Selleck, Charles Melbourne. Norwalk

(Norwalk, Conn. :  The author,  1896.)



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  Page 286  

286                                                       NORWALK.

ried Jane Lord, of Roxbury, ]\Iass., in 1639, and is spoken of as a godly man. He is
thought to have been seventeen years in the country when the pioneers came to Xorwalk
Samuel Hale of home-lot xxi is believed to have been his brother.'



Of Thomas Ward who. with Ralph Keeler of home-lot vii, shared home-lot xviii,
but little is known. Ward is an excellent New England name, but the Xorwalk history of
the family is meagre. Thomas Ward was married and had something of a nursery on his
grounds. Beyond these facts it seems difficult to gather very much concerning his Xor¬
walk stor)-.


This proprietor was one of the most honored of the Norwalk founder-fathers. He
was nominated in the King's Connecticut Charter of 1662, and he became a freeman in
1654, after which he represented Norwalk at a number of General Assembly sittings.
His wife was of a distinguished famih-, having been a daughter of Richard and Joanna
Treat and a sister of Gov. Robert Treat, Mrs. John Deming, Sr., and .Mrs. John Hollister,
His brother Thomas, was one of the founders of New Milford, and he was undeniably a
man of parts and power. The fiimil)- is found in Hertfordshire, England, at the time of
the Spanish Armada, and as long ago as the year A.D., 1200, " CamviUe " was a proper
name. Matthew Campfield, unquestionably an influential settler, seemed, for some reason,
to have been dissatisfied with government matters in the Connecticut Colon)-. Although
a public man, his Norwalk residence uas brief, and he early emigrated to' New Jerse)-,
where he became as prominent as he had been in his former home. He was rated a
wealthy man, and is supposed to be buried where now stands the Xewark City Hall.

Samuel,'^'- son of Matthew Campfield, appears to be the only Norwalk son of Mat¬
thew.--    This son, baptized Oct. 19, 1645, and who had a sister, Sarah, who was baptized

■■nie following extract from Norwalk Town Rec-   j   chased bv the said Samuel Hale of his brother, Thos.

lotjm-nture                  '       '     ''  Hale-Olmsted home-   |   Hale, uiuo which Thomas Hale, the plantation grant-

■''IMinnv.a A,i,v,f       i- x-        .                                        ''   ^^   ''''^  Same—four  acres—in   home-lot, etc., sold to

."ini~tra„u- of Richard Pti,"   7,           " ^°' ^  ^^' "''"      '^''^''"'"'' ^'"^^^''^ *'"■• ^^"•"    '^"'^'^ homestead Richard

married   said   Bushnell'^ s'l      ' ^'''"'*' ""''^ *'"''"^S      Olmsted, Sr., bequeathed   to  his  son  James,'^'-with

Matthew Marvin   Sr )   seir'on" i ' ^'"'; ' ''''"--^'^''   "*'      t'"^ permission that he (Jas.) might exchange ('with-

trees   .tc    to Rich'^rH rJ             '''^'"^-'"t with house,   1   in one year and a dav after the decease of Richard')

«»i...,-.,;::.':;'':';,,™;";:;; ;r,:,-t,';:";r"i"' i  ";•- -''"'°"" ""■-"'-'-""°'-«"-^"r,-

Richard Bushnell, and which    -ii             ^-^-'l^-hy   |   change. '  One or both brothers Hale went to Cliarles-

>.nci  liome-lot was pu,-.      town, as per Norwalk record.
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