Japanese Photograph and Postcard Collection, 1911-1990 (bulk 1930-1940)

Collection Information
Date Range:
1911-1990 (bulk 1930-1940)
2.6 linear feet (3 document boxes and 4 postcard boxes)
Physical Description:
2.6 linear feet (3 document boxes and 4 postcard boxes) Physical Characteristics of Materials in the Collection: photographs,postcards, ephemera, articles, and correspondence.
Preferred Citation:
Japanese Photograph and Postcard Collection, C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.
Terms of Access:
This collection is available to qualified readers during Rare Book and Special Collection Reading Room hours in the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University. Hours of operation can be found on the Library's website. Readers who are not affiliated with Columbia University should first obtain a reader's card at the Library Information Office , 201 Butler Library.

Restrictions on Use or Access:
Columbia University is providing access to the materials in the Library's collections solely for noncommercial educational and research purposes. The unauthorized use, including, but not limited to, publication of the materials without the prior written permission of Columbia University is strictly prohibited. All inquiries regarding permission to publish should be submitted in writing to the Director, C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University. For additional guidance, see Columbia University Libraries' publication policy.

In addition to permission from Columbia University, permission of the copyright owner (if not Columbia University) and/or any holder of other rights (such as publicity and/or privacy rights) may also be required for reproduction, publication, distribution, and other uses. Responsibility for making an independent legal assessment of any item and securing any necessary permissions rests with the persons desiring to publish the item. Columbia University makes no warranties as to the accuracy of the materials or their fitness for a particular purpose.

Materials are located onsite at the C. V. Starr East Asian Library.

Contact Info:
C. V. Starr East Asian Library
300 Kent Hall
MC 3901
Columbia University
1140 Amsterdam Ave.
New York, NY 10027
Processing Information:
This collection was processed by Maiko Ota Cagno, Project Archivist, for the C. V. Starr East Asian Library in May 2008.

Finding Aid Preparation:
Finding Aid prepared by Maiko Ota Cagno for the C. V. Starr East Asian Library; machine readable finding aid created by Columbia University Libraries Digital Library Program Division.

Finding Aid Date:

Scope and Content

This Japanese photograph and postcard collection is composed of five different groups: photographs and postcards collected by Samuel McCune Lindsay (Series 1); photographs and postcards collected by J. W. T. Mason (Series 2); photographs donated by Katharine Becke (Series 3); Japanese Subjugation of Rehe Sheng (China) Public Relations Photographs (Series 4); and other postcards and photographs (Series 5). The majority of items were created and/or collected during the 1930s in Japan; however, the collection includes items created throughout the Twentieth Century as well as originating in neighboring countries such as China and Korea.


All series in this collection were previously catalogued separately in Japanese Woodblock Printed Books and Other Unique Japanese Materials at Columbia University compiled by Miwa Kai. Her catalog number for each series or item is listed as Kai Catalog No. in the series description or item description. The original organization was kept as much as possible, but descriptive terms were corrected to be consistent among all the series. For Series 1, Series 2, and Series 5, items were rearranged in order of Japanese geographic names (including mountains and rivers) in alphabetical order, followed by subject terms including non-Japanese geographic names in alphabetical order.

Index Terms

1. Actors. 2. Asama Maru (Ship). 3. Atami-shi (Japan). 4. Beppu-shi (Japan). 5. Brander Matthews Dramatic Museum Collection (Library of Congress) 6. Bunraku. 7. China --History --Republic, 1912-1949. 8. Fuji, Mount (Japan). 9. Fukuoka-ken (Japan). 10. Hakone-machi (Japan). 11. Hiei Mountain (Japan). 12. Hotels --Japan. 13. Izumo-shi (Japan). 14. Japan --History --1868- --Pictorial works. 15. Kabuki. 16. Kanto Earthquake, Japan, 1923. 17. Kiso River (Japan). 18. Kōbe-shi (Japan). 19. Kōyasan Monasteries (Japan). 20. Kyoto (Japan). 21. Lindsay, Samuel McCune, 1869-1960. 22. Manchuria (China). 23. Mason, J. W. T. (Joseph Warren Teets), 1879-1941. 24. Miyajima-chō (Japan). 25. Moji-shi (Japan). 26. Mongolia. 27. Nagasaki-shi (Japan). 28. Nagoya-shi (Japan). 29. Nara-shi (Japan). 30. Nikkō-shi (Japan). 31. Portraits, Japanese. 32. Rehe Sheng (China). 33. Shinto shrines. 34. Ships. 35. Shizuoka-shi (Japan). 36. Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945. 37. Temples, Buddhist --Japan. 38. Tokyo (Japan) --Pictorial works. 39. Towada Lake (Japan). 40. World War, 1939-1945 --Japan. 41. Yokohama-shi (Japan).

Related Materials

Papers of J. W. T. Mason are processed in J. W. T. Mason Papers, C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.


Kai, Miwa, Japanese Woodblock Printed Books and Other Unique Japanese Materials at Columbia University . New York: [Miwa Kai], 1996.

Series Descriptions and Container List

Series:  Series 1: Samuel McCune Lindsay Collection, 1923-1930

Scope and Content:

This series contains 784 photographs and postcards with other ephemera items collected by Samuel McCune Lindsay during the American Magazine Editors and Writers Tour in Japan in April, 1930. Samuel McCune Lindsay, Professor of Social Legislation at Columbia University and the representative of the Review of Reviews (New York), was the leader of this tour group of eighteen members. The tour was sponsored by the Japan Tourist Bureau and visited Yokohama, Tokyo, Nikko, Mt. Fuji, Atami, Shizuoka (Mikimoto’s pearl culture), Nagoya, and Kyoto as well as cities in Korea and China.


This series is arranged by Japanese geographic names in alphabetical order, followed by subjects, including non- Japanese geographic names, in alphabetical order.

Subseries:  Subseries 1.1: Lindsay Tour Materials, 1930

Scope and Content:

This subseries includes photographs of the tour group and of Dr. Lindsay and Mrs. Lindsay taken during the trip in 1930. Many photographs are annotated by Lindsay. This subseries also includes correspondence and newspaper articles concerning the tour. Kai Catalog No. 2865.

MB 1 Folder 1 Beppu  —  1 item; black-and-white photograph April 1930
MB 1 Folder 2 Kyoto  —  5 items; black-and-white photographs, postcard, ephemera April 1930
Postcard dated 25 April 1930 to Miss R. G. England, Kyoto Palace Pass dated 14 April 1930 lists names of 18 members.
MB 1 Folder 3 Mie (Toba-shi), Mikimoto Peal Farm  —  13 items; black-and-white photographs, note April 1930
Includes photograph taken in front of the Oriental Hotel.
MB 1 Folder 4 Nagoya  —  9 items; photographic postcards, black-and-white photographs 22 April 1930
MB 1 Folder 5 Shizuoka  —  7 items; black-and-white photographs April 1930
MB 1 Folder 6 Tokyo  —  3 items; black-and-white photographs April 1930
Tokyo City Hall, Mr. Nezu's Garden.
    Bunraku  —  ; 
See Series 1.1 Lindsay Tour Materials: Bunraku.
MB 1 Folder 7 China  —  12 items; postcards, black-and-white photographs, pamphlet May 1930
Postcard dated 13 May 1930 (not addressed); postcard postmarked 30 Nov. 1935 [?] addressed to Samuel McCune Lindsay (no sender's name); photographs of Tsing-tao, Dairen, Port Arthur, Mukden (Manchuria); pamphlet of Cathay Hotel, Shanghai.
MB 1 Folder 8 Korea  —  4 items; postcard, black-and-white photographs, pamphlet May 1930
Postcard dated 23 May 1930 addressed Miss R. G. England; photographs of Inner Kongo (Diamong Mountains)/金剛山, pamphlet of Keijo.
MB 1 Folder 9 Ships  —  3 items; black-and-white photographs, ephemera April 1930
Photographs taken on Asama Maru and Midori Maru; Dinner menu of Asama Maru on 11 April 1930.
MB 1 Folder 10 USA  —  2 items; photographic greeting card, postcard 1930
Photographic card of Mr. & Mrs. Lindsay in Honolulu; postcard bares names of attendees at Luncheon meeting of Columbia University at Restaurand du Nord, Genova, June 28, 1930.
MB 1 Folder 11 Miscellaneous photographs  —  7 items; black-and-white photographs 1930
Photographs of Mr. & Mrs. Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay with Mr. and Mrs. Hishida, unidentified luncheon.
MB 1 Folder 12 Newspaper Articles & Correspondence with publisher  —  9 items; Newspaper clippings, photocopies, letter March-April 1930
Herald Tribune on 23 March 1930; The Osaka Mainichi & Tokyo Nichi Nichi on 29 April 1930; letter from Howard Florance to Mr. Lindsay dated 26 March 1930.

Subseries:  Subseries 1.2: Lindsay Photographs, 1923-1930

Scope and Content:

This subseries includes photographs collected or produced by Lindsay or the tour group during the trip in 1930. Kai Catalog No. 2865.

MB 1 Folder 13 Atami  —  18 items; black-and-white photographs circa 1930
Stamped "Mampei-Hotel," and "Atami Hotel." Photos embossed "Shikishima Atami."
MB 1 Folder 14 Beppu  —  8 items; black-and-white photographs circa 1930
Each has typed annotation on the back of photo.
See Series 1.1, Lindsay Tour Materials: Beppu.
MB 1 Folder 15 Fuji Mountain  —  1 item; black-and-white photograph circa 1930
View from Hakone Lake.
MB 1 Folder 16 Hakone, Fujiya Hotel  —  4 items; black-and-white photographs circa 1930
    Himeji Castle (Hyōgo)  —  ; 
See Series 1.2, Lindsay Photographs & Postcards: Famous Views & Customs.
MB 1 Folder 17 Kōbe  —  3 items; black-and-white photographs circa 1930
Each has typed annotation on the back of photo.
MB 1 Folder 18 Kyōto, Miyako Hotel  —  6 items; black-and-white photographs, postcard undated
MB 1 Folder 19 Kyōto, Nanzanji's Garden  —  3 items; black-and-white photographs circa 1930
MB 1 Folder 20 Miyajima (Itsukushima)  —  1 item; black-and-white photograph 1930
Contains notes about the trip written on the back of photo.
MB 1 Folder 21 Nagasaki, Mount Fugen/普賢岳, Mount Nodake/野岳, Shirakumo Lake  —  13 items; black-and-white photographs circa 1930
MB 1 Folder 22 Nagasaki, Unzen Park/雲仙  —  8 items; black-and-white photographs circa 1930
    Nagoya  —  ; 
See Series 1.1, Lindsay Tour Materials: Nagoya.
MB 1 Folder 23 Nara  —  3 items; black-and-white photographs circa 1930
See also Series 1.1, Lindsay Tour Materials: Nara.
MB 1 Folder 24 Shizuoka  —  1 item; black-and-white photograph circa 1930
See also Series 1.1, Lindsay Tour Materials: Shizuoka Tea Plantation.
MB 1 Folder 25 Tōkyō Before and After Earthquake 1923  —  16 items; black-and-white photographs circa 1923
MB 1 Folder 26 Tokyo Home Economics College/東京家政専門学校  —  7 items; photographs, 1 business card circa 1930
See also Series 1.2, Lindsay Photographs & Postcards: Tōkyō Home Economics College/東京家政専門学校.
MB 1 Folder 27 Tokyo, miscellaneous  —  6 items; black-and-white photographs circa 1930
Photographs of reservoirs and bridges.
MB 1 Folder 28 Yokohama, miscellaneous  —  1 item; black-and-white photograph circa 1930
Nogeyama Park.
MB 1 Folder 29 Actress  —  10 items; black-and-white photographs circa 1930
See also Series 5, Photographs and Postcards: Performing Arts, Actors/Actresses.
MB 1 Folder 30 Bunraku  —  8 items; black-and-white photographs 1930
See Series, 1.1 Lindsay Tour Materials: Beppu; and Hakone (for Fujiya Hotel); and Series 1.2, Lindsay Photographs & Postcards: Atami; Hakone (for Fujiya Hotel); Kyoto (for Miyako Hotel); Nagasaki; Nikko; Yokohama; Korea (for Picture Postcard of Chosen); and USA.
MB 1 Folder 31 Scenery, miscellaneous  —  20 items; black-and-white and hand-colored photographs undated
Unidentified sceneries.
MB 1 Folder 32 Ships, miscellaneous  —  1 item; black-and-white photograph circa 1930
Dining Room.
See Series 1.2, Lindsay Photographs & Postcards: Kyoto (for Dōshisha Daigaku); and Tokyo (for Tokyo, Home Economics College).

Subseries:  Subseries 1.3: Lindsay Postcards, circa 1930

Scope and Content:

This subseries includes includes various tourist postcards collected by Lindsay during the trip. Kai Catalog No. 2944.

Photo 4 Folder 1 Atami  —  8 items; postcards, notes circa 1930
Geyser, Izusan Shrine, Fuji Mountain, Hot Springs, Views from Mampei Hotel. Published by Tōkyō Akasakamitsuke Gōshi Kaisha, Kōsokudo Rin[?] Shashin Kōgeijo Jīchīsan Shōkai. Notes written on Nippon Kanko Kaisha Atami Hotel stationery.
Photo 4 Folder 2 Beppu, photographic postcards  —  6 items; black-and-white photographic postcards 1930
Each has typed annotation on the back of postcards.
Photo 4 Folder 3 Beppu, postcards  —  10 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Beppu Shiyakusho.
Photo 4 Folder 4 Beppu, Sansuien Garden  —  6 items; postcards undated
Photo 4 Folder 5 Hakone, Fujiya Hotel  —  5 items; postcards undated
Photo 4 Folder 6 Hakone, Picture Post Cards of Fujiya Hotel  —  9 items; postcards, envelope undated
Photo 4 Folder 7 Hiei Mountain, Cable Car, Lake "Biwa" Side/比叡山ケーブルカー琵琶湖畔  —  9 items; postcards, envelope undated
Photo 4 Folder 8 Hiei Mountain, miscellaneous  —  23 items; postcards undated
Includes Cable Car, Enryakuji
Photo 4 Folder 9 Izu, Kawana Golf Links  —  42 items; postcards, envelope undated
Includes duplicates.
Photo 4 Folder 10 Kamakura  —  1 item; postcard undated
Photo 4 Folder 11 Kiso River, The River Kiso or The Nippon Rhine and Its Environs  —  12 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by the Nagoya Railway Co., Ltd. Includes duplicates.
Photo 4 Folder 12 Kiso River, miscellaneous  —  1 item; postcard undated
Published by Japanese Governmet Railways.
Photo 4 Folder 13 Kobe, Souvenir of Kobe: Famous View Post Cards  —  26 items; postcards, list, envelope undated
Published by Kōbe Shiyakusho. Includes duplicates.
Photo 4 Folder 14 Kobe, Souvenir Post Cards of Kobe  —  14 items; postcards, lists, envelopes undated
Published by Kōbe Shōkō Kaigisho. Includes duplicates.
Photo 4 Folder 15 Kobe, miscellaneous  —  7 items; postcards undated
Subjects include Kobe College.
Photo 4 Folder 16 Kyoto, Dōshisha Daigaku/同志社大学  —  8 items; postcards undated
See also Series 5, Photographs & Postcards: "Universities."
Photo 4 Folder 17 Kyoto, Maruyama Saami/円山左阿彌  —  7 items; postcards, envelope undated
Photo 4 Folder 18 Kyoto, miscellaneous  —  6 items; postcards, business cards undated
Kinkakuji Temple, Kameoka Castle/大本天恩卿, 亀山城.
Photo 4 Folder 19 Matsushima (Miyagi)  —  2 items; postcards undated
Photo 4 Folder 20 Miyajima (Itsukushima), photographic and miscellaneous postcards  —  3 items; postcards 1930
Each has typed annotation on the back of photo.
Photo 4 Folder 21 Miyajima: 10 View Post Card Colored by Hand  —  11 items; postcards, envelope undated
Photo 4 Folder 22 Moji (Fukuoka)/門司  —  5 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Moji Shōkō Kaigisho.
Photo 4 Folder 23 Nagasaki, miscellaneous  —  4 items; postcards undated
Suwa Shrine, Nagasaki Harbor, Kyūshū Hotel Unzen.
Photo 4 Folder 24 Nagoya Meisho Ehagaki  —  5 items; postcards, envelope, admission ticket 1930
Nagoya Castle and Atsuta Shrine. Published by Nagoya Matsuzakaya. Admission ticket to Tetsudō Hakurankai, dated 23 April 1930.
See also Series 1.2, Lindsay Photographs & Postcards: Kiso River.
Photo 4 Folder 25 Nagoya, Hasshōkan/八勝館  —  5 items; postcards undated
Photo 4 Folder 26 Nara, Ehagaki  —  9 items; postcards, envelope undated
Photo 4 Folder 27 Nara, Hōryūji ehagaki/法隆寺  —  23 items; postcards, envelope undated
Photo 4 Folder 28 Nara, Fine Sight of Nara Park/奈良公園の美観  —  9 items; postcards, envelope undated
Photo 4 Folder 29 Nikko, Souvenir of Chūzenji: 12 Assorted Parmanent Photograph  —  24 items; black-and-white photographs, envelopes undated
Commercial photographs. Each annotated on the back of photo. Includes duplicates.
Photo 4 Folder 30 Nikko, Souvenir of Nikko: 12 Assorted Parmanent Photograph  —  13 items; black-and-white photographs, envelopes undated
Commercial photographs. Each annotated on the back of photo.
Photo 4 Folder 31 Nikko, Tōbu Tetsudō Nikkōsen Kaitsū Kinen Ehagaki/東武鐡道日光線開通記念絵葉書  —  13 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Tōbu Tetsydō Kabushiki Kaisha. Includes duplicates.
Photo 4 Folder 32 Nikko, miscellaneous  —  5 items; postcards undated
Include Kanaya Hotel Nikkō/日光金谷ホテル.
Photo 4 Folder 33 Okayama, Kōrakuen Garden, miscellaneous  —  1 item; postcard undated
Published by Japanese Governmet Railways.
Photo 4 Folder 34 Seto-naikai (Inland Sea), miscellaneous  —  3 items; postcards undated
Include a post card published by Japanese Governmet Railways.
Photo 4 Folder 35 Shizuoka Asama Jinja Ehagaki/静岡浅間神社絵葉書  —  9 items; postcards, envelope undated
Photo 4 Folder 36 Shizuoka no Chatsumi/静岡の茶摘  —  8 items; postcards undated
Photo 4 Folder 37 Tokyo Home Economics College/東京家政専門学校  —  7 items; postcards, envelope undated
See also Series 1.2, Lindsay Photographs & Postcards: Tōkyō Home Economics College/東京家政専門学校.
Photo 4 Folder 38 Tokyo Kanebō Honten/東京鐘紡本店  —  8 items; postcards undated
Photo 4 Folder 39 Tokyo Ueno Park Grant Memorial/上野恩賜公園内グラント将軍記念碑  —  4 items; postcards, envelope undated
Photo 4 Folder 40 Towada Lake, Fine View of Lake Towada/十和田湖風景  —  9 items; postcards, envelope undated
Photo 4 Folder 41 Towada Lake, Views of Towada: Group No. 1/十和田風景第一輯  —  6 items; postcards undated
Postcards of landscape paintings, published by Sendai Region, Japanese Government Railways/仙台鐵道局.
Photo 4 Folder 42 Towada Lake, Views of Towada: Group No. 2/十和田風景第二輯  —  6 items; postcards undated
Postcards of landscape paintings, published by Sendai Region, Japanese Government Railways/仙台鐵道局.
Photo 4 Folder 43 Yokohama, The Yokohama Commercial and Industrial Museum/横浜市商工奨励館絵葉書  —  2 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by The Yokohama Chamber of Commers and Industry/横浜商工会議所.
Photo 4 Folder 44 Yokohama, miscellaneous  —  3 items; postcards undated
Yokohama Hara Garden/三渓園, Hotel New Grand Yokohama.
Photo 4 Folder 45 Famous Views & Customs, Fair Japan/麗しの日本  —  5 items; postcards undated
Published by Japan State Railways/日本鐵道省.
Photo 4 Folder 46 Famous Views & Customs, Japan Beautiful Charming Land, A & B  —  8 items; postcards, envelope undated
Tōkyō Central Station, Himeji Castle, Dancing girls, Lake Chūzenji, Kegon Fall, San-in Line.
Published by Japanese Government Railways.
Photo 4 Folder 47 Famous Views & Customs, Japan Beautiful Charming Land, C  —  9 items; postcards, envelope undated
Miyajima, Nikkō, Lake Towada, Fuji Mountain, Koto/Shamisen, Golden Pavilion (Kinkakuji), Amano Hashidate, Arashiyama (Kyōto).
Published by Japanese Government Railways.
Photo 4 Folder 48 Famous Views & Customs, N.Y.K. Line  —  9 items; postcards undated
Himeji Castle, Fish, Shanghai, Japanese girls. Published by the N. Y. K. Line. Include duplicates.
Photo 4 Folder 49 Famous Views & Customs, N. Y. K. Line, M.S. "Asama Maru"  —  7 items; postcards undated
Himeji Castle, Golden Pavilion (Kinkakuji), Inland Sea (Tomonotsu), Nikkō (Yōmeimon). Published by the N. Y. K. Line, M.S. "Asama Maru." Include duplicates.
Photo 4 Folder 50 Famous Views & Customs  —  7 items; postcards, envelope undated
Amakusa, Japan Alps, Fuji Mountain, Aso Mountain. Published by the Board of Tourist Industry, Japanese Government Railways.
Photo 4 Folder 51 Famous Views & Customs  —  7 items; postcards, envelope undated
Kasuga Shrine, Ueno Park, New Diet Building, Miyajima. Published by the Board of Tourist Industry, Japanese Government Railways.
Photo 4 Folder 52 Famous Views & Customs  —  7 items; postcards, envelope undated
Hollyhock Festival (Aoi Matsuri), Flower Arrangement, Bunraku, Noh, Tea Picking. Published by the Board of Tourist Industry, Japanese Government Railways.
Photo 4 Folder 53 Farmers, Farmer Life 12 Assorted Coloured by Hand/農業生活  —  25 items; postcards, envelope undated
Include duplicates.
Envelope and several postcards damaged.
Photo 4 Folder 54 Korea, Picture Postcard of Chosen/朝鮮の風光  —  24 items; postcards, envelope undated
Chosen Hotel, Choan-mon, P'yongyang. Published by Governmet Railways of Chosen/朝鮮総督府鐵道局. Include duplicates.
See Series 1.1, Lindsay Tour Materials: Korea for a pamphlet of Keijo (Seoul) and a postcard dated 23 May 1930 to Miss R. G. England.
Photo 4 Folder 55 Korea, Picture Postcard of Kongosan/金剛山  —  26 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Governmet Railways of Chosen/朝鮮総督府鐵道局. Include duplicates.
Photo 4 Folder 56 Korea, postcards of landscape paintings  —  12 items; postcards undated
Artist, Tokuda Gyokuryū[?]/徳田玉龍.
Photo 4 Folder 57 Korea, miscellaneous  —  4 items; postcards undated
Includes Ewha Haktang/朝鮮京城梨花学堂.
Photo 4 Folder 58 Russia, miscellaneous  —  5 items; postcards undated
Photo 4 Folder 59 Scenery, miscellaneous  —  4 items; postcards undated
Photo 4 Folder 60 Ships, Asama Maru  —  9 items; postcards undated
Published by the N.Y.K. Line.
See a printed dinner menu for 11 April 1930 in Series 1.1, Lindsay Tour Materials: Ships.
Photo 4 Folder 61 Ships, Horai Maru  —  2 items; postcards undated
Annotated as "S. S. 'Horai Maru,' 10,000 tons gross, O.S.K. Kobe-Keelung liner."
Photo 4 Folder 62 Ships, Midori Maru  —  8 items; postcards undated
Published by Ōsaka Shōsen Kaisha.
Photo 4 Folder 63 Ships, Nagasaki Maru, Shanghai Maru  —  11 items; postcards undated
Include duplicates.
Photo 4 Folder 64 Ships, Rio de Janeiro Maru  —  8 items; postcards undated
Include duplicates.
Photo 4 Folder 65 Ships, Uraru Maru  —  4 items; postcards circa 1930
Annotated as "Ural Maru, O.S.K. Osaka-Dairen Liner." Include duplicates.
Photo 4 Folder 66 Silk Reeling in Japan: 10 Assorted Coloured by Hand  —  19 items; postcards undated
Photo 4 Folder 67 USA  —  4 items; postcards undated
San Francisco, Royal Hawaiian Hotel (Honolulu).
MB 1 Folder 33 Envelopes  —  8 items; envelopes
Oversize envelopes of the postcards (xerox phhotocopies accompany the postcards in the photo-box).

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Series:  Series 2: J. W. T. Mason Collection

Scope and Content:

J.W.T. (Joseph Warren Teets) Mason (1879-1941) was an American journalist who devoted himself to the study of Eastern philosophy and religion. While he was living in Europe as the manager and foreign affairs writer for several newspaper companies, he became acquainted with famous European philosophers as well as Japanese diplomats such as Suematsu Kenshō and Hayashi Gonsuke, who introduced him to Buddhism and Japanese Shinto, the native religion of Japan. He visited Japan in 1932 and lived there for a while as he continued his scholarly work. His departure date from Japan is unknown, but he died in New York on May 13, 1941. See Related Materials.


The original organization was kept for Subseries 1, but item groups were renamed and re-arranged in alphabetical order. Subseries 2 is arranged by Japanese geographic names in alphabetical order, followed by subjects, including non-Japanese geographic names, also in alphabetical order.

Subseries:  Subseries 2.1: Mason Photographs, 1915-1941

Scope and Content:

This subseries contains 108 photographs and correspondence collected by J. W. T. Mason. The date range of the events captured in the photographs is 1915-1945; however, Mason died in 1941. Portraits of Japanese and some American politicians, nobles, generals, and ambassadors seem to have been collected by Mason during his stay in Japan in the 1930s. Photographs are annotated by Mason. Kai Catalog No. 2869.

MB 1 Folder 34 British Cruiser Holding Up Asama Maru  —  11 items; black-and-white photographs 21 Jan. 1941
Photographs of British Cruiser Liverpool, soldiers of Liverpool, Admiral Harry E. Yarnell, Premier Admiral Mitsumasa Yonai (Each photograph has written annotation on the back.)
MB 1 Folder 35 Genkaku at the Enthronement Celebration of Taishō Emperor  —  3 items; black-and-white photographs pasted on a letter 10 Oct. 1940
A letter dated 31 Oct. 1920.
MB 1 Folder 36 Portraits of Politicians, Nobles, Generals, and Ambassadors  —  52 items; black-and-white photographs undated
Photographs of Abe Isoo, Arima Yoriyasu, Arita Hachirō, Chian Kai-shek and Chian Mei-ling, Sir Robert Leslie Craigie, Fujita Tshitaka, Joseph Clark Grew, Hamaguchi Osachi, Hata Shunroku, Hayashi Senjūrō, Hiranuma Kiichirō, Emperor Hirohito, Hirota Kōki, Honjō Shigeru, Inoue Junnosuke Isobe Yūji, Ural Alexis Johnson, Kajiyama Tameo, Kanaya Shin'ichi, Archibald John Kerr Clark Kerr, Koiso Kuniaki, Koyama Shōju, Matsudaira Tsuneo, Matsuoka Yōsuke, Nagata Hidejirō, Nakano Seigō, Nishio Gen, Okada Keisuke, Ōshima Masanori, Sir Herbert Phillips, Saionji Kinmochi, Saitō Takao, Sugiyama Hajime, Suzuki Kisaburō, Takagi Toranosuke, Tokonami Takejirō, Tokugawa Iesato, Tokutomi Iichirō, Ugaki Kasunari, Wu P'ei-fu, Henry E. Yarnell, Yonai Mitsumasa.
MB 1 Folder 37 Sino-Japanese Conflicts (Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945): Chinese  —  12 items; black-and-white photographs 1937-1945
Photographs of Chinese troops and civilians.
MB 1 Folder 38 Sino-Japanese Conflicts (Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945): Japanese  —  20 items; black-and-white photographs 1937-1945
Photographs of Japanese troops and civilians.
MB 2 Folder 39 World War II: British Troops  —  1 item; black-and-white photograph 1937-1945
At Shanghai.
MB 2 Folder 40 World War II: British Warships  —  1 item; black-and-white photograph 17 Dec. 1939
Cumberland at Shanghai.
MB 2 Folder 41 World War II: Chinese Warships  —  3 items; postcards 1937-1945
Ling Hi, Kong Yueng, Wing Kin.
MB 2 Folder 42 World War II: Japanese Warships  —  13 items; postcards 1937-1945
Myoko, Nachi, Haguro, Ashigara, Aoba, Kinugawa, Ise, Hiuga (Hyūga), Fusō, Yamashiro, Atago, Takao, Chōkai, Maya, Mutsu, Nagato, Haruna, Kongō, Kirishima, Mogami, Mikuma, Suzuya, Taigei, and Asahi.
MB 2 Folder 43 World War II: U.S. Troops  —  1 item; black-and-white photograph 1937-1945
At Shanghai.
MB 2 Folder 44 World War II: U.S. Warships  —  2 items; black-and-white photographs 1937-1945
Augusta. At Shanghai.

Subseries:  Subseries 2.2: Mason Postcards, circa 1929-1939

Scope and Content:

This subseries contains 571 postcards, photographs and ephemera collected by J. W. T. Mason during his stay in Japan in the 1930s. Many items are annotated by Mason. Kai Catalog No. 2946.

Photo 5 Folder 68 Beppu  —  3 items; black-and-white photograph, postcards undated
Beppu hot spring
Photo 5 Folder 69 Fuji Mountain  —  4 items; postcards undated
Photo 5 Folder 70 Gamagōri (Aichi)  —  1 item; postcard undated
Takenoshima seen from Gamagōri Hotel.
Photo 5 Folder 71 Hakone  —  6 items; postcards undated
Miyanoshita, Fujiya Hotel.
Photo 5 Folder 72 Ise (Mie)  —  1 item; postcard undated
See Series 2.2, Mason Postcards: Shinto Shrines, for Ise Jingū.
    Izu  —  ; 
See Series 2.2, Mason Postcards: Shizuoka.
Photo 5 Folder 73 Izumo  —  4 items; postcards undated
Kukedō cave, Yomegashima.
See Series 2.2, Mason Postcards: Shinto Shrines, for Sada Shrine, Onigami Shrine, Izumo Taisha Shrine, Hinomisaki Shrine, and Izumo (Shimane) miscellaneous shrines.
Photo 5 Folder 74 Kamakura  —  7 items; black-and-white photographs, postcards undated
Tsurugaoka Hachimangū, Daibutsu (Buddha), Enoshima.
Photo 5 Folder 75 Kii Kumano (Wakayama)  —  3 items; postcards undated
Katsuura, Nachizan, Dorohakkyo.
See Series 2.2, Mason Postcards: Shinto Shrines, for Kumano Nachi shrines. See also "Wakayama."
Photo 5 Folder 76 Kiso River, Nihon hakkei Kisogawa: Nihon rain meishō jūrokkeishū/日本八景木曽川: 日本ライン名勝十六景集  —  17 items; postcards, envelope undated
Photo 5 Folder 77 Kiso River, miscellaneous  —  2 items; postcards undated
Photo 5 Folder 78 Kobe  —  1 item; postcard undated
Theater street.
Photo 5 Folder 79 Kōyasan (Kongōbuji)/高野山(金剛峯寺)  —  4 items; black-and-white photographs, postcards undated
Photo 5 Folder 80 Kōyasan University (Kōyasan Daigaku)/高野山大学  —  2 items; black-and-white photographs undated
Amida Buddha, School building.
Photo 5 Folder 81 Kyoto, Gion Matsuri/祇園祭  —  7 items; black-and-white photographs undated
Photo 5 Folder 82 Kyoto, miscellaneous  —  7 items; postcards undated
Golden Pavilion, Arashiyama, Kasukabe, Maruyama Park, Ama-no-Hashidate.
See Series 2.2, Mason Postcards: Shinto Shrines, for Kamigamo Shrine, Yasaka Shrine, Heian Shrine, and Kyoto misc. shrines.
Photo 5 Folder 83 Matsushima (Miyagi)  —  2 items; postcards undated
Photo 5 Folder 84 Miyajima (Itsukushima)/宮島 (厳島)  —  3 items; postcards undated
Tamatori-sai/玉取祭 (Ball catching festival).
Photo 5 Folder 85 Moji, Chamber of Commerce and Industry/門司  —  5 items; postcards, envelope, pamphlet undated
Photo 5 Folder 86 Nagasaki, Unzen/雲仙  —  4 items; postcards, envelope undated
Photo 5 Folder 87 Nagasaki, Unzen, Kyūshū Hotel  —  3 items; postcards undated
Photo 5 Folder 88 Nagasaki, Unzen, miscellaneous  —  1 item; postcard undated
Photo 5 Folder 89 Nagoya  —  2 items; postcards undated
Nagoya Castle
Photo 5 Folder 90 Nara, Hōryūji ehagaki/法隆寺絵葉書  —  6 items; postcards, envelope undated
Photo 5 Folder 91 Nara, miscellaneous  —  3 items; postcards undated
Hōryūji, Deer Park
See Series 2.2, Mason Postcards: Shinto Shrines, for Kashiwara Shrine, Ōmiwa Shrine, and Kasuga Shrine.
Photo 5 Folder 92 Nikko  —  6 items; postcards undated
Nikko Tōshōgū, Shinkyō, Kegon Waterfall.
Photo 5 Folder 93 Osaka  —  1 item; black-and-white photograph undated
Education Tower.
Photo 5 Folder 94 Shizuoka, Famous Place: Shizuoka meishō ehagaki/静岡名勝絵はがき  —  8 items; postcards undated
Rinsaiji, Sengen Shrine, Shibayaji Temple, Tōshōgū Shrine, etc.
Photo 5 Folder 95 Shizuoka, Japan Green Tea is a World Treasure  —  5 items; postcards, envelope, pamphlet undated
Published by The Japan central Tea Association and The Shizuoka-ken Tea Association.
Photo 5 Folder 96 Shizuoka, miscellaneous  —  2 items; postcards undated
Atami and Shuzenji hot spring.
Photo 5 Folder 97 Tokyo, Diet Building Picture Card/国会議事堂  —  9 items; postcards, envelope undated
See also Series 2.2, Mason Postcards: Tokyo, miscellaneous buildings.
Photo 5 Folder 98 Tokyo, House of Councillors, Japan/参議院絵はがき  —  5 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by San'yū-kai (Foundation). See also Series 2.2, Mason Postcards: Tokyo, miscellaneous buildings.
Photo 5 Folder 99 Tokyo, The Maple Club Tokyo: Kōyōkan/東京紅葉館  —  5 items; postcards, envelope undated
Photo 5 Folder 100 Tokyo, Matsuzakaya/松坂屋  —  2 items; postcard, envelope circa 1929
Noted as Shōwa 4 [1929] open.
Photo 5 Folder 101 Tokyo, St. Luke's International Medical Center/聖路加国際メディカルセンター  —  10 items; postcards undated
Photo 5 Folder 102 Tokyo, miscellaneous buildings  —  34 items; postcards, black-and-white photograph undated
Earthquake Memorial Hall, Nikorai Temple, Yushima Confusius Sanctuary, Asakusa Matsuzakaya, Imperial Palace, Metropolitan Police Headquarter, Takashimaya, Imeperial Hotel, Imperial Parliamentary Building, statues, airplanes, bridges, universities.
Photo 5 Folder 103 Tokyo, miscellaneous temples and shrines  —  14 items; postcards undated
Nogi Shrine, Sengakuji, Sensōji, Asakusa Kannon Temple, Asakusa Honganji, Tsukiji Honganji.
See Series 2.2, Mason Postcards: Shinto Shrines, for Yasukuni Shrine, Meiji Jingū Shrine.
Photo 5 Folder 104 Towada Lake/十和田湖  —  1 item; postcard undated
Photo 5 Folder 105 Yamanashi, Souvenir of Shoji, Yamanashiken, Lake Shoji of Japan/山梨 精進湖  —  4 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Shōji Hotel.
Photo 5 Folder 106 Yokkaichi (Mie), Yokkaichi ehagaki/四日市 (三重) 四日市絵葉書  —  6 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Yokkaichi City Hall/四日市市役所.
    Wakayama  —  ; 
See Series 2.2, Mason Postcards: Shinto Shrines (for Hinokuma/Kunikakasu Jingū, and Kumano Nachi Shrine). See also Series 2.2, Mason Postcards: Kii Kumano.
MB 2 Folder 45 Armor  —  2 items; postcard, black-and-white photograph 1932, undated
Photo 5 Folder 107 Art Exhibitions  —  25 items; postcards, black-and-white photograph 1938, July 1939, undated
Monbushō bijutsu tenrankai/文部省美術展覧会, War Art Exhibit (Seisen bijutsu tenrankai)/聖戦美術展覧会, Tsubouchi Hakushi kinen engeki hakubutsukan/坪内博士記念演劇博物館, Shin zōkei bijutsu kyōkai tenrankai/新造型美術協会展覧会.
    Buddhism  —  ; 
See Series 2.2, Mason Postcards: Kamakura; Kōyasan; Nara; and Tokyo, miscellaneous temples and shrines.
Photo 5 Folder 108 China, Beijing (Peking)/北京  —  41 items; black-and-white photographs, postcards undated
See also Series 2.2, Mason Postcards: Manchoukuo; Mongolian; and Taiwan, Formosa.
Photo 5 Folder 109 China, Guangzhou (Canton)/広州  —  11 items; black-and-white photographs, envelope, postcard undated
Photo 5 Folder 110 China, Hangzhou (Hangchow)/杭州  —  4 items; black-and-white photograph, postcards undated
Photo 5 Folder 111 China, Hongkong/香港  —  4 items; postcards undated
Photo 5 Folder 112 China, Nanjing (Nanking)/南京  —  4 items; postcards undated
Photo 5 Folder 113 China, Qingdao (Tsuingtao)/青島  —  3 items; postcards undated
Photo 5 Folder 114 China, Shanghai/上海  —  19 items; black-and-white photograph, postcards undated
Photo 5 Folder 115 China, Tianjin (Tientsin)/天津  —  19 items; black-and-white photographs, envelope undated
Photo 5 Folder 116 China, Xiamen (Amoy, Kulangsu)  —  21 items; black-and-white photographs, envelope undated
Photo 5 Folder 117 China, miscellaneous  —  7 items; black-and-white photographs, postcards undated
Photo 5 Folder 118 Children  —  3 items; black-and-white photographs, postcard undated
Girls' Ceremony (hinamatsuri).
MB 2 Folder 46 Customs (New Year)  —  8 items; black-and-white photographs 23 March 1933, undated
At Count Uesugi's, Uta Karuta.
Photo 5 Folder 119 Farmers  —  3 items; postcards undated
Photo 5 Folder 120 Flower Arrangement  —  1 item; black-and-white photograph undated
Photo 5 Folder 121 Gardens  —  8 items; postcards undated
Enfukuji (Aichi)/圓福寺, Denpōin (Tokyo)/傳法院, Kōrakuen (Okayama)/後楽園, Suizenji (Kumamoto)/水前寺, Kenrokuen (Kanazawa)/兼六園.
MB 2 Folder 47 Gardens  —  1 item; black-and-white photograph undated
    Hotels  —  ; 
See Series 2.2, Mason Postcards: Hakone; Yamanashi; Gamagōri (Aichi); Shizuoka; Manchoukuo, Lüshun (Port Aruthur).
Photo 5 Folder 122 Kabuki  —  10 items; black-and-white photograph, postcards undated
Onoe Kikugorō, Ichikawa Ennosuke, Ōtani Tomoemon, Ichimura Uzaemon, Ichikawa Shōcho, Ichikawa Sumizō, Kabukiza Theater.
See also Series 2.2, Mason Postcards: Performing Arts.
Photo 5 Folder 123 Korea  —  10 items; postcards undated
"View of the Famous Place. Doliukutsu."
MB 2 Folder 48 Manchoukuo, Dalian (Dairen)/大連  —  2 items; black-and-white photographs undated
See also Series 2.2, Mason Postcards: China.
Photo 5 Folder 124 Manchoukuo, Lüshun (Port Arthur)/旅順  —  10 items; black-and-white photographs 26 June 1939-25 Nov. 1939
War memorial.
Photo 5 Folder 125 Manchoukuo, Lüshun (Port Arthur), Yamato Hotel/旅順  —  4 items; postcards, 1 envelope undated
Ogondai Beach, Yamato Hotel.
Photo 5 Folder 126 Manchoukuo, Shenyang (Mukden)/奉天  —  1 item; postcard undated
Medical College Hospital, Mukden.
Photo 5 Folder 127 Mongolia  —  4 items; black-and-white photographs undated
Armed bandits, Priest.
Photo 5 Folder 128 Performing Arts  —  17 items; black-and-white photographs, postcard undated
Dancers, Genji plays, folk dancing (bon odori, amagoi odori), Takarazuka, cinema, ningyō jōruri.
See also Series 2.2, Mason Postcards: Kabuki.
MB 2 Folder 49 Shinto Marriage Ceremony  —  8 items; black-and-white photographs, postcard, pamphlets, envelope 2 Nov. 1932-20 April 1933
"Ikuta Shrine, Kobe" for "Toyotaro Matsumura and Hisako Isono." Articles, "Wanderings Through Unfamiliar Japan: Marriages and Its Ceremony" by K. T.
Photo 5 Folder 129 Shinto Shrines, Heian Shrine (Kyoto)/平安神宮  —  3 items; postcards undated
See also Series 2.2, Mason Postcards: Miyajima (for Itsukushima Shrine); Izumo (for Wife Island); Kamakura (for Tsurugaoka Hachimangū); Nikko (for Nikko Tōshōgū); Shizuoka Famous Place (for Sengen Shrine, Tōshōgū Shrine); and Tokyo miscellaneous temples and shrines.
Photo 5 Folder 130 Shinto Shrines, Hinokuma and Kunikakasu Shrine (Wakayama)/日前・国懸神宮  —  5 items; postcards undated
Photo 5 Folder 131 Shinto Shrines, Hinomisaki Shrine (Izumo)/日御碕神社  —  1 item; postcard undated
Photo 5 Folder 132 Shinto Shrines, Ise Grand Shrine (Ise)/伊勢神宮  —  2 items; postcards undated
Photo 5 Folder 133 Shinto Shrines, Izumo Taisha Shrine (Izumo)/出雲大社  —  1 item; postcard undated
Photo 5 Folder 134 Shinto Shrines, Kamigamo Shrine (Kyoto)/上賀茂別雷神社  —  5 items; postcards undated
Also called Kamowake Ikazura Shrine.
Photo 5 Folder 135 Shinto Shrines, Kashihara Shrine (Nara)/橿原神宮  —  10 items; postcards undated
Photo 5 Folder 136 Shinto Shrines, Kashii Shrine (Fukuoka)/香椎宮  —  2 items; postcards undated
Photo 5 Folder 137 Shinto Shrines, Kasuga Shrine (Nara)/春日神社  —  4 items; postcards undated
Photo 5 Folder 138 Shinto Shrines, Kirishima Jingū Shrine (Kagoshima)/霧島神宮  —  1 item; postcard undated
Photo 5 Folder 139 Shinto Shrines, Kumano Nachi Shrine (Kii Kumano, Wakayama)/熊野那智神社  —  5 items; postcards undated
Photo 5 Folder 140 Shinto Shrines, Meiji Jingū Shrine (Tokyo)/明治神宮  —  3 items; postcards undated
Photo 5 Folder 141 Shinto Shrines, Munetada Shrine (Okayama)/宗忠神社  —  1 item; postcard undated
Photo 5 Folder 142 Shinto Shrines, Ōishi Shrine (Akō, Hyōgo)/大石神社  —  1 item; postcard undated
Photo 5 Folder 143 Shinto Shrines, Ōmiwa Shrine (Nara)/大神神社  —  7 items; postcards, note undated
Photo 5 Folder 144 Shinto Shrines, Onikami Shrine (Izumo)/鬼神神社  —  3 items; postcards undated
Photo 5 Folder 145 Shinto Shrines, Sada Shrine (Izumo)/佐太神社  —  2 items; black-and-white photograph, postcard undated
Mat Changing Festival/御座替祭.
Photo 5 Folder 146 Shinto Shrines, Udo Shrine (Miyazaki)/鵜戸神宮  —  1 item; postcard undated
Photo 5 Folder 147 Shinto Shrines, Yasaka Shrine (Kyoto)/八坂神社  —  12 items; postcards undated
Also called Gion Shrine for its Gion Festival/祇園祭. See also Series 2.2, Mason Postcards: Kyoto, Gion Matsuri/祇園祭.
Photo 5 Folder 148 Shinto Shrines, Yasukuni Shrine (Tokyo)/靖国神社  —  2 items; postcards undated
Photo 5 Folder 149 Shinto Shrines, Izumo (Shimane) miscellaneous shrines  —  3 items; postcards undated
Yaegaki Shrine/八重垣神社, Kamosu Shrine, Ōba Ōmiya/神魂神社 大庭大宮, Miho Shrine/美保神社.
Photo 5 Folder 150 Shinto Shrines, Kyoto miscellaneous shrines  —  2 items; postcards 21 June 1933, undated
Kitano Shrine/北野天満宮, Momoyama Mausolem/桃山御陵.
Photo 5 Folder 151 Shinto Shrines, miscellaneous shrines  —  5 items; black-and-white photographs, postcard undated
Photo 5 Folder 152 Street Scenes  —  2 items; postcards undated
Photo 5 Folder 153 Sumo, Fencing/相撲、剣道  —  3 items; black-and-white photograph, postcards undated
Photo 5 Folder 154 Taiwan, Formosa  —  5 items; black-and-white photographs, postcards undated
See also Series 2.2, Mason Postcards: China.
MB 2 Folder 50 Envelopes  —  9 items; envelopes
Oversize envelopes of the postcards (xerox phhotocopies accompany the postcards in the photo-box).

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Series:  Series 3: Katharine Becke Photographs

Scope and Content:

This series contains 14 hand-colored photographs of Japanese scenery from the late nineteenth century. They are noted as a gift of Katharine Becke, 29 May 1942, and originally recorded in the Kai Catalog No. 2953. Photographs are arranged in alphabetical order by the titles written on the original mounts.

MB 2 Folder 51 Boat  —  1 item circa 1940
Late 19th-century photographs. Gift of Katharine Becke, 29 May 1942.
Kai Catalog No. 2953
MB 2 Folder 52 Bronze Horse  —  1 item circa 1940
MB 2 Folder 53 Cherry Arcade  —  1 item circa 1940
MB 2 Folder 54 Cherry Blossom  —  1 item circa 1940
MB 2 Folder 55 Kiyomizu Temple, Kyoto/清水寺  —  1 item circa 1940
MB 2 Folder 56 Lantern & Bell, Nikko  —  1 item circa 1940
MB 2 Folder 57 Oji (Ōji) Garden, Tokyo  —  1 item circa 1940
[Ōji/王子?] Garden.
MB 2 Folder 58 Priests  —  1 item circa 1940
MB 2 Folder 59 Reaping Grain  —  1 item circa 1940
MB 2 Folder 60 Stone Lantern  —  1 item circa 1940
MB 2 Folder 61 Temple Gate with Niō/仁王門  —  1 item circa 1940
MB 2 Folder 62 Torii/鳥居  —  1 item circa 1940
MB 2 Folder 63 Twin Temple, Nikko  —  1 item circa 1940
[Rinnōji, Jōgyōdō/輪王寺 常行堂?]
MB 2 Folder 64 Village  —  1 item circa 1940

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Series:  Series 4: Japanese Subjugation of Rehe Sheng (China) "Public Relations" Photographs (Nekka Tōbatsu ni kansuru kōhō shashin), 1933

Scope and Content:

This series includes 138 black-and-white photographs (size: 4 5/16 in. x 6 in.) taken during the Japanese subjugation of the Rehe Sheng (Nekka 熱河) Province of China by the Japanese government in 1933. The photographs were used for the Japanese government’s "public relation" purposes. Some photographs are dated from February to April 1933. The photographs were originally organized in five groups entitled "Nekka Tōbatsu ni kansuru kōhō shashin (熱河討伐ニ関する弘報写真)," "sono-ichi [part 1]” through “sono-go [part 5]." Kai Catalog No. 2881. Arranged in the original order.

MB 2 Folder 65 Japanese Subjugation of Rehe Sheng Public Relations Photographs, Part 1  —  60 items; black-and-white photographs 20 February 1933-12 March 1933, undated
Kai Catalog No. 2881
MB 2 Folder 66 Japanese Subjugation of Rehe Sheng Public Relations Photographs, Part 2  —  37 items; black-and-white photographs 23 February 1933-4 March 1933, undated
MB 2 Folder 67 Japanese Subjugation of Rehe Sheng Public Relations Photographs, Part 3  —  16 items; black-and-white photographs 13 March 1933, undated
MB 2 Folder 68 Japanese Subjugation of Rehe Sheng Public Relations Photographs, Part 4  —  15 items; black-and-white photographs 23 February 1933-16 March 1933, undated
MB 2 Folder 69 Japanese Subjugation of Rehe Sheng Public Relations Photographs, Part 5  —  10 items; black-and-white photographs 18 March 1933-7 April 1933

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Series:  Series 5: Japanese Photographs & Postcards, 1911-1982

Scope and Content:

This series includes 1,600 postcards and photographs and other ephemera items. The majority of items are undated, and the donors are unknown. Kai Catalog (see Bibliography) has further details on each item (Kai Catalog No. is stated in item description).


This series is arranged by geographic names in alphabetical order, followed by subjects, including non- Japanese geographic names, also in alphabetical order.

    Atami  —  ; 
See Series 5, Photographs & Postcards: Shizuoka; and Scenery.
    Beppu  —  ; 
See Series 5, Photographs & Postcards: Ōita; and Scenery.
Photo-Box 6 Folder 155 Chiba, Hotel Nikko, Narita  —  3 items; postcards undated
2 duplicates.
Kai Catalog No. 2933
    Enoshima  —  ; 
See Series 5, Photographs & Postcards: Scenery.
Photo-Box 6 Folder 156 Fuji Mountain  —  12 items; postcards undated
Kai Catalog No. 2954
Photo-Box 6 Folder 157 Fukuoka, Dazaifu tenmangū ehagaki/太宰府天満宮絵葉書  —  8 items; postcards, envelope undated
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 6 Folder 158 Fukuoka, Hoshi [kashi?] no sato, Hakata Genjūan/博多幻住庵  —  11 items; postcards, envelope undated
Gift of H. Rogers, 19 May 1952.
Kai Catalog No. 2932
Photo-Box 6 Folder 159 Fukuoka, Shōfukuji/聖福寺  —  15 items; postcards, pamphlet 5 July 1944 [昭和丁亥]
Gift of H. Rogers, 19 May 1952.
Kai Catalog No. 2958
Photo-Box 6 Folder 160 Hakone, Hakone zenshū: Whole Hakone/箱根全集  —  17 items; postcards, envelope undated
See also Series 5, Photographs & Postcards: Hotels (for Fujiya Hotel); Scenery.
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 6 Folder 161 Hiei Mountain, Hieizan Enryakuji/比叡山延暦寺  —  6 items; postcards undated
Kai Catalog No. 2954 under Kyoto.
Photo-Box 6 Folder 162 Hiei Mountain, Mt. Hiei Cable Car, Lake Biwa Side/比叡山ケーブルカー琵琶湖畔  —  9 items; postcards, envelope undated
Kai Catalog No. 2929
Photo-Box 6 Folder 163 Hokkaido, Hokkaidō dojin ehagaki/北海道土人絵はがき  —  24 items; postcards bound in 2 volumes undated
Published by Hokkaido Ehagaki Kurabu.
Kai Catalog No. 2930
Photo-Box 6 Folder 164 Hokkaido, miscellaneous  —  1 item; postcard undated
Published by Japanese Government Railways.
Kai Catalog No. 2954
Photo-Box 6 Folder 165 Hyōgo, Tessai: Kiyoshi sanpō kōjin Seichōji/鐡斎: 清三宝荒神清澄寺  —  7 items; postcards, envelope undated
Kai Catalog No. 2961
Photo-Box 6 Folder 166 Ise, Futamigaura/二見浦  —  10 items; postcards undated
Published by Okitama Jinja/輿玉神社.
Kai Catalog No. 2954
    Itsukushima  —  ; 
See Series 5, Photographs & Postcards: Miyajima.
Photo-Box 6 Folder 167 Kamakura, miscellaneous  —  3 items; postcards, pamphlet undated
Daibutsu or Great Buddha.
See Series 5, Photographs & Postcards: Scenery.
Kai Catalog No. 2954
Photo-Box 6 Folder 168 Kagoshima, Kenritsu kōen: Kagoshima-ken/県立公園・鹿児島県  —  6 items; postcards, envelope undated
Illustration by Yoshii Junji/吉井淳二 (1994-2004).
Kai Catalog No. 2953 under Painting
See Series 5, Photographs & Postcards: Scenery.
Photo-Box 6 Folder 169 Kōyasan, Kōyasan henshō kōin hōmotsu/高野山遍照光院寳物  —  17 items; postcards, envelope undated
Kai Catalog No. 2953 under Universities
MB 2 Folder 70 Kōyasan, The Kōyasan Monastery  —  2 items; pamphlet, envelope undated
Kai Catalog No. 2954
Photo-Box 6 Folder 170 Kyoto, Heian Jingū jidai matsuri ehagaki/平安神宮時代祭絵はがき  —  9 items; postcards, envelope undated
See Series 5, Photographs & Postcards: Hiei Mountain; and Scenery.
Kai Catalog No. 2928
Photo-Box 6 Folder 171 Kyoto, Jōdoshū sōhonzan Chion’in keidai ehagaki/浄土宗総本山知恩院境内絵葉書  —  7 items; postcards, envelope undated
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 6 Folder 172 Kyoto, Kyō ningyō (Kyō dolls)/京人形  —  24 items; postcards undated
Illustration by Shūhō/秀峰, published by Takahashi Book Stall, Imperial Hotel, Kyoto.
Kai Catalog No. 2942
Photo-Box 6 Folder 173 Kyoto, Momoyama, the Mausolem of the Late Emperor Meiji/桃山御陵  —  1 item; postcard undated
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 6 Folder 174 Kyoto, Ryōanji/龍安寺  —  6 items; postcards undated
Kai Catalog No. 2953 under Kyoto-Ryoanji
MB 2 Folder 71 Kyoto, Ryōanji Temple Rock Garden (Ryōanji sekitei)/龍安寺石庭  —  8 items; postcards, pamphlet, envelope undated
Kai Catalog No. 2957
Photo-Box 6 Folder 175 Kyoto, Seihōji (Matsuo, Kokedera)/松尾西芳寺(苔寺)  —  4 items; postcards undated
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 6 Folder 176 Kyoto, Tōji ehagaki: kenzōbutsu no bu/東寺絵葉書・建造物ノ部  —  9 items; postcards, envelope undated
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 6 Folder 177 Kyoto, Uzumasa Kōryūji, Hōan, chashitsu ehagaki/太秦廣隆寺蜂庵、茶室絵葉書  —  7 items; postcards, envelope undated
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 6 Folder 178 Kyoto, Uzumasa Kōryūji, Kōgōheika gyōkei kinen ehagaki/太秦廣隆寺皇后陛下行啓紀念絵葉書  —  7 items; postcards, envelope 13 Nov. 1922 [Taishō 11]
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 6 Folder 179 Kyoto, Uzumasa Kōryūji, Kokuhō ehagaki: butsuga monjo no bu/太秦廣隆寺国宝絵葉書・佛画文書之部  —  6 items; postcards, envelope undated
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 6 Folder 180 Kyoto, Uzumasa Kōryūji, Kokuhō ehagaki: butsuzō dai-isshū/太秦廣隆寺国宝絵葉書・佛像第一輯  —  15 items; postcards, envelope undated
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 6 Folder 181 Kyoto, Uzumasa Kōryūji, Kokuhō ehagaki: butsuzō dai-nishū/太秦廣隆寺国宝絵葉書・佛像第二輯  —  11 items; postcards, envelope undated
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 6 Folder 182 Kyoto, Uzumasa Kōryūji, Ushimatsuri ehagaki/太秦廣隆寺牛祭絵はがき  —  5 items; postcards Oct. 1923 [Taishō 12]
Kai Catalog No. 2953
MB 2 Folder 72 Kyoto, Uzumasa Kōryūji, Ushimatsuri ehagaki/太秦廣隆寺牛祭絵はがき  —  2 items; pamphlet, envelope Oct. 1923 [Taishō 12]
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 6 Folder 183 Kyoto, miscellaneous  —  26 items; postcards undated
Kai Catalog No. 2954
Photo-Box 6 Folder 184 Miyajima, Nihon sankei: Itsukushima/宮島・日本三景・厳島  —  15 items; postcards undated
Kai Catalog No. 2954 under Itsukushima
MB 2 Folder 73 Miyajima, miscellaneous  —  3 items; black-and-white and hand-colored photographs undated
Kai Catalog No. 2954 under Itsukushima
Photo-Box 6 Folder 185 Miyajima, miscellaneous  —  8 items; postcards undated
Kai Catalog No. 2954 under Itsukushima
Photo-Box 6 Folder 186 Miyazaki, Taiyō to shinwa no kuni Miyazaki/太陽と神話のくに・みやざき  —  11 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Miyazaki-ken Keikaku Kankōka.
Kai Catalog No. 2960
Photo-Box 6 Folder 187 Nagasaki, View of Nagasaki: Yume no Nagasaki/夢の長崎  —  19 items; postcards, envelope undated
Kai Catalog No. 2969
Photo-Box 6 Folder 188 Nagasaki, Views of Nagasaki: Nihon saiko no minato, Nagasaki isshū/日本最古の港・長崎一周  —  16 items; postcards, envelope, map undated
Accompanying map published by Kōbundō/隆文堂.
Kai Catalog No. 2948
Photo-Box 6 Folder 189 Nagoya, miscellaneous  —  1 item; postcard undated
Nagoya Castle
Kai Catalog No. 2954
MB 2 Folder 74 Nara, Hōryūji/法隆寺  —  9 items; postcards, envelope undated
Kai Catalog No. 2931
Photo-Box 6 Folder 190 Nara, Hōryūji ehagaki: 4/法隆寺絵はがき・四  —  8 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Hōryūji/大和国法隆寺.
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 6 Folder 191 Nara, Hōryūji hekisho: sono ichi/法隆寺壁書其の一  —  6 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Hōryūji/大和国法隆寺.
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 6 Folder 192 Nara, Hōryūji hekisho: roku/法隆寺壁書・六  —  6 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Hōryūji/大和国法隆寺.
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 6 Folder 193 Nara, Hōryūji, miscellaneous  —  2 items; postcards undated
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 6 Folder 194 Nara, Kasuga Shrine/春日大社  —  8 items; postcards undated
Photo by S. Matsuyama.
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 6 Folder 195 Nara, Nara/奈良  —  7 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Nara-ken Kankō-ka/奈良県観光課. Photo by Irie Taikichi/入江泰吉.
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 6 Folder 196 Nara, Nara Hotel/奈良ホテル  —  3 items; postcards undated
Kai Catalog No. 2953
MB 2 Folder 75 Nara, miscellaneous  —  3 items; color and black-and-white photographs 18 Jan 1954, undated
Unidentified Buddhist sculpture
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 6 Folder 197 Nara, miscellaneous  —  25 items; postcards undated
Kai Catalog No. 2953
    Narita  —  ; 
See Series 5, Photographs & Postcards: Chiba.
Photo-Box 6 Folder 198 Nikko, Nikkō Tōshōgū ehagaki: chōkoku no bu (Sculpture)/日光東照宮絵葉書・彫刻之部  —  6 items; postcards, pamphlet, envelope 18 Aug. 1917 [Taishō 6]
See Series 5, Photographs & Postcards: Hotels (for Kanaya Hotel, Nikko); and Leaf and Flower (plant material).
Kai Catalog No. 2954
Photo-Box 6 Folder 199 Nikko, Nikkō Tōshōgū ehagaki: hōmotsu no bu (Treasures)/日光東照宮絵葉書・寶物之部  —  7 items; postcards, pamphlet, envelope 18 May 1920 [Taishō 9]
Kai Catalog No. 2954
Photo-Box 6 Folder 200 Nikko, Nikkō Tōshōgū ehagaki: kaisho no bu (Paintings)/日光東照宮絵葉書・絵書之部  —  6 items; postcards, pamphlet, envelope 18 Aug. 1917 [Taishō 6]
Kai Catalog No. 2954
Photo-Box 6 Folder 201 Nikko, Nikkō Tōshōgū ehagaki: kenchiku no bu (Architecture)/日光東照宮絵葉書・建築之部  —  7 items; postcards, pamphlet, envelope 18 Aug. 1917 [Taishō 6]
Kai Catalog No. 2954
Photo-Box 6 Folder 202 Nikko, Nikkō Tōshōgū ehagaki: zenkei no bu (Whole views)/日光東照宮絵葉書・全景之部  —  3 items; postcards, envelope undated
Kai Catalog No. 2954
Photo-Box 6 Folder 203 Nikko, Souvenir of Nikko, 12 Assorted Permanent Photographs  —  13 items; postcards, envelope undated
Kai Catalog No. 2954
Photo-Box 6 Folder 204 Nikko, miscellaneous  —  1 item; hand-colored photograph undated
Kai Catalog No. 2954
Photo-Box 6 Folder 205 Nikko, miscellaneous  —  24 items; postcards undated
Tōshōgū, Pagoda, Kirifuri Fall, Ganmagafuchi, Kegon Waterfall, Sacred Bridge, Chūzenji Lake.
Kai Catalog No. 2954
Photo-Box 6 Folder 206 Ōita, Beppu, miscellaneous/大分別府  —  4 items; postcards undated
See also Series 5, Photographs & Postcards: Scenery, miscellaneous.
Kai Catalog No. 2954
Photo-Box 6 Folder 207 Ōita, Taigadō iboku/大雅堂遺墨  —  8 items; postcards, envelope undated
Paintings by Ikeno Taiga at Jishōji, Nakatsu-shi/池野大雅・中津市自性寺.
Kai Catalog No. 2959
Photo-Box 6 Folder 208 Ōita, View of Yabakei/大分耶馬渓  —  7 items; postcards undated
Kai Catalog No. 2954 under Yabakei
Photo-Box 6 Folder 209 Osaka, The Castle of Osaka  —  6 items; postcards undated
See also Series 5, Photographs & Postcards: Scenery, miscellaneous.
Kai Catalog No. 2954
Photo-Box 6 Folder 210 Osaka, miscellaneous  —  15 items; postcards undated
Tsūtenkaku, Dōtonbori, Kitahama Street, Prefectural Office, Harbor, Naniwa Bridge, Nakanoshima Park, Rakutenchi, Osaka Castle, Shitennōji Temple, Kōzu Shrine, Sumiyoshi Shrine, Dōjima Building, Municipal Office.
Kai Catalog No. 2954
Photo-Box 6 Folder 211 Okinawa, Nago/沖縄・名護  —  5 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Yamakawa Shashinkan.
Kai Catalog No. 2952
Photo-Box 6 Folder 212 Shimane, Saigō no fūkei sukecchi/西郷の風景スケッチ  —  12 items; postcards, envelope undated
Illustration by Nakamura Hidenosuke/中村秀之助. Published by Saigō Kankō Kyōkai.
Includes duplicates.
Kai Catalog No. 2956
MB 2 Folder 76 Shimizu Tunnel (between Gunma and Niigata)/清水トンネル(群馬・新潟間)  —  3 items; black-and-white photographs 15 Aug. 1926 [Taishō 15]-2 Oct. 1929 [Shōwa 4]
Kai Catalog No. 2954
Photo-Box 6 Folder 213 Shimonoseki, Shimonoseki meishō/下関名勝  —  16 items; postcards undated
Kai Catalog No. 2954
Photo-Box 6 Folder 214 Shizuoka, Atami, miscellaneous/静岡・熱海  —  11 items; postcards undated
View of Atami/熱海名勝, Atami Manpei Hotel/万平ホテル
See also Series 5, Photographs & Postcards: Fuji Mountain.
Kai Catalog No. 2954
Photo-Box 6 Folder 215 Tokyo, A Birds-Eye Views of Tokyo: Tōkyō sora no kankō/東京空の観光  —  9 items; postcards, envelope circa 1963
Published by Shinseidō/新生堂.
Kai Catalog No. 2963
Photo-Box 6 Folder 216 Tokyo, Marunouchi birudingu (building)/丸の内ビルディング  —  6 items; postcards, envelopes undated
Published by Mitsubishi Jishoka/三菱地所課.
Includes duplicates.
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 6 Folder 217 Tokyo, Marunouchi ehagaki/丸の内絵葉書  —  6 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Mitsubishi Gōshi Kaisha Jishobu/三菱合資会社地所部.
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 6 Folder 218 Tokyo, Marunouchi ehagaki/丸の内絵葉書  —  7 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Mitsubishi Gōshi Kaisha Jishobu/三菱合資会社地所部.
Different from the above set.
Kai Catalog No. 2953
MB 2 Folder 77 Tokyo, The National Stadium, Kokuritsu Yoyogi Kyōgijō/国立代々木競技場  —  9 items; postcards, envelope 22 Feb. 1970
Kai Catalog No. 2940
MB 2 Folder 78 Tokyo, Tourist Section of Tokyo Metropolitan Government  —  9 items; postcards, envelope undated
Ginza, Asakusa, Edo Castle, Kabuki, Meiji Shrine, Kameido Tenjin Shrine.
Published by Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 6 Folder 219 Tokyo, Tokyo Tower: Sekai ichi no Tōkyō tawā/世界一の東京タワー  —  12 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Nihon Denpatō Kabushiki Gaisha/日本電波塔株式会社.
Kai Catalog No. 2964
Photo-Box 6 Folder 220 Tokyo, Ryōgoku National Sports Arena, Ryōgoku Kokugikan/両国国技館  —  4 items; postcards undated
Includes duplicates.
Kai Catalog No. 2955
MB 2 Folder 79 Tokyo, miscellaneous  —  11 items; black-and-white photographs undated
Imperial Palace, Asakusa Nakamise, American dinner. Some photographs have annotation on the back.
Kai Catalog No. 2954
Photo-Box 6 Folder 221 Tokyo, miscellaneous  —  35 items; postcards undated
Asakusa, Meiji Shrine, Mitsukoshi Department Store, Matsuya Department Store, Asakusa Kannon Temple, Hibiya Park, Maple Club, Shiba Park, Subway, Imperial University, Imperial Palace, Sakurada Gate, Ueno Park, Marunouchi, Komagata Bridge, Municipal Office
Kai Catalog Nos. 2953 and 2954
Photo-Box 6 Folder 222 Wakayama, Dōjōji engi/和歌山・道成寺縁起  —  9 items; postcards, envelope circa 1950
Noted in the envelope "not having caught fire for 1250 years since Taihō 1 [701]."
Kai Catalog No. 2921
Photo-Box 6 Folder 223 Yokohama, miscellaneous  —  17 items; postcards undated
Isezakichō-dōri, Sankeien, Bashamichi-dōri, Harbor.
Kai Catalog No. 2954
    Ainu  —  ; 
See also Series 5, Photographs & Postcards: Hokkaidō, Hokkaidō dojin ehagaki.
Photo-Box 6 Folder 224 Anthropology, Nihon minzoku kenkyū shiryō ehagaki, dai-isshū: kakushu saigu/日本民俗研究資料絵葉書・第一輯各種祭具  —  7 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Achikku myuzeamu/アチック・ミュウゼアム.
Kai Catalog No. 2949
Photo-Box 6 Folder 225 Anthropology, Nihon minzoku kenkyū shiryō ehagaki, dai-nishū: shuryō yōgu to funagu/日本民俗研究資料絵葉書・第二輯狩猟用具と舟具  —  7 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Achikku myuzeamu/アチック・ミュウゼアム.
Kai Catalog No. 2949
Photo-Box 6 Folder 226 Anthropology, Nihon minzoku kenkyū shiryō ehagaki, dai-sanshū: gama oyobi wara seihin/日本民俗研究資料絵葉書・第三輯蒲及び藁製品  —  7 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Achikku myuzeamu/アチック・ミュウゼアム.
Kai Catalog No. 2949
Photo-Box 6 Folder 227 Anthropology, Nihon minzoku kenkyū shiryō ehagaki, dai-yonshū: sanson yōgu kakushu/日本民俗研究資料絵葉書・第四輯山村用具各種  —  7 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Achikku myuzeamu/アチック・ミュウゼアム.
Kai Catalog No. 2949
Photo-Box 6 Folder 228 Anthropology, Nihon minzoku kenkyū shiryō ehagaki, dai-goshū: yukiguni yō waragutsu/日本民俗研究資料絵葉書・第五輯雪国用藁沓  —  7 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Achikku myuzeamu/アチック・ミュウゼアム.
Kai Catalog No. 2949
Photo-Box 6 Folder 229 Anthropology, Nihon minzoku kenkyū shiryō ehagaki, dai-rokushū: kakushu geta/日本民俗研究資料絵葉書・第六輯各種下駄  —  7 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Achikku myuzeamu/アチック・ミュウゼアム.
Kai Catalog No. 2949
Photo-Box 6 Folder 230 Anthropology, Nihon minzoku kenkyū shiryō ehagaki, dai-nanashū: kakushu tako/日本民俗研究資料絵葉書・第七輯各種凧  —  7 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Achikku myuzeamu/アチック・ミュウゼアム.
Kai Catalog No. 2949
Photo-Box 6 Folder 231 Anthropology, Nihon minzoku kenkyū shiryō ehagaki, dai-hachishū: yukiguni yō kanjiki/日本民俗研究資料絵葉書・第八輯雪国用かんじき  —  7 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Achikku myuzeamu/アチック・ミュウゼアム.
Kai Catalog No. 2949
Photo-Box 6 Folder 232 Anthropology, Nihon minzoku kenkyū shiryō ehagaki, dai-kyūshū: nōson kagu kakushu/日本民俗研究資料絵葉書・第九輯農村家具各種  —  7 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Achikku myuzeamu/アチック・ミュウゼアム.
Kai Catalog No. 2949
Photo-Box 6 Folder 233 Anthropology, Nihon minzoku kenkyū shiryō ehagaki, dai-jusshū: sōshingu oyobi gangu/日本民俗研究資料絵葉書・第十輯装身具及び玩具  —  6 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Achikku myuzeamu/アチック・ミュウゼアム.
Kai Catalog No. 2949
Photo-Box 6 Folder 234 Archaeology, Kōkogaku shiryō ehagaki dai-sanshū/考古学資料絵葉書第三輯  —  6 items; postcards, pamphlet, envelope May 1956 [Shōwa 31]
Published by Risshō Daigaku Kōko Gakkai/立正大学考古学会.
See also Series 5, Photographs & Postcards: Universities, Kyōto Daigaku bungakubu: Kōkogaku kyōshitsu hyōhon ehagaki dai-19shū.
Kai Catalog No. 2939
Photo-Box 6 Folder 235 Buddhist Sculpture, Ancient Buddha: Kotono butsuzō/古都の佛像  —  13 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Fukui Asahidō Co., Ltd.
See also Series 5, Photographs & Postcards: Kamakura.
Kai Catalog No. 2941
Photo-Box 6 Folder 236 Buddhist Sculpture, Fuken Bosatsu: kaigan kinen ehagaki/普賢菩薩六牙白象鼈甲亀銅像・開眼記念絵葉書  —  4 items; postcards, envelope undated
Kai Catalog No. 2953 under sculpture
Photo-Box 6 Folder 237 Buddhist Sculpture, Nyoirin Kanzenon Bosatsu onzō/如意輪観世音菩薩御像  —  5 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Chūgūji/中宮寺.
Kai Catalog No. 2950
Photo-Box 6 Folder 238 Bunraku, Bunraku: Japanese Puppet Theater/文楽  —  8 items; postcards, envelope undated
Yoshida Bungorō, Yoshida Eiza, Yoshida Tamagorō, Yoshida Tamasuke, Yoshida Tamao.
See also the Barbara Curtis Adachi Bunraku Collection, C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.
Kai Catalog No. 2919
Photo-Box 7 Folder 239 China, Guangdong Museum, Hakubutsukan chinretsuhin ehagaki, ro-kkmi/博物館陳列品絵葉書・ロ組  —  11 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Guangdong Museum/關東廳博物館.
See also Series 5, Photographs & Postcards: Manchoukuo; and Hotels (for Grand Hotel de Pekin).
Kai Catalog No. 2927
Photo-Box 7 Folder 240 China, Guangdong Museum, Hakubutsukan chinretsuhin ehagaki, ha-kumi/博物館陳列品絵葉書・ハ組  —  6 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Guangdong Museum/關東廳博物館.
Kai Catalog No. 2927
Photo-Box 7 Folder 241 China, Guangdong Museum, Hakubutsukan chinretsuhin ehagaki, ni-kumi/博物館陳列品絵葉書・ニ組  —  6 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Guangdong Museum/關東廳博物館.
Kai Catalog No. 2927
Photo-Box 7 Folder 242 China, Guangdong Museum, Hakubutsukan chinretsuhin ehagaki, ho-kumi/博物館陳列品絵葉書・ホ組  —  6 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Guangdong Museum/關東廳博物館.
Kai Catalog No. 2927
Photo-Box 7 Folder 243 China, Guangdong Museum, Hakubutsukan chinretsuhin ehagaki, he-kumi/博物館陳列品絵葉書・ヘ組  —  6 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Guangdong Museum/關東廳博物館.
Kai Catalog No. 2927
Photo-Box 7 Folder 244 China, Guangdong Museum, Hakubutsukan chinretsuhin ehagaki, to-kumi/博物館陳列品絵葉書・ト組  —  6 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Guangdong Museum/關東廳博物館.
Kai Catalog No. 2927
Photo-Box 7 Folder 245 China, Guangdong Museum, Hakubutsukan chinretsuhin ehagaki, chi-kumi/博物館陳列品絵葉書・チ組  —  6 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Guangdong Museum/關東廳博物館.
Kai Catalog No. 2927
Photo-Box 7 Folder 246 China, Guangdong Museum, Hakubutsukan chinretsuhin ehagaki, ri-kumi/博物館陳列品絵葉書・リ組  —  6 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Guangdong Museum/關東廳博物館.
Kai Catalog No. 2927
Photo-Box 7 Folder 247 China, Guangdong Museum, Hakubutsukan chinretsuhin ehagaki, nu-kumi/博物館陳列品絵葉書・ヌ組  —  6 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Guangdong Museum/關東廳博物館.
Kai Catalog No. 2927
Photo-Box 7 Folder 248 Customs, miscellaneous  —  19 items; postcards undated
See also Series 5, Photographs & Postcards: Portrait; and Scenery.
Kai Catalog No. 2954
Photo-Box 7 Folder 249 Customs, miscellaneous  —  3 items; hand-colored photographs undated
Kai Catalog No. 2954
Photo-Box 7 Folder 250 Dolls, Kindai kokeshi (Kokeshi dolls)/近代こけし  —  9 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Nihon Nōson Kōgei Sakka Kyokai/日本農村工芸作家協会.
Kai Catalog No. 2937
    Dolls, Kyō ningyō (kyō dolls)/京人形  —  ; 
See Series 5, Photographs & Postcards: Kyoto.
Photo-Box 7 Folder 251 Hawaii, miscellaneous  —  2 items; postcards undated
Royal Hawaiian Hotel, Diamond Head.
Kai Catalog No. 2954
Photo-Box 7 Folder 252 History, Ishin shishi iboku tenrankai kinen/維新志士遺墨展覧会記念  —  4 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Kokumin Shinbunsha/国民新聞社.
See also Series 5, Photographs & Postcards: Yoshida Shōin.
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 7 Folder 253 History, miscellaneous  —  6 items; postcards, list undated
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 7 Folder 254 Hotels, Fujiya Hotel, Picture Post Cards of Fujiya Hotel/富士屋ホテル  —  14 items; postcards, envelope undated
See also Series 5, Photographs & Postcards: Nara (for Nara Hotel); Shizuoka (for Atami Manpei Hotel); Hawaii (for Royal Hawaiian Hotel).
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 7 Folder 255 Hotels, Fujiya Hotel, miscellaneous/富士屋ホテル  —  2 items; postcards 19 April 1930-21 April 1930, undated
Color postcard has writings.
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 7 Folder 256 Hotels, miscellaneous  —  15 items; postcards undated
Grand Hotel de Pekin (Grand Hotel Beijing), Ibaraki Country Club, Imperial Hotel (Tokyo), Kanaya Hotel (Nikko), Kyūshū Hotel Unzen, Miyako Hotel (Kyoto), Palace Hotel (San Francisco, California).
Kai Catalog Nos. 2953 and 2954
    Ikeno Taiga  —  ; 
See Series 5, Photographs & Postcards: Ōita.
Photo-Box 7 Folder 257 Isamu Noguchi, Isamu Noguchi Garden Museum  —  7 items; postcards, envelope [198?]
Kai Catalog No. 2934
Photo-Box 7 Folder 258 Japanese Martyr, Les martyrs japonais  —  1 item; postcard 24 Jan. 1911
Writing on the card.
Kai Catalog No. 2945
Photo-Box 7 Folder 259 Kabuki Actors, Brander Matthews Dramatic Museum  —  96 items; postcards 1937, undated
Stamped "Brander Matthews Dramatic Museum."
See also Series 5, Photographs & Postcards: Performing Arts.
Kai Catalog No. 2954
Photo-Box 7 Folder 260 Kabuki Actors, Shōchiku Shashinbu  —  10 items; postcards undated
Published by Shōchiku Shashinbu/松竹写真部.
Kai Catalog Nos. 2935 and 2953 under Drama
Photo-Box 7 Folder 261 Kabuki Actors, miscellaneous  —  9 items; black-and-white photographs undated
Kōshirō, Kanzaburō, Utaemon, Ennosuke.
Some autographed.
Kai Catalog No. 2936
Photo-Box 7 Folder 262 Korea, Chōsen fūzoku ehagaki/朝鮮風俗絵葉書  —  51 items; postcards, box undated
Kai Catalog No. 2920
Photo-Box 7 Folder 263 Korea, Chōsen fuzoku, dai-isshū: fugeki/朝鮮巫俗、第一輯・巫覡  —  6 items; postcards, envelope undated
By Akamatsu Chijō and Akiba Takashi/赤松智城, 秋葉隆.
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 7 Folder 264 Korea, Chōsen fuzoku, dai-nishū: shinzō/朝鮮巫俗、第二輯・神像  —  6 items; postcards, envelope undated
By Akamatsu Chijō and Akiba Takashi/赤松智城, 秋葉隆.
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 7 Folder 265 Korea, Chōsen fuzoku, dai-sanshū: seijo/朝鮮巫俗、第三輯・聖所  —  6 items; postcards, envelope undated
By Akamatsu Chijō and Akiba Takashi/赤松智城, 秋葉隆.
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 7 Folder 266 Korea, Chōsen sōtokufu hakubutsukan ehagaki/朝鮮総督府博物館絵葉書  —  9 items; postcards, envelope undated
Photographs of famous architecture.
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 7 Folder 267 Korea, Chōsen sōtokufu hakubutsukan chinretsuhin ehagaki/朝鮮総督府博物館陳列品絵葉書  —  6 items; postcards, envelope undated
Incense burner, jar, vase, pots, sculpture.
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 7 Folder 268 Korea, Chōsen sōtokufu hakubutsukan chinretsuhin ehagaki dai-sanpen sono-ni/朝鮮総督府博物館陳列品絵葉書・第三編(其ノ二)  —  10 items; postcards, envelope undated
Stamps, mirror, ornated box, jewelry.
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 7 Folder 269 Korea, Chōsen sōtokufu hakubutsukan chinretsuhin ehagaki dai-jūippen sono-ichi/朝鮮総督府博物館陳列品絵葉書・第十一編(其ノ一)  —  9 items; postcards, envelope undated
Mural painting, sculpture, vases.
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 7 Folder 270 Korea, Chōsen sōtokufu hakubutsukan chinretsuhin ehagaki, miscellaneous/朝鮮総督府博物館陳列品絵葉書  —  3 items; postcards undated
Jewelry, sculpture.
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 7 Folder 271 Korea, miscellaneous  —  22 items; postcards undated
Keijō, Korean customs, famous views, Mount Kongo.
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 7 Folder 272 Korea, miscellaneous  —  2 items; black-and-white photographs undated
Street of Keijo, Korean girl portrait.
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 7 Folder 273 Lafcadio Hearn (Koizumi Yakumo), Lafcadio Hearn  —  14 items; postcards, pamphlet, envelopes 1922
Published by Yakumo Kai/八雲会.
One set is noted as "G LCG 1-18-46 [gift of LCG. 18 January 1946]."
Kai Catalog No. 2943
MB 2 Folder 80 Leaf and Flower (plant material), Maple leaves  —  3 items; pressed leaves, printed material undated
Kai Catalog No. 2954
MB 2 Folder 81 Leaf and Flower (plant material), Nikko[?]  —  6 items; postcards and note with pressed leaves 9 Nov. 1929 [Shōwa 4]
Envelope noted as “Done by old man out from Nikko.”
Kai Catalog No. 2954
Photo-Box 7 Folder 274 Leaf and Flower (plant material), Senshūkai/千秋会  —  4 items; postcards undated
Kai Catalog No. 2954
Photo-Box 7 Folder 275 Leaf and Flower (plant material), miscellaneous  —  1 item; hand-colord photograph undated
Kai Catalog No. 2954
Photo-Box 7 Folder 276 Manchoukuo  —  7 items; postcards undated
Hsingking, Map of Manchoukuo, Anshun Steel Mill.
Published by the Imperial Government of Manchoukuo. Includes duplicates.
Kai Catalog No. 2954
Photo-Box 7 Folder 277 Motoori Norinaga, Motoori ō iseki ehagaki/本居翁遺跡絵はがき  —  11 items; postcards, envelope 24 June 1936 [Shōwa 11]
Published by Ise Matsuzaka Suzuya Iseki Hozonkai/伊勢松阪鈴屋保存会.
Kai Catalog No. 2947
Photo-Box 7 Folder 278 Papermaking, Picture Post-cards of Hand-made Paper-making Process: Tesukigami kōtei zu/手漉紙工程図  —  11 items; postcards, envelope March 1953 [Shōwa 28]
Published by Seishi Kinenkan/製紙記念館.
Kai Catalog No. 2962
MB 3 Folder 82 Performing Arts, Actors/Actresses  —  12 items; black-and-white photographs, note undated
Some photographs contain annotations on the back.
See also Series 5, Photographs & Postcards: Kabuki Actors; and Universities (for Waseda University, Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum), and Series 1.2, Lindsay Photographs & Postcards: Actresses.
Kai Catalog No. 2953 under Drama
Photo-Box 7 Folder 279 Painting, Botsugo hyakunen kinen: Ichikawa Beian iboku/没後百年記念市河米庵遺墨.  —  8 items; postcards, pamphlet, envelope undated
See also Series 5, Photographs & Postcards: Hyōgo (for Tessai); Kagoshima (for Kenritsu kōen, illustration by Yoshii Junji); Ōita (for Taigadō iboku); Shimane (for Saigō no fūkei suketch); Wakayama (for Dōjōji); History; and Utagawa Hiroshige.
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 7 Folder 280 Painting, miscellaneous  —  33 items; postcards undated
Meiji Taishō meisaku tenranka/明治対象名作展覧会, Teikoku Bijutsuin dai-jukkai bijutsu tenrankai/定刻美術院第十回美術展覧会, Tōkyō Teishitsu Hakubutsukan/東京帝室博物館.
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 7 Folder 281 Portrait, Enshi hyakumensō/艶姿百面相近世風俗.  —  25 items; postcards, envelope undated
Illustration by Eishin/英信.
See also Series 5, Photographs & Postcards: History
Kai Catalog No. 2923
Photo-Box 7 Folder 282 Portrait, Nihon bushidō ehagaki: gishi meimeiden/日本武士道義士銘々傳画はがき.  —  54 items; postcards, covers undated
Kai Catalog No. 2926
Photo-Box 7 Folder 283 Portrait, Working Men in Japan: 10 Assorted Coloured by Hand  —  11 items; postcards, envelope undated
Kai Catalog No. 2967
Photo-Box 7 Folder 284 Scenery, Views of Japan: 10 Assorted Coloured by Hand  —  12 items; postcards, envelope undated
See also Series 3, Becke Photographs.
Kai Catalog No. 2965
Photo-Box 7 Folder 285 Scenery, miscellaneous  —  65 items; black-and-white photographs circa 1929, undated
Hakone, Nara, Kobe Harbor, Akashi, Beppu, Nakatsu, Yabakei (Ōita), Ōsaka Castle, Enoshima, Kyoto, Kamakura, Atami.
Kai Catalog No. 2954 under Japan (general)
Photo-Box 7 Folder 286 Ships  —  7 items; postcards undated
Asama maru (N. Y. K. Line), Chōjō maru, Nagasaki maru, Shanghai maru (N. Y. K. Line), Sakaki maru (D. K. K. Dairen-Tsingtao-Shangahi Liner).
Kai Catalog No. 2954
Photo-Box 7 Folder 287 Swords, Shōmu tenrankai kinen ehagaki/尚武展覧会記念絵葉書  —  7 items; postcards, envelope undated
Published by Ginza Matsuzakaya.
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 7 Folder 288 Swords, Teishitsu Hakubutsukan/帝室博物館  —  6 items; postcards undated
Kai Catalog No. 2953
MB 3 Folder 83 The Tale of Genji, Genji monogatari emaki/源氏物語絵巻, Genji monogatari gachō/源氏物語画帖  —  8 items; postcards undated
Published by Tokugawa Art Museum/徳川美術館.
Genji Monogatari gachō painted by Tosa Mitsunori/土佐光則.
Kai Catalog Nos. 2924 and 2925
MB 3 Folder 84 Tenrikyō, Ojiba shashin/天理教お地場写真  —  10 items; postcards, photograph, label on cardboard 3 March 1931 [Shōwa 6]
Kai Catalog No. 2951
Photo-Box 7 Folder 289 Universities, Aoyama Gakuin kōsha shinchiku rakusei kinen ehagaki/青山学院校舎新築落成記念絵葉書  —  9 items; postcards, envelope undated
Kai Catalog No. 2953
MB 3 Folder 85 Universities, Hitotsubashi High School Library  —  1 item; black-and-white photograph circa 1951
Gift of Matsuki, Principal, on 17 March 1951.
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 7 Folder 290 Universities, Kobe College, Kōbe Jogakuin/神戸女学院  —  13 items; postcards, envelope undated
Kai Catalog No. 2953
MB 3 Folder 86 Universities, Kobe College, Kōbe Joogakuin sōritsu hachijū-shūnen kinen/神戸女学院創立八十周年記念  —  3 items; postcards, envelope circa 1955
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 7 Folder 291 Universities, Kokugakuin Daigaku: Kinen/国学院大学・記念  —  12 items; postcards, envelope Nov. 1957 [Shōwa 32]
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 7 Folder 292 Universities, Kyoto Daigaku Bungakubu: Kōkogaku kyōshitsu hyōhon ehagaki dai-19shū/京都大学文学部考古学教室標本絵葉書第十九輯  —  17 items; postcards, envelope Oct. 1947 [Shōwa 22]
See also Series 5, Photographs & Postcards: Archaeology.
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 7 Folder 293 Universities, Ōtani Daigaku ehagaki: Picture Postcards/大谷大学絵葉書  —  6 items; postcards, envelope undated
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 7 Folder 294 Universities, Tenri Central Library  —  7 items; postcards, envelope undated
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 7 Folder 295 Universities, Tōhoku Teikoku Daigaku fuzoku toshokan/東北帝國大学付属図書館  —  10 items; postcards, envelope circa 1952
Gift of C. B. [Fahs?], 14 July 1952.
Kai Catalog No. 2953
Photo-Box 7 Folder 296 Universities, Waseda University, Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum, Tsubouchi hakushi kinen: Engeki Hakubutsukan ehagaki/坪内博士記念演劇博物館絵葉書  —  7 items; postcards, envelope undated
See also Series 5, Photographs & Postcards: Performing Arts.
Kai Catalog No. 2953 under Drama
Photo-Box 7 Folder 297 Universities, Waseda University, Waseda daigaku toshokan ehagaki/早稲田大学図書館絵葉書  —  9 items; postcards, envelope 1 Oct. 1982 [Shōwa 57]
Kai Catalog No. 2966
Photo-Box 7 Folder 298 Utagawa Hiroshige, Reproduction of the Hiroshige’s Work: Old Picture Post Cards, Kodaiga eyōtan/古代画絵葉端 (廣重筆)  —  11 items; postcards, envelope undated
See also Series 5, Photographs & Postcards: Painting.
Kai Catalog No. 2938
Photo-Box 7 Folder 299 Yoshida Shōin, Yoshida Shōin sensei emaki/吉田松陰先生絵巻  —  17 items; postcards, envelope pasted on paper undated
Published by Nisshinsha.
See also Series 5, Photographs & Postcards: History.
Kai Catalog No. 2968
MB 3 Folder 87 Envelopes, Chiba through Hyōgo  —  5 items; envelopes
Oversize envelopes of the postcards (xerox phhotocopies accompany the postcards in the photo-box).
MB 3 Folder 88 Envelopes, Kagoshima through Nagasaki  —  6 items; envelopes
MB 3 Folder 89 Envelopes, Nara through Okinawa  —  6 items; envelopes
MB 3 Folder 90 Envelopes, Shimane through Wakayama  —  6 items; envelopes
MB 3 Folder 91 Envelopes, Anthropology  —  11 items; envelopes
MB 3 Folder 92 Envelopes, Buddhist Sculpture through Dolls  —  4 items; envelopes
MB 3 Folder 93 Envelopes, Korea Chōsen fūzoku ehagaki/朝鮮風俗絵葉書  —  1 item; box
Original box of the postcards.
MB 3 Folder 94 Envelopes, Lafcadio Hearn through Portrait  —  5 items; envelopes, pamphlet
MB 3 Folder 95 Envelopes, Universities through Yoshida Shōin  —  10 items; envelopes

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