
The photograph on the front page of the February 8, 1995 issue incorrectly identified the people pictured. They should have been identified as Deans Chris Colombo and Johna Harvey.

Due to an production error in the February 8, 1995 issue, the location of the Engineering Week Schedule was noted as appearing on page 6; it was located on page 3.

The following writersą names were incorrectly printed in the February 8, 1995 issue: Isabella Chow and Danielle Lehston.

In the February 8, 1995 issue, the article entitled "Mining Engineering: Why Should We Care" stated that the Henry Krumb School of Mines was located on the eighth floor of S.W. Mudd. In actuality, Mining Engineering, part of the Krumb School of Mines, which has its departmental office on the ninth floor of S.W. Mudd.

The Moment regrets these errors.

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