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September 19, 2022

STAR Application Now Available

Dear Students,


The Fall 2022 STAR application is now available. Students with strong interests in psychological/neuroscientific research are encouraged to apply for admission to the Psychology Department's Psych/Neuro Senior Thesis Advanced Research in the fall of their junior year or the equivalent, such that they will be able to participate in the three consecutive semesters (spring - fall - spring) that are required in the program. 

Featured Videos

This short film, from an anthology created by Science Friday and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), follows women working at the forefront of their fields. This episode features new Assistant Professor Bianca Jones Marlin.
The Psychology PhD Podcast S01Ep01.


Moral Psychology as a Necessary Bridge Between Social Cognition and Law

James Dunlea
Larissa Heiphetz

Social influences on neurobiology and behavior: epigenetic effects during development.

Curley JP
Jensen CL
Mashoodh R
Champagne FA

Beyond multiple pattern analyzers modeled as linear filters (as classical V1 simple cells): useful additions of the last 25 years.

Graham NV