Pennsylvania Tunnel and Terminal R.R.

(New York :  [The railroad],  1910.)



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The machines are so arranged, that, in event of one motor being cut
out, the entire machine can be operated from either cab with the remain¬
ing motor. The halves are interchangeable, and if one is out of service, it
may be replaced by another while repairs are being made.

The unit switch control permits two or more locomotives to be
coupled, and all to be operated from either end of any one cab.

There are four running notches on controller, two more than are
provided with motor car equipments. This gives greater flexibility of
speed regulation and at the same time economizes power consumption
diM'ing acceleration.

Weights and Dimensions-
Locomotive complete. 155 tons.
Weight on main drivers of each half, 48,800 lbs.
Weight on rear drivers of each half, 48,700 lbs.
Total weight on drivers, 195,000 lbs.
Weight on each truck, 57,500 lbs.
Total length over all, 64 ft. 11 in.
Rigid wheel base of each half, 7 ft. 2 in.
Total wheel base of each half, 23 ft. 1 in.
Total wheel base of locomotive, 55 ft. 11 in.
Height from track to top of roof, 13 ft. 1 in.
Width of cab, 10 ft. 6 in.
Diameter of drivers, 72 in.
Diameter of truck wheels, 36 in,

NoTiS—Weights do not include electric steam generators for
heating purposes.

Tractive Effort—

Contract-tractive effort per locomotive, 60,000 lbs. for half
minute, 50,000 lbs. for two minutes, or 12,000 lbs. at 801) am¬
peres, all with full field.

Normal Service—

To start and accelerate 550 ton train, in addition to the
locomotive on 1.93% tunnel grade.

Normal speed with 550 ton train on level tangent track to be
not less than 60 miles per hour.

Motor Data—

Direct current, field controlled interpole series motors.
Cast steel frames.

Directly connected through jack shafts and side rods.
Weight of each motor complete with cranks, 43,000 lbs.
Height of center line of motor from track, 8 ft. 2 13-16 in.
Height of motor frame above cab floor, 5 ft. 6)4 in.
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