reached

 by tho meeting inWollmanbecom-

 municated to tho Strike Committe,

 to thc ad hoe facully committee

 and to 'he Columbia Universit

 Studcnt Council.

   At anothcr gathorlng of approx-


 ycsterday morning, Ted Gold '68,


Entrance  Guards  to  Admit

All Students,  Faculty  Today

Bulldogs  Edge Baseball  Team

On   Home  Run  in  Ninth,   3-2


, 'Tlii^


  He  callcd  for an  immediatí

strího by studenls and faculty tc

secure  the  domands, and rumo.

some of tho  moi-e Ihan sixty stu-

dcnt l_ader_ who hiive signcdapo-

tllioii asking for the rosignatlonf

of Di's. Trumjni Kirk.andrespon



     (ConlinuedfremP-Sel)  —-

dents had unlockedíromtheinsíde.

  At about 9 a. m., ishen faculty

membcrs arrived to check identi-

fication,  resident  students  who

could produce dormitory keys in

addition  to Columbia  Unĩversity

identification cards.wereadmitted

to the campus. This policy, how-

uver, was discontinued for no ap-

parent reasonsever.ltimesduring

the day, at whĩch  times all stu-

ionts were donied admissíon.

  Although a Univcrsity news of-

[k'tj sunr'.e ,ind fiiculty atthegates.

         eaily yesterday momi

ascribedthe policy to *tKe "admin-

istratĩon,* no one hnew which in-

dividual was responsible for  it.

  Early yesterday,  the gate  at

li5th St. and Amsterdam Ave. was

opened to admit resident students

wbo were denied admission from

that time on  at the gates on Col-

, however, there

r facuitv super-

it U6th St.

 JANOFF'S Servĩce

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La Societe francaise de lianiaiil et d_ ColumbhTpresenls a

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  ■'.  Cciíiimhiii

thrown out  at the  plate and tivc

moi-e were  thrown  out at third at

Baker Field yesterdayasthebase-

ball team outhit Yale 12-3 but lost

the game 3-2.

  The winning run was not scored

until  the ninth inning, when Eli

centerfielder Steve Greenberg hlt

a one-out, bases  empty home run.

It ivas only the third hit off Lion

pitcher Ed  Weathers, who  struck

out thirteen batters whiie walking

only three.

  Columbla got three hlts inboth

the third and the seventh ĩnnings

without scoring any runs.  In the

third, third baseman Chuch Assi-

curato  and centerfietder  Rĩch

Brown strohedconsecutiveone-out

smgles.   After  rightfielder Joc

Dziedzíc had struek  out  Frank

Stimley also singled, to right f ield,

but Assicuraîo was cut down by a

perfect throw from the rightfleld-

er, Von  Koch, to end  the  inrdng.

  In   the  seventh,  Assicurato

opened  the inning by singling off

the rlght center field w_(ll, butwas

thrown out trying to reach thirdon

Brown's sĩngle tocenter. Dĩledik

[ollowed with a  single

:-. fil"


      .n out, but Slimlcy imcl ''■->'

íirst    baseman   Bob  Bosson

grounded to  the Bulldog pitcher.

  The Lions jumped off to a 1-0

lead  in the first inning when Joe

D-ledzi. tripled and FrankStimley

singled him home.  Vale, however

bounccd bach for two runs when

Bob  Sokolowski homered after a

walk to Ed Goldstono,

  The Lions oĩher run came inthc

fourth on Bosson's lead-off home

run to center. Llon scoringthreats

..:.■■.eloped  in the flfth, sixth, and

ninth innings, but the sixth inning

rally was stjuelched when Larry

Slallman,  who had reached second

third i

.  grounder  to  short.


Sjiiall Oift  lnitmctoi, b_.k_t.„lt.

aoccer, etocttonicl/icieiicí, riflny,

pioncrring. nB/cnfti, ( .Iiijjj. ,

■■:->:c I' 11■ ■ s. :.'-.'.t. ..-. 111111: i 11 ĸ. I M .C' iri .1 r. I

phyncal  cdutation tmjoi., gcneial

(!!.'•) foi 14-15 yi. old boyi & giits.

U'ri ii' Ijji'ki-tiiiiiid A _i' isitiuii dciiied

i.i: 'i'inil. f-:ml Ũuiv.îli AdamsSI.,

Utlvn. 11.01






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  May 1:Page 4