Crisis at Columbia

([New York :  Columbia Spectator,  1968])



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  May 6:Page [1]  




voi. cxn ĸo. ni


College  Faculty  Approves  Pass-Fail  Grade   Option;

Executiye   Committee   Names   Fact-Finding    Panel

                                              ---'■ ^HBK^-BI^-'1.. ■:"-■_    ^^^^m 1

Archibald Cox to fíead 5-Man Board;    „, ^^tf   |f FormalFinalExamĩnations Abolhhed;

                                                                        Spring Semester Will  Be Extended


                                                                       The College faculty votecl yesterday to e>;tend the

                                                                     current  semester unlil May  29,  abolish the formal

                                                                     final examination period, and allow students to de-

                                                                     cide ĩn  consultation  with their instructors whether

                                                                     to elect  a pass-fail,  letter grade, or incomplete for

                                                                     courses  ending this spring.

                                                                       According to the resolution adopted, students who

                                                                     choose the pass-fail  option and who were passing as

                                                                     of April  23  must receíve a  "P." Students who were

                                                                     [ailing as of April 23 will be notĩfied by their teach-

                                                                     ĩrs "and be given the opportunity to take an íncom-

                                                                     )lete with  provisional credit." They wilĩ then have

                                                                     at least a year complete tlieh' t

  Investigation Will _Vp«t« Tomorrow


  'l'tie Executive Committee of the Joint Faculties yesterday  an-

nounced the membership of a five-man fact-finding conimission "to

establish Ihe chronology of events leadlng up to the recent dĩsturbances

on the Columbia campus" and to inquire ínto their "underlying causes."

  The commission will be headed bi Archibald Cts:, Cormer Solicitor

General of the United States.

  'l'he memliers of the group,  aside from Mr. Coj_, wlio is prosenlly

Wilston  Professor of at Harvard, are .lofferson Barnes Fordham,

■.li'.ci ni"  ilic  I. "uivei-sil.v of Pcmisytvania laif school; Sitnon II. Hifkind,

a former judge and noted lawyer; Dana l.. I'arnsivorth, director ol

llarvard Cniversity  llealth Services; and ĩlylan C. I.civis, professor

of socîologj' at lirooklyn Coilege.

 The commission nill fcegin its proceedings tomorrow at 2:M o.m.

ivĩth an open meeting at whichtes- ----

timony will bc gíven by all partĩes

in the dispute.  The location  of

the hearing has  not bocn released,

but  Professor  Cos yesterday in-

 t'ited anyonc


 latĩon tosendivritte;

tions to the commissĩc


  Aecording to Profe.

Michael Sovern,  co-chairman .

the executive faculty committe'

the commission  is essentially

judicial body.  It includes thrt

lawyers, as well as a psychiatrist

and a sociologist. The averagt

age is just over 61).

  None of the members of tht

group have had any formal affilia-

tion ivith Columbii-. Ndne of them,


        >r of the commis-ion,

        iwis, is a -iegro. He

has served on the health and wel-

fare  committee of the National

Urban League and has been an ad-

visor to Operation Head Start, a

program funded by the Office of

Ilconomic Onportunĩly,

Faciilly Unit Urgos

Transfer of Power

 Several faculty members re-

leased a slatement Saturday out-

lining the general "transfers of

authority" that may be made iri

rcstructuring Uie University and

suBliesting measures to re.solve

. The _tal,ement of the indepen-

mendations that v-ould  lead to

greaĩer  student arel faculty con-

trol ot University policy in mat-

ters  of discipline, instruction,

planning, and relations   with

lĩovernment agencies. Thc state-

ment also asks that all civil and

criminal  complaints  against

thtiMO atrested durinu thc tccent

:/ of it

"ihe de facto punishmenl alreai

inflicted by the police"; that gy

          stopped and n

   The resolution d

_  .tudents enrolled  i

-. of the Universitv.

 not stipulate gtading

"..ii'ai I

Strikers Will Picket Buîldings;

50  'Counter  Classes'  Planned

        these mectings should

        ion wlth his students."

        ocedures for College

-ses or courses in olhei- divisions

will liappen , altliough it liasn't been

      jt yet,* Cctirttc K. l-'raen-

       of the Graduate Facul-

      :d yi:;;l.i'i'<l;i.í, " i. tlu' Lhrcc

      t'a.Illtic- cumii:incc_ .,:

ivill pichct classroom buildĩn.

today to dlseourage Columbia _u

dcnts from enteiiug buildinfts

patticiptite in official student-fiii

Strike  Activities  Attract  Crotvds

loiingcd ontheledgesofdorm


n Society, stood in

Saturday—the conununes forir

 thc occupied buildiug.s,  lu

eetings in front of their hal

 profo.ssors and othcrs li'd li

       hundred pcopli' lcft ;ii

one p.m. to pichet Gracic Mansion

—Mayor l.indsay wasn't there.

 Sunday, at strihe cenlrttl head-

ĩuarters, on the third  flonr of

I'BH— the hallwav was chofted with

ius, and  in somc local apjrl-

 ;\ mecliiig tif ovcr three hun-

Ired strihing students in thcSchiII

toom of Ferri.s lîooth liall yes-

erday afteriioonvotedbjacclama-

ion in favor ôf picketing.

 Rallie_, will bc hcld ĩn front ol

.cadetnic buildings Lhroughouĩ tht

O'Brîen, and  Orander Matthew:

i will  i

o be do:

cct and tlccidc

luding péople in tho College." He

ddcd tliat thc commitleos ivill

robahlj' mect todti.v.

 i'he faculty proposal also "en-

le Joint l.isciplinaiy Com-

ae is the tri-partite ct

Doclors  Charge  Medií.al   Aid

Hindered During Police  Raid

 lly KtNNI

íroup of mliinici'C dt.cL;

s, ajĸl nii'dii'al simlt'nls.



i- effol'í:

that police hindei

to administer aid duri

i-pril 30 raid.

 S[ĩũ]«'MlK'll I'lll' tlll.' KI'OU

.aid tlicj iveru umivarcofai

íionnel from the Uníversity Ilealt

".l:;-\ícl ijcla:' .ni illc c:-in;_ll:

the policc raid.


        i-cjtifi-i-i-tĸ'i; t:i

    ,f iútrl Ilall,Dr. Jui

.tated, "On uumerous oc

the police hampercd our atteinpt?

arrested,  a crowd of bystanders

ivas  stampeded into a first aid

station with injured.andournhite-

coated medical  personnel  were

physically  prevonted  by .policc

from reaching injured people, ivho


l'_Pc 4)
  May 6:Page [1]