Gundert, Hermann, A Malayalam and English dictionary

(Mangalore : London : Basel :  C. Stolz ; Trübner & Co. ; Missionhaus,  1872.)



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aaag(3;A3rigj you don't like mo, (Braajcra gocudo |
aj3)o No, (So, oamo) she fits him according
to age,stature, temperament, education, rank,
etc, opp, ajrmaag.-aiaiajrogj,-.ajcurolanariA orfl
e^gnb aj(ma Al^nrrflgj can't get a footiog,
rrflgjgcrao msg-|3erao aaao(ma^gj (from drink)
aj-mo ^c^aH, Asms, ^nBflag_joci^ she has
reached maturity (before being married) = oa
^0 Aiplsio^ Can,                                            j

a®anbo ojimasio* jiissaoimlABa TP. coetane-
ous, rsraaj* rosriggcX) arra ao-igrmasig*,

Q_j raDcxy, see Q-^^.

Q_^fSflcQ^<fi>(C, pudugu)=6)(i_J3fn)lc£y(d>,Q_^

a^ ® pu5a T. M. (C hot, Tu. C posa, aC pudu,
to be born, spring up) ft o-^OfO New,fresh;
ajgaei* Bhr, etc—adj, o.j3i)c(!i (n, ajofloBig
ft f^lS®) ** ajrmlaii aoa|TO, aj.uflra rmlainb etc,
bride, bridegroom,

ajgAA, — aI gorolas) to be renewed,
VN, cijgAiO 1. newness. (Bi3)CugrorBia)lanbo aj,
MR,  modern appearance of the document.
2. a strange, wonderful thing aj|Da.

aJ@asiroge3gajN,pr,aforeignkIngKU. (where?
Pondlchery; T. aj^aaasi, ajgasioj),

aj^dSsiejo a new vessel, ^g aJ, BoagBaj a®g
3,3i3iocfl<s2)(m Q®^ TP, so red,

aJ@d98A 1, to renew, mend i^cfl aHaa,^ aJ,
to repair the fioor, ai{!^ cuocail^ asBm
^6 aj@a«laasi0g(3iaicili^ TR. sealed it
again, orflaio aj@<ssil V2. prepared the field
for seed.    2. = ojn@dBsA.

oj^assl So. the procession of a nuptial party
to the house of the bride.

oJgBasiog N, pr, l, = Hosadurga in  Canara.
2, a Brahmanical division (opp, Bjiioairo '
(^Ci) under the protection of a®6mgg goa
%ei moulcaiorof rol ro)l(ra^ej'§ KV.              i

ajggasmdjg (=foll,) meaach cuoyia,m^g*=jjfl !
moQjlglral (msBscX) (uoyemng* a nobleman,
now Impoverished, oj'Bjg ag-jaasnm TP,

ajggjgsmo N,pr.  a place near Vadagara,

Northern boundary of Kerala proper (see

Aarmocfl),   now aJ^gjsmoKU-  ajgaag
sm(i® ajip,
ajgga6!!aflcol = aj6i2ijlrol, (aJ. gaoaojjo Stuti),
CLj^a 1, a novelty, wonderful sight aaroQjo
mgiglga. cqjo PrC.   ajsraflro^ga, «yo VCh,
a®® aj. (srgjm TP. what can it be?   2, an
entertaining story, jest aJ. aaoA, No.
ajgaasigronb (2) facetious, a buffoon Vl, 8,
ajgatp the first rain CC. aJ. aaa^,
aj^ajral So. newly cultivated land aj. aaggo B.
ojgQjln^groo a new trial aj. ajii^MR. =aj
mqijl-aigroo.                                      [rain.

a.Jgacuago sudden rise of water in rivers after
oiJgBJ^rDl N. pr. ("new market") 1. Pondichery.
2. aJcnlBj^rol moulrfflg* mggculAgrol A
smasigjlga oaeggeigcnj the hereditary
secretary of Kolattiri.
ajiciBinb 1. a fresh, new thing=aj@@ f.i.
aj'moacBigrrarglrBial Anj. ajroiaimgecageroa
jjjaaoo Agjiaso YCh. cuiplera aj'mo^aa
easismo KR. ajraiaimoo amcfl CG. aloa
aa cLj'moasi Bbg. to bring into a new form.
2. a Cochin coin = 10 pie (19|- aj.= l Rup.
D.); in Cal. the Agjnb —ft cugaag^gjo
are called aj, = 4 pie, |, ^, i aj,= 3, 2,1
pie (obsolescent), 3. In Cpds. aj(0i3inb ^c)
a schism; the Syrians separated from Rome
aj. ^ociAorocrao ^srsiggAorocrao CatR, —
ajrsraimfloo fresh colour (nj, (513151^ ajjJcnj
rororal, aJ, aeo^o Aafldo CG.), — oJrBiainb
aoasrraprov. a new servant; ojroroinb^eiCG,
ojrBiBinbAaioprov, a new pot, 4, nice, dear
ajiBiaimgo imanbo rgajmvisn»l(rfi ajjigjoVCh,
aj(Bia)rol 1. new rice, o^, amgj used in cere¬
monies (Qjlaiasi),—ajrBiBiroleasigrAa thresh¬
ing fiall, 2. meal on new rice oj, cgsnb, aJ.
Arpl^orBl prov. oJ. alcucroo (in August),
met. ajiiajlaa aj. caoo (go.-flol(mo ChVr.
most welcome overtures, [aj. entirely new
rice; @ocm or amoefl^aj. No. only some
grains of new rice being added  to the

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