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More Magic Moments

Columbia Newsmagazine: New goals for a new year

by David Yeung

N o price is too high to be the best. Whatever the price is, we are devoted to paying for it, because The Moment is better than ever!!

F rom the team standpoint, The Moment has never been more focused. The three-month summer added no rust to our crew. It tested our dedication and unity, but the strong interaction among the crew during the "off-season" displayed not only our commitment to our readers, but also our team character and our spirit. Nothing less than our best effort will satisfy ourselves, not to mention everyone of you who is reading the newspaper right now.

E ntering its fourth year as Columbia's science and engineering newspaper, The Moment will preserve its tradition as the campus' leading technology-oriented newspaper. What we have not achieved before, however, is to broaden our horizon and publish a campus, student-oriented newspaper. So many students in Columbia disdain the bias or indifference of many school publications, and yearn for a top-notch publication to be their medium to the administration as well as the rest of the community. We are no spectators. We recognize the campus' needs, and we are ready to do whatever it takes to make our community a better one; whether it is voicing them to the administration and respective student groups, or spreading the message to the entire community to take action. We are students ourselves, and we all have opinions about tons of things that happen around us in everyday school lives. Through the means of a committed student publication, we have all the experience in making a newspaper that represents our fellow schoolmates. Making it happen is our responsibility.

O ur goal this year is to achieve a state of excellence in the eyes of all our readers, the faculty, and fellow students, not only in terms of quality of articles, layout, and web publishing, but also in terms of our attitude. By diversifying our article topics, promoting campus relations, and enhancing technology domains, we all work towards a common goal: to boost the spirit and unity of the entire Columbia community.

T here is neither me nor you in a team game. We all belong to one student body. The future is ours to create.

S eize the moment.

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