Andreas, A. T. History of the state of Kansas (Supplementary History and Description of its Counties Cities Towns and Villages)

(Chicago :  A.T. Andreas,  1883.)



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Grant. It contained niiietv-two square miles. ,1. W. Paul was the Town¬
ship Trustee in 1H70, 1S74,"I878, 1880, 1SS3; H. P. Dow in 1871; (.'harles
JIcGiloriy in 1S73; .lames E. Freeman in 1873; Edelbute in ls79.

On Wild Cat Creek the first settlers were S. 1). Houston and Henry
F.iibank, who settled in 1855. The same year Henry Condray, and his sons
Jlincher. William and .Tohn .settled near the mouth of Jlill Creek, built
dwellings, and started a mill and blacksmith shop. In IS5(1 came Jonas
Kress; in 1S57 and 1S.5S, Ijemuel Knapp, Samuel Kimble. George Slve.
John Warner and his sons John and George. Lorenzo Westover, Jesse White
and Joshua Williams.

H.C Kennedy is the jiostmaster at Grant jiost-office; J. D. Sweet at
Stockdalc. The first schoolhouse was built in 1859; first teacher, V. Rud-
drick. The flrst printing was by Newell Trafton; the lirst churcli the
Methodist Kpiscojialian.

The first niarriage was that of William Frake to Catherine Condray, in
1856,    The first births were Newion Frake and (ieorge Eubank.

Stockdale is loeated at the junction of Alill Creek and Big Blue. There
was a saw-mill here in the early davs. and the amjilc water-power ean be
easily utilized.    J. I). Sweet has a store and a blacksmith slioji.

Wild Cat Toiriifliip.—This, the newest townshij) in the eonnty, was
organized February 1.5, 1883. It vvas taken from Grant, and it embraces
just about one-half of its original territory. W. W. Taylor is Trustee; II.
J. Romig. Treasurer; L. Clapji, Clerk. Its jiostmaster is J. W. Stejilieiis,
at. the Wild Cat jiost-offue.

Manhattan 7'iiwnshi/i.—The histnry of the settjemenl of this, the most
important townshiji oflhe county, is given with the historv of the eity
of Manhattan.


In obedience lo a jiroclamation from (iovernor R.....ler for the election

ot a Territorial delegate to Congress, November 39, 1S.54, Election Districts
Nos. 9 and 10—Reynolds and Big Blue Crossing—two of thc eighieen dis¬
tricts formed by (iovernor Reeder, |iartii oaled, and their united vote was
77. The number of voters by census Wi. 99; Free-State votes. 66; Pro-
slavery, 11. By the census laken early in 1865, by JIartin F. Conway. Dis¬
trict No. 9, contained 36 voters: 61 males; 35 females; 14 negroes, 3
slaves. No. 10 contained (13 voters; !I7 males; 54 females. No. 9 was then
known as Pawnee; Number 10, Big Blue and Roek ('reek. Jlarch 8, 1855,
Governor Reeder issued a jiroclamatioii for an election to be held JIareli 3(1,
forthe purpose of electing a Territorial Legislature. Election Districts
Numbers 9 and 10 gave for JIartin F. Conway, Free-State candidate for
Councilman, 113 votes; for John Doinddson, Pro-slavery, 53 voles; for
Rejire.sentative, .Samuel D. Ilouslon, Free-Slate, had 13(1 votes; Rus.sell Gar¬
rett, Pro-slavery, 41 votes. Kock Creek was near where Westmoreland is
now located, tho |)reseiil county-seat of Pottawatomie. Sixteen Delegates
had assembled in March. lS55,at the house of Seth I. Childs, on the west
.side of the Big Blue, at the crossing at Juniata—St. JIary's, Louisville,
Juniata and Port Rilev being rejircsented. Asahel (i. Allen was made
Chairman, and a Jlr. Hascall, Secretary. Jlr. Conway was nominated for
Councilman; E. M. Thurston, for Rejircsenlativc. Mr. Thurston lived
south of the Kaw from where Manhattan now stands. He was then absent.
and it wtus then ordered that should he not return, Jlr. Houston should be
the Candidate.

Kansas. December6. 1S5!I, held an election for .Slate Officers, Jleinbers
of tho Legislature, and Jud.ges of the District Court, under the Wyandotte
(!oiistitiition. Riley County jiolled 333 voles, and Dr. John W. Robinson,
of Manhattan, was eleeted .Secretary of State. In November, 1861, her vote
for George A. Crawford, (or Governor, was 315: on location of the State
Cajiital, it was 144 for Topeka; 75 for Manhattan; 31 for Ogden; 3 for Ash¬
land. The Supreme Court—Thomas Fvving, Jr., Chief .lustice—decided
that the term of the State officers theu in possession, held till January,lS(i:{.

In 1863—the vole of the county—375. Isaae P. Goodnow, of Jlanliat-
tan, elected Stale Superintendent of Public Instruclion. In 1863—vote of
thecounty—339. B. E. FiiUingtoii, for Representative, had 150 votes.
In 1864, Mr. Goodnow w'as re-elected State Sujierintendent of Public In¬
struction. Lincoln's vole for President was 33 I; JlcClellan's 51. In 1865
—whole vote jioUed—395. In I8IIII, Nehemiah Green, of Rilev, was elected
Lieutenant-Governor; he had 3(i6 voles out of 393. In 1S(17—whole vole
—(173. D. M. Johnson elected Kejiresciitative; had 34(1 votes. In 1808,
.lames M. Ilarvey. of Riley, was eleeted (iovernor. He had 588 voles;
General Grant, for President. 587. The wliole vole was 719. Lieutenant-
Governor Green was Governor from November 4. 18(iS. to January 13. 18ll!l,
Governor Crawford having resigned to take command of the Nineteenth
Kegiment. In ISIiil—whole vole, 70!l. I'Mwaril .Secrest elected Represenf-
ative; had 373. In 1870—whole vote—843. Governor Ilarvey re-elected;
his vote in the connty, 093. In 1871—whole vote, 1.348. On a vote to grant
$200,000 in bonds to two railroad comjianies. tliere weri' 494 vntes in favor,
and 4'35 agaiust the jiropositiou. In 1873—whole vote. 1,:{98; President
Grant, 1.055. In 1873—whole vote. 1.34S: II. P. Dow. successful can¬
didate for Rc|irescntative. had 777. In 1874—whole vote. l,33!i; for Con¬
gress. W. .V. Phillijis had 957; JI. J. Parrot, 313: N. Green. 08 votes. In
1875—whole vole, 1,:!:J0: K. B. S|iilnian, for Jud^'e of the District Court.had
1,096. In IS76—whole vote, 1.4'3(1: bu- President, Haves had 1,133; Tilden.
333; Cooper, 05 votes. In 1S77—whole vote. 1,137: William Burgoyne, for
County Clerk, had 1,167 votes. In 187S—whole vote, 1.56(1; for ('oiii;ress,
John .V. .Vnderson. Rejiublican, had S7:! votes; E. (i.ile. National, 410; .1.
R. McClure, Democrat, 346. In 1S79—whole votv. 1.655; F. .V. Sclieriuer-
horn. for County Clerk, had 1,640. In IS8I1—whole vote, 3,'307. The fol¬
lowing is the vote on I'resiilent, (iovernor and (''■ii:.'ics^niaii:—President —
Garfield. Kcpnbliemi, I,4>I4; Hancock, Deinocrat, 370; Weaver, National.
347.    (iovernor—St. John, Kejiublican, 1,3S7;  Koss, Demoerat, 4^16;  Vroo¬

man, National, 35!l. ('..lurie-sman—.Vndcison, Kc|iiiblicaii. 1.3111; Burnes. 377; D.ivis, National, Illi4. For the Prohibition .Vmciidment,
1,17S; against it, S-N. J„]—whole v..te, 1,S.III; J. .M. Alvers, sueces-fiil
candidate for .Sherilf. had (l!ll votes.

F,\-Governor Ilarvey, Feliruarv 3, ls7:l. vv.i-.lected Uniti'il Slates Sen¬
ator by a vote of 70 out of 1:13. lo's|i, eeed .Vlexaiider ('aidwei 1. who hail
resigned his seat JIareli 34. IS73. (he vacaiiey liavin..' been filled l.v Robert
Crozier. an apjiointee of (i..vernor (Isiiorn. whohad been Chief jJii-tice of
the Kansas Siiprein.'Court. Senator Harvey's t.'rm expiivrl Jlanli :1. Is77.
Riley (.'ounty is also the home ..t.llon. John .V. .Vnders.m. „ iiiember of the
House of Rejiresentativc-. forthe Forty-sixth, Porty-s.'venth ami F.irlv-
eightli Congresses.

The Kepublican jiartv ol K'aiisa-. organized Jlay IS. Islii. at (Kawat-
oinie, plaied Charles !•'. DeVivaldi—the editor and jiiiblislier of the Alan¬
hattan Erprf.tK—and William H. Smyth, ou the Plaiform Committee, and
S. D. Houston on I he ( Vuitral Territ.irial Coiumitlee. K iln-il WiNon was
one oflhe Kansas delegates tothe Nati.inal Dciuor-ratic ('onvention. al
Charleston, South Carolina, April, isilll. .Vndrew .1. Alead. a delegate l.i
the National Deinoeratic Convention, at New V.irk. -luly. 1868, and was ,i
member of the' Central (.'ommittee.

N. .V. Adams was a delegate tothe National Rejiublican ('onvention
at (Chicago, inl86S; was a jiromineut candidate for Governor in IS7(1; ,i
member of the Stale Kepublican ('ommittee of Issii; Commissi..inu'of Pen¬
sions in 18S3. Gottlieb .Sehaiilile was the D.'inoeralic .■anilidale for .Vnditor
of Stale, in ISdS; Theodore Wei.-liselliaum, the can.iidate for Tr.'asnn.r, in
ISKII;  D. E. Lantz, for State Superintendent .if Public Instructi.ui, in iss-.'.

On a vote to amend the Slate ('.institution by slrikiiu; out the
"white" from the ijiialificatioiis of eleitors.Kiley County gave 74 majority
for it on a vol.-of (13S. .Vllen, Ottawa, and V\'abaiiiis.-e counties w.-re thc
only other counties that  vote.l it.

Rih-y County, in a vote of 5ll(l, gave 100 majority against striking out
the word "male," al thesanie election. Oltawa gave 3 inajorily for it,
the only (-ounty in which il carried in Ihe State.

At the first organization of the .Iiulicial Districts in Kansas Territ.iry.
Riley County bel.aigeil to the Third, and Davis was atta.-hed to it tor
judicial jnirjioses. 'I'lie c.nii't officers at the lerin of court h.-ld at Manliat¬
tau. .Vjii-il4, ls,5!l, were: Rush Kbiion-. .fudgi-: Seott Newell, Sherifl'; J.
D. Patterson, Clerk. Henry Hessen was Poreiiian of the Grand Jury.
Benjainin II. Keys.-r. who had jiracticed law in the courts of California,and
.Toshua F. Clardv, now of Wameg.i, wer.- .adniitl.'d to the bar.

.VI the Octoijer term. 1S.51I.W. J. B.issett was Sheriff. J. Frank Coojier,
who had jiracticed in thc courts of Virginia, and Walt.-r C. in the
V\'iseonsin courts, w.-r.- admitted as attorneys and .-ounselors-at-law.

The .Vpril teiiii. isii;;. was held at .Vshland; Norinan Kinney, SherifT.
The military-famed .I. K. B. Stewart, was admitted lo the liar. Cajitain
Fred Kmory. a Unileil States Jlail ('.ml ractor in ISoil, who had a soinevvhal
unsavory history as connected with the killing of Williain Phillijis at Leav¬
enworth,  Sejiteiiilier 1.   1S.5I1. was  entered   on the n.....rds as a  judgment

debtor in the sum of   lt!70ll.

.Vjiril (1, 1860. Julius E. Hibbard was ajijioint.-.l Jlaster-('oiiimissi.>n.-r
b.r the countv of Rilev.

S.-jiti-mber 3, Isdli. S. Al.-.Vrlhur aj.ji.ars as Clerk, thouiiii J. D. Pat¬
terson is the Dejiiity. In D.-eember, IsOII, Judge Eliiiore's service as Terri¬
torial Judge closed.

Rllev County was in the Third Judicial Distriil, vvith Shawn.-e. Wa¬
baunsee. Pottawatomie, D.ivis. and Dickinson count ies. J,-i..-ob SalTord, of
Shawne.- ('ountv was Jud;;e, having lieen el.-cted bv receiving 5IIII votes ..ut
of 1,437.     Kil.-.\' ('..unty gave him 10; J. K. AliClnre 140;  K. S. VVi|s,,n, 177.

C. K. (iileiirist, of Shawn.-e County, was .-l.-ctcd Judi;.' m X.iv.-mber,
1SB4. Rilcy County gave him half her vot.-s, 1:13. Jetb-rson, .lackson.
and Saline .ounties wen- added t.i the distn.t. I''.iiii-new judicial Districts
were created by the Legislature of 1807. and James Humphrey. Jlarch 4.
1S(17, was aji|joinled Judge of the LiLchth Judicial Disirict, c.iiiij>os.-d ..f th.-
.-jiunti.-s of Riley, Davis, Dickinson, Clay. Chiud. Ottawa and .Saliii.-. Il.¬
was ele.-ted Judge, .Xovember 5, 18(17, i-ee.-iving 515 out of 5111 v.ites .-ast, in
Kiley County. The vole of the District, Xoveiiilii-r s. 1S70. was cast unani¬
mously for James H. .Vustiii. of Junction ('ily. Kejmblie. Jewell, Jlit.-hell,
Lincoln, Kllsworth, Rice, and JI.-Pherson counties voted at this .-I.-ction.

In November, 1S71. Judge ('aiifield was eh-.-ted for a full t.-riii. The
.-nlditional counties then in the dislri.-l w.-n- KUis and Wallai-e. Kiley
County gave Judgl-Canfield 30S votes; H. G. I'.arner, one of her i-itizeiis,
1,076  votes.

Clav. Cloud, Republic. Jewell and Jlitchell had bii-n formed into the
Twelfth" J udicial District.

.Tames H. Austin, of Junction City. X.ivembi-r 3, 1S75. n-e.-iveil the
unanimous vol.-of the district. It then e.imjinsed the counii.-s of Rii.v.
Davis. Jlorris, Di.-kinson and < Ittawa. .ludi;.' .Viistin, re-electe.l X'.v.-iiiber
7, 1S7!l, received l,(lls .lut of 111.- 1,(1:15 votes cast in Kil.v ('..iintv.

Th.Tliiril Judicial District, as le-.-ast bythe L.-u'islatnre'.if Issj, ,.
comjios.-d of 111.' e.iuntii-s of Shawnee. Waliaunse.-. la watomie and Kili-v;
John T. Alorlon, .if Shawnee. Jml;;.-. The terms of for Kiley County
commenie tin- fourth Jlon.lay ..f F.-bi-iiary, th.' last Jlon.lay of .Vii;;iist, Ihe
seeon.l .M.iiiday of D.-i-.-mber.


The T.Trit.irial LeL-i-ltiture. .■(in-isiiiii: of tliirl.-en ('.aiticilmeii antl twentv six Keprc-
Hentativ«-s. .>f w-hlcli S;imin-1 TV r.-i.'i-t.,-red .i-.i fariiK-i i iiiliv.' ..riihi... thirlv-
s|\ yeais ..f ul''-. vva- the ..uly Free-Stiitt iiieinli.r—c.iliv. ned .lulv -. is'."., al l-avvn. e. a lltOt-
t.nvii on lie- Vliltt;iiy K.-ir\ alii.ii. ahont tw.i .'f Fort Kile.v. Which lei.i 1.. .-n ^tarted
in the aiiliimii lit |sM, l.v Dr Willi iin.V Maininonil. lapt Nulhanjel i.\..ii. l(iilH»rt Klotz.
U.ilM-rt Wit-ell and (ttliern of l-'ort Kile.v. most ..t llii-ni Fr<-i state men" lis ^.twth wan
raiml, s.-..ri-s of Inms.-s were er.-.-tetl, ainl ..f |ii'.i|.t.- -etileil .»n tl..- l.iwn sit.-. The
I/'i.'i-latiire. July 11. .t.lj.mrned to me<-t at the shavvnei- .Maiitial Laix.r s.hou! in Johnsou
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