Seventy-five years of healing on the Heights

(New York, N.Y. :  Columbia University Medical Center,  [2003])



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  Page 45  

Early   Years   1929-41

As the nation coped with a depression at home and a looming war overseas, Columbia
continued to build. To the 12 initial institutions that formed Columbia-Presbyterian Medical
Center, new partners were added. Under the leadership of Willard Rappleye, Columbia
forged new clinical training partnerships, the hospital's nursing school became part of
Columbia, and student aid programs were developed. Bard Hall, the first P&S student
dormitory, opened in 1951 and the new Harkness Eye Institute was completed two years later.
Meanwhile, Columbia-Presbyterian leadership prepared for reductions in staff and inter¬
ruptions in education, as it became clear that many physicians, nurses, and house staff would
soon be sent to the military theaters of Europe and Asia.

Dedication, October iz,  igz8.

The Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center was fotmally dedicated on
Columbus Dav 1928 with gala festivities in the center's garden, former P&S
Dean Sanutel W. Lambei t, who Inst initiated the afhliation wilh
Prcsbvterian 1 lospital. delivers the keynote address.

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