Contact: Kim Brockway For immediate release
(212) 854-2419 Nov. 30, 1998
Seattle Times Reporter Wins Columbia Universityâs ãBest of Knight-Bagehotä Award in Business Journalism
James Grimaldi, a Washington, D.C. bureau reporter for The Seattle Times, has won Columbia Universityâs ãBest of Knight-Bagehotä Business Journalism Award for the best story writt en by a former Knight-Bagehot Fellow between July 1, 1997 and June 30, 1998. The award was presented November 9 at the 23rd anniversary dinner celebration of the Knight-Bagehot Fellowship in Economics and Business Journalism, held at the Sheraton New Yor k in midtown Manhattan. Conferred this year by Columbiaâs Graduate School of Journalism for the third time, the ãBest of Knight-Bagehotä is awarded to the story or series by a former Fellow that best reflects business and financial sophistication as we ll as traditional journalistic skills of thorough reporting, good storytelling, and timeliness (including deadline and competitive issues). A distinguished panel of business journalists selected a series of breaking news stories about the U.S. govern mentâs lawsuits against Microsoft that were reported and written by James Grimaldi and appeared primarily on the front pages of The Seattle Times. In presenting the award, the Knight-Bagehot programâs director, Terri Thompson, said, these stories ãin early May, provided more intimate, specific and detailed information about what would be included in the lawsuits than virtually any other news organization. They also set the context and history of the antitrust investigation and provided insight ab out one of the most significant antitrust cases in U.S. history.ä Mr. Grimaldi was a Knight-Bagehot Fellow during the 1993 academic year. A mid-career study program, the Bagehot Fellowship was founded in 1975 by the Columbia Graduate School of Jo urnalism to address the problem of deficiencies in business news coverage. Originally named in honor of Walter Bagehot (pronounced ba-jet), the 19th-century economist and editor of The Economist, it was renamed the Knight-Bagehot Fellowship in 1987 in recognition of the John S. and James L. Knight Foundationâs $3 million gift as an endowment for the program. As many as ten professional journalists are selected each year to study for two semesters at Columbiaâs Schools of Business, Law, Int ernational Affairs and Journalism. Fellows receive full tuition and a living-expenses stipend. In the past 23 years, 195 journalists have participated in this rigorous program, and many now hold key positions in newsrooms around the world. The 1999 K night-Bagehot Fellows, who started their nine months at Columbia in August, are:
Julia Angwin, 27, is a technology reporter for San Francisco Chronicle where her coverage of the software industry has included several stories of the Justice Department lawsuit against Microsoft. Previously she worked as Washington Cor respondent for Ottaway News Service and States News Service, as an intern at The Washington Post, as a business writer for The Contra Costa Times, and as a stringer for The New York Times. She graduated in 1992 with a B.A. in Mathema tics from the University of Chicago.Charles J. Butler, 35, is Editor-in-Chief of Sales & Marketing Management, a monthly business magazine for corporate sales and marketing executives. Since 1994, under his leadership, the magazine has been honored by the American Business Press with ten Jesse H. Neal Awards for editorial achievement. After graduating from Columbia University with a B.A. in political science in 1985, he worked as a news clerk for the Associated Press, as a sports repor ter for The Press-Enterprise in Riverside, Calif., as senior editor for View Magazine, Sports Travel Magazine and Successful Meetings Magazine.John J. Doran, 40, was hired by Reuters America in 1994 to create a municipa l bond news service and now serves as its Editor-in-Charge for Reuters. He began his career in journalism in 1987 as a reporter covering Wall Street for The Bond Buyer and moved up to bureau chief and, eventually, to managing editor. He gr aduated from Columbia University in 1985 with a degree in Literature & Writing.Stephen Hirsch, 34, has been a reporter for The Record of Hackensack, N.J., since 1993. Hired to cover the economics beat, he has worked for the past three y ears as a sportswriter, and has received an award for best enterprise reporting from Associated Press Sports Editors. Previously, he was a correspondent for Court TV, a reporter for The Recorder, a daily legal newspaper in San Francisco, and a leg al assistant in the corporate finance departments of two law firms. He attended Kings College, University of London, and graduated from University of Pennsylvania in 1986.
Shirleen Holt, 41, is Managing Editor of Oregon Business, a monthly magazine based in Portland, Ore. She began her journalism career as a reporter for Hills Communications in Oakland, Calif., and her first feature won an award from the C alifornia Newspaper Publishers Association. A graduate of Southern Oregon University, she has been editor of two community newspapers and a correspondent for The Oregonian.Vincent Chikwendu Nwanma, 37, works from Accra, Ghana, as business e ditor for The Financial Post, to be published soon by Newsday Publications Ltd. He studied economics and graduated from the University of Nigeria in 1984. He has worked as a freelance correspondent for Dow Jones and Inter Press Service, as busine ss editor for Horizon Newspaper, and as staff writer for Business Concord, published by Concord Press Ltd., Lagos.Donna Marie Rosato, 31, joined USA TODAY right out of college and is now the newspaperâs Business Travel Reporte r. She has covered the airline, hotel, and car rental industries the past three years. Prior to that, she was a Financial Markets reporter for USA TODAY for two years. While attending college at Northeastern University in Boston, she worked as a researcher for The Boston Globe and as an editorial assistant for the British Broadcasting Company in London. She graduated from Northeastern with a B.S. in English and Business.
Donna Shaw-Bielski, 46, a reporter for The Philadelphia Inquirer since 1982, has been a journalist ever since she graduated from Penn State University in 1974. She has reported or edited for The North Penn Reporter, The Pottstown Merc ury and the Philadelphia Bulletin. For the last eight years, her beat has been the business of science, which she has developed and broadened to include pharmaceutical, biotechnology and chemical companies, as well as the government agencies a nd policies regulating them.Terry Williams, 36, is senior reporter for Pensions & Investments, a bi-weekly Crain Communications publication, for which he has worked for the last eight years. Writing for institutional investors, he curre ntly covers alternative investments, including real estate, venture capital, leveraged buyouts and distressed debt. Upon graduating from The City College of New York in 1984 with a B.A. in economics he went to work as a reporter for the Worcester Tele gram & Gazette in Worcester, Mass.
Columbiaâs Graduate School of Journalism is now accepting applications for Knight-Bagehot Fellowships for the 1999-2000 academic year. The deadline for applications is March 1, 1999. For further information, contact program director Terri Thompso n, Columbia University, 2950 Broadway, Mail Code 3850, New York, N.Y. 10027 (or by e-mail at [email protected]), or visit the Journalism Schoolâs website at 19,441