Recent Publications
Terrace, H. S., Son, L. K., & Brannon, E. M. (2003). Serial expertise of rhesus macaques. Psychological Science, 14(1), 66-73.
Subiaul, F., Cantlon, J., Lurie, H., Holloway, R., & Terrace, H. (2003). A re-evaluation of human and macaque "imitation": Human children and rhesus macaques do not qualitatively differ in a copying task. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 204.
Terrace, H. S. (2002). Serial Expertise and the Evolution of Language. In J. H. A. Wray, & F. J. Newmeyer (Ed.), The Transition to Language (Vol. 64-90). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Subiaul, F., Cantlon, J., Holloway, R., & Terrace, H. (2002). Copying information: Rhesus macaques learn novel 3-item lists by observing an experience subject. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 15.
Subiaul, F., Cantlon, J., Holloway, R. L., & Terrace, H. (2002). Monkey see monkey learn: macaques learn 3-item lists by observing experienced subjects. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 151-152.
Brannon, E. M., & Terrace, H. S. (2002). The evolution and ontogeny of ordinal numerical ability. In Bekoff, Marc (Ed); Allen, Colin (Ed); et al. (2002). The cognitive animal: Empirical and theoretical perspectives on animal cognition. (pp. 197-204). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Allan, L., Balsam, P., Church, R., & Terrace, H. (2002). John Gibbon (1934-2001): Obituary. American Psychologist, 57(6-7), 436-437.
Terrace, H. (2001). Chunking and Serially Organized Behavior in Pigeons, Monkeys and Humans. In R. G. Cook (Ed.), Avian visual cognition. [On-line]. Medford, MA: Comparative Cognition Press; available:
Terrace, H. (2001). Comparative psychology of chunking. In S. Fountain (Ed.), Animal Cognition and Sequential Behavior (pp. 23-56). Dordrecht, netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishing.
Terrace, H. (2000). The development of serial expertise by rhesus macaques. Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society, 5, 86.
Terrace, H. S. (2000). The Comparative Psychology of Serially Organized Behavior. In R. Cook (Ed.), Avian cognition. Cambridge, MA: MIT press.
Swartz, K. B., Chen, S., & Terrace, H. S. (2000). Serial Learning by Rhesus Monkeys: II. Learning Four-Item Lists by Trial and Error. Journal of experimental psychology: animal behavior processes, 26(3), 274 (212 pages).
Brannon, E. M., & Terrace, H. S. (2000). Representation of the numerosities 1-9 by rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 26(1), 31-49.
Son, L., Brannon, E., & Terrace, H. S. (1999). The Development of Serial Expertise in Rhesus Monkeys. Proceedings & Abstracts of the Eastern Psychological Association, 70, 83.
Brannon, E. M., & Terrace, H. S. (1999). Response - Monkey Numeration. Science, 283(5409), 1849.
Brannon, E. M., Anderson, E., A,, Chen, S., & Terrace, H. S. (1998). Monkeys spontaneously discriminate numerosities 5-9 after training on 1-4. Proceedings of the Eastern Psychological Association.
Brannon, E. M., & Terrace, H. S. (1998). Ordering of the numerosities 1 to 9 by monkeys. Science, 282(5389), 746-749.
Anderson, E. A., Brannon, E. M., Chen, S., & Terrace, H. S. (1998). Recall of
arbitrary lists by rhesus macaques. Proceedings of the Eastern Psychological Society.
Chen, S. F., Swartz, K. B., & Terrace, H. S. (1997). Knowledge of the ordinal position of list items in rhesus monkeys. Psychological Science, 8(2), 80-86.
Brannon, E. M., Anderson, E. A., Chen, S., & Terrace, H. S. (1997). Judgments of Relative Numerosity in Rhesus macaques. Abstracts of Psychonomic Society, 2, 33.
Terrace, H. S., Jaswal, V., Brannon, E., & Chen, S. (1996). What is a chunk? Ask a monkey. Abstracts of Psychonomic Society, 1, 35.
Terrace, H. S., Chen, S. F., & Jaswal, V. (1996). Recall of three-item sequences by pigeons. Animal Learning & Behavior, 24(2), 193-205.
Terrace, H. S., Chen, S., & Newman, A. B. (1995). Serial Learning With a Wild Card by Pigeons (Columba livia): Effect of List Length. Journal of comparative psychology, 109(2), 162 (111 pages).
Terrace, H. S., Chen, S., & Swartz, K. (1994). Implicit Memory of Knowledge of Ordinal Position of List Items by Rhesus Monkeys. Science.
Terrace, H. S., & Mcgonigle, B. (1994). Memory and Representation of Serial Order by Children, Monkeys, and Pigeons. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 3(6), 180-185.
Terrace, H. S. (1994). Are Infants Human. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 17(3), 425-426.
Terrace, H. S. (1993). The phylogeny & ontogeny of serial memory: List learning by pigeons and monkeys. Psychological Science, 4, 162-169.
Terrace, H. S. (1993). The Phylogeny and Ontogeny of Serial Memory - List Learning by Pigeons and Monkeys. Psychological Science, 4(3), 162-169.
Swartz, K., Himmanen, S., & Terrace, H. S. (1993). Strategies for List Execution by List-Sophisticated Monkeys. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 31, 362.
Terrace, H. S., Swartz, K., Chen, S., & Gibbon, J. (1992). Same-different judgments of photographs by rhesus monkeys. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 10(269).
Terrace, H. (1992). The Phylogeny and Ontogeny of Cognition. International Journal of Psychology, 27(3-4), 423.
Swartz, K. B., Gibbon, J., & Terrace, H. S. (1992). Similarity Judgments of Facial Stimuli by Rhesus-Monkeys. International Journal of Psychology, 27(3-4), 428.
Terrace, H., & Chen, S. (1991). Chunking during serial learning by a pigeon: II. Integrity of a chunk on a new list. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 17(1), 94-106.
Terrace, H. (1991). Chunking during serial learning by a pigeon: I. Basic evidence. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 17(1), 81-93.
Terrace, H., & Chen, S. (1991). Chunking during serial learning by a pigeon: III. What are the necessary conditions for establishing a chunk? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 17(1), 107-118.
Terrace, H. S. (1991). The Phylogeny and Ontogeny of Cognition. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 29(6), 512-512.
Swartz, K. B., Chen, S., & Terrace, H. S. (1991). Serial Learning by Rhesus Monkeys. I: Acquisition and Retention of Multiple Four-item lists. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 17, 396-410.
Swartz, K. B., Chen, S., & Terrace, H. S. (1991). Acquisition of 6-item lists by rhesus monkeys. Paper presented at the Eastern Psychological Association annual meeting.
Swartz, K. B., Chen, S., & Terrace, H. S. (1991). Knowledge of Ordinal Position by List-Sophisticated Rhesus-Monkeys. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 29(6), 498-498.
Chen, S., Swartz, K. B., & Terrace, H. S. (1991). Preliminary evidence for the development of learning set for 4-item lists by rhesus monkeys. Paper presented at the Paper presented at annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association.
Terrace, H. S., Swartz, K. B., & Gibbon, J. (1990). Immediate Transfer of Same-Different Response to Photographic Stimuli by Rhesus-Monkeys. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 28(6), 485-485.
Swartz, K. B., Chen, S., & Terrace, H. S. (1990). Serial list learning and representation of ordinal position by rhesus monkeys. Paper presented at the Eastern Psychological Association annual meeting.
Swartz, K., Chen, B., & Terrace, S. (1990). Multiple list acquisition by rhesus monkeys. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 28, 485.
Terrace, H. S. (1989). Chunking of a Serial List by Pigeons. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 27(6), 509-509.
Terrace, H. S. (1987). Chunking by a pigeon in a serial learning task. Nature, 325, 149-151.
Terrace, H. S. (1987). Thoughts without words. In C. Blakemore & S. Greenfield (Eds.), Mindwaves. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
Terrace, H. S. (1987). Language in Child, Chimp, and Gorilla - Reply. American Psychologist, 42(3), 273-273.
Terrace, H. S. (1986). A Nonverbal Organisms Knowledge of Ordinal Position in a Serial-Learning Task. Journal of Experimental Psychology-Animal Behavior Processes, 12(3), 203-214.
Terrace, H. S. (1986). Positive Transfer from Sequence Production to Sequence Discrimination in a Nonverbal Organism. Journal of Experimental Psychology-Animal Behavior Processes, 12(3), 215-234.
Terrace, H. S. (1985). Chunking in a non-verbal organism. Bulletin of Psychonomic Society, 23, 275.
Terrace, H. S. (1985). Animal cognition: thinking without language. Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society London, B308, 113-128.
Terrace, H. S. (1985). On the Nature of Animal Thinking. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 9(4), 643-652.
Terrace, H. S. (1985). Chunking of a Serial List of Pigeons. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 23(4), 275-275.
Terrace, H. S. (1985). In the Beginning Was the Name. American Psychologist, 40(9), 1011-1028.
Terrace, H. S. (1984). Animal Learning Ethology and Biological Constraints In P. Marler & H. S. Terrace (Eds.), The Biology of Learning (pp. 15-46). New York, NY: Springer-Verlag.
Terrace, H. S. (1984). Simultaneous chaining: The problem it poses for traditional chaining theory. In M. L. Commons, R. J. Herrnstein & A. R. Wagner (Eds.), Quantitative Analyses of Behavior: Discrimination Processes (pp. 115-138). Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co.
Terrace, H. S. (1984). A Behavioral-Theory of Mind. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 7(4), 569-571.
Terrace, H. S. (1984). Representations of Arbitrary Sequences by the Pigeon. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 22(4), 291-291.
Terrace, H. S. (1984). Timing in Animal Learning and Behavior - Introduction. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 423(MAY), 199.
Roitblat, H. L., Bever, T. G., & Terrace, H. S. (1984). Animal Cognition. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
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