Group Constitutions
Asian American Alliance


In order to maintain a cooperative and unified community and increase awareness among AsianAmerican students and organizations, this association will attempt to generate an environment conducive to growth and collaboration within the context of Columbia University

Article I - Name

Section 1.

The name of this organization shall be Asian American Alliance: hereafter, referred to as AAA, or Triple-A.

Article II - Purpose

Section 1.

AAA shall actively promote positive interaction among Asian American students and organizations at Columbia University.


Section 2.

AAA shall represent the Asian American community by creating and maintaining a unified voice.

Section 3..

AAA shall mediate any conflicts which might arise involving the Asian American community.

Section 4.

AAA shall promote awareness and fellowship among Asian American students through cultural, educational, political. and social programming that reflects the diverse Asian cultures within the Columbia community.

Article III - Membership

Section 1.

AAA membership shall be open to any student. regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, gender or physical handicap, currently enrolled in Barnard College, Columbia College, or the School of Engineering and Applied Science. Members may sign up during Orientation and Activities Day.

Section 2.

Members of any AAA member organization will automatically be accorded membership in AAA.

Section 3..

For the purposes of elections, the membership list will be closed two weeks before elections.

Article IV - Meetings and Procedures

Section 1.

All AAA activities and programs will be governed and directed by the AAA Executive Committee.

Section 2.

AAA Executive Committee meetings will be held on a regular basis to be determined by the AAA Executive Board.

 Section 3..

Quorum is 2/3 of the AAA Executive Committee Quorum is necessary in order to conduct official business.

 Section 4.

All procedural motions shall require a simple majority for passage. Substantive motions shall require a 2/3 majority for approval.

 Section 5.

Standing Committees will meet at the discretion of their respective Committee Chairs as necessary.

 Section 6.

AAA General Meetings will be held on a regular basis by the Executive Committee.

 Article V- AAA Executive Board

Section 1.

The AAA Executive Board will have the following officers

A. Chair - The responsibilities of the Chair are:

a) To oversee all official functions, programs and events of AAA.

b) To serve as the official representative of AAA.

c) To preside over all meetings of the AAA.

d) To keep abreast and inform the AAA Executive Board of issues which may affect the Asian community.

e) To attend events of AAA member organizations.

f) To mediate disputes between AAA member organizations

g) To routinely meet with AAA member organization presidents, and to offer advice, encouragement, and support whenever possible.

B. Vice-Chair - The responsibilities of the Vice-Chair are

      1. To assist the Chair in hisfher duties as delegated by the Chair.
      2. To assume the duties of the Chair in the event of the Chair's absence, disability, or resignation.

C. Committee on Cultural/Social Issues Chair

D. Committee on Asian Educational/Political Issues Chair

E. Asian Community Awareness Program Chair

F. Committee on Alumni Relations Chair

G. Committee on Asian/Pacific American Awareness Month Chair

H. Committee on Admissions and Financial Aid Chair

The responsibilities of the Committee Chairs are:

      1. To preside over meetings of their respective committees.
      2. To be responsible for all activities of their committees.
      3. To report to the rest of the AAA Executive Committee on the activities of their committees.
      4. To coordinate the activities of their committees with the AAA member organizations.

 I. Finance Coordinator-The responsibilities of the Finance Coordinator are:

      1. To handle all financial matters, including the AAA budget, all USO and SGA meetings, annual budget proposals, and appeals, etc..
      2. To oversee the budgets of the Standing Committees
      3. To serve as a resource for the treasurers of all AAA organizations in finding sources of funding, such as the President and Provost's Student Initiative Fund.
      4. To coordinate budget proposals for co-sponsorships among AAA member organizations.

 J. Secretary - The responsibilities of the Secretary are

      1. To keep and publish the minutes for all AAA Executive Committee meetings and activities
      2. To handle all correspondence.
      3. To establish a network with the secretaries of all the AAA organizations in order to better facilitate the scheduling of events.
      4. To maintain a current calendar of events for all AAA and AAA member organization programming.

Section 2.

These officers shall serve a one year term beginning in the spring semester and terminating the following spring. The AAA Executive Board shall choose these officers in the span term two using the procedures specified in the AAA Bylaws. 

Section 3.

During their term as an officer of the Executive Board of AAA, the Chair and Vice Chairs should not serve on the executive board(s) of any other AAA member organization. These requirements may be waived if deemed necessary by the AAA Executive Committee.

 Section 4.

An officer of the Executive Board may be impeached by a 2/3 vote of the AAA Executive Committee.

 Section 5.

Any member of the Executive Board must present a written formal statement of his or her resignation at least two weeks prior to the effective date of his or her resignation.

Article VI - AAA Executive Committee

Section 1.

The Executive Committee shall consist of the Executive Board plus the President/Chair of each member organization.

Section 2.

The Executive Committee is responsible for all AAA events, programs, activities, and other businesses

Section 3.

In official AAA business, each member of the Executive Committee shall have one vote except for the Chair and the Vice-Chair. The Chair may vote in the event of a tie.

Article VII - Elections

Section 1.

The Standing Committee Chairs will be elected by their respective committees Each member of a Standing Committee may cast one vote in that committee's elections. Each AAA member organization is also entitled to one vote, which may be cast by a designated representative of that organization.

Section 2

The Chair, Secretary, Finance Coordinator, and Liason to the ACAA will be elected following the elections of the Vice-Chairs. Each AAA member organization and each Vice-Chair may cast one vote for each office

 Section 3.

The elections will be held according to the procedures as established in the Bylaws.

 Article VIII - Standing Committees

 Section 1

AAA shall have the following Standing Committees:

A. Cultural/Social:

B. Asian/Pacific Awareness Month

C. Asian Educational/Political Philosophy

D. Asian Community Awareness Program:

E.. Alumni Relations

F. Admissions and Financial Aid

 Section 2.

Standing Committees will be chaired by its respective Committee Chair of the AAA Executive Board.

Section 3.

Each Standing Committee will have responsibilities as specified in the by-laws.

Section 4.

The composition of each Standing Committee will be left to the discretion of its Vice-Chair.

Section 5.

Ad hoc committees may be created by a written proposal with the approval of 2/3 of the AAA Executive Board.

Section 6.

All committees will report to the AAA Executive Board at the regular meetings of the Executive Board.

Section 7.

Each committee will maintain their own budget, with the AAA Finance Coordinator ensuring that each committee does not spend in excess of the funds allocated to that committee. Each committee should have its own treasurer, and may have other officer positions at the discretion of its Committee Chair.

Article IX - Bylaws

Section 1.

The bylaws shall be established by a 2/3 vote of the AAA Executive Board. The bylaws may be amended by a simple majority vote of the AAA Executive Board.

Article X - Amendment to the Constitution

Section 1.

Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed in writing by any AAA Executive Board Officerdicer with the support of at least 1/4 of the AAA Executive Board.

Section 2.

The Constitution may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the entire voting AAA Executive Board.

Article XI- Ratification

Section 1.

This constitution shall be established by a vote a 3/4 majority of the entire voting AAA Board.

The Bylaws of the Asian American Alliance

Article I. Membership

Section 1.

The following organizations are currently recognized as AAA member organizations: Asian American Society of Engineers, Asian Community Awareness Program, Asian Journal, Asian Women's Coalition. China House, Chinese Students Club. Club Zamana, Hong Kong Students and Scholars Society, Korean Students Association, Liga Filipina. Ohana, Sounds of China, Spectrum, Thai Students Association. and Vietnamese Students Association.

Section 2.

An organization may be admitted to AAA with the approval of 2/3 of the AAA Executive Committee.

Article II. Elections

Section 1. Chair and Vice-Chair

a) All AAA Elections shall be organized and administered by the Executive Committee.

b) Candidates for the position of Chair or Vice-Chair are required to have served one term of office on the executive board of a AAA organization.

 c) Elections will be held in the spring term prior to the AAA Retreat at a date determined by the Executive Board 

d) Nominations for all positions must be submitted to the Executive Board for consideration at least one week before the election.

e) Each individual AAA organization is responsible for publicizing the electrons at their respective executive board meetings.

f) The AAA Executive Board will interview all candidates prior to the elections. The candidates will be screened for their qualifications. The candidates will be rated on: their past experience in the Asian American community, level of time commitment, level of interest, future plans for AAA, clarity of their current view, interpersonal skills, and knowledge of issues affecting the Asian American community. On the basis of these interviews, candidates will be invited to participate in the elections.

g) Candidates will be given 3-5 minutes to address the AAA Executive Committee. Time will be given for the candidates to respond to questions.

h) A positive discussions of the candidates' qualifications will be facilitated by the Chair.

i) A candidate must by approved by 2/3 of the entire voting AAA Executive Committee in order to be elected.

j) Each member, with the exception of the Chair of the AAA Executive Committee may cast one vote for any candidate for each office.

Section 2. Standing Committee Chairs

      1. Each Standing Committee shall elect their own Committee Chair at least one week prior to the elections of the rest of the Executive Committee
      2. Each member of a Standing Committee may cast one vote for any candidate in the elections of that Standing Committee.

Section 3.. Other Executive Officers

All AAA Elections shall be organized and administered by the Executive Board.

      1. Each individual AAA organization is responsible for publicizing the elections at their respective executive board meetings.
      2. Candidates will be given 3-5 minutes to address the AAA Executive Committee. Time will be given for the candidates to respond to questions.
      3. A candidate must by approved by 2/3 of the entire voting AAA Executive Committee in order to be elected.

Article III. Standing Committees

Section 1. Alumni Relations

    1. To coordinate activities with the Asian Columbia Alumni Association
    2. Toraise funds.
    3. To network and maintain contact with alumni.

 Section 2. Admissions and Financial Aid

    1. To review admissions and financial aid policies.
    2. To coordinate activities with the Admissions Office. Minority Recruitment Committees. And Orientation Committees.
    3. To work with the Asian Minority, Recruitment Coordinator.
    4. To seek the hiring of Asian American admission officers..

 Section 3.. Educational/Political Philosophy

    1. To develop and review a program for Asian American Studies at Columbia University.
    2. To seek the hiring of Asian American faculty and administrators.
    3. To create, plan, and manage such educational and political activities, events, and programs that promote a greater awareness of Asian American issues.
    4. To create, plan. and manage activities, events, and programs such as Pre-Professional Forums, Career Fairs, and Resume Workshops, to assist Asian students in career development.

Section 4. Cultural/Social

    1. To create, plan. and manage such activities, events, and programs that promote a greater awareness of the diverse Asian cultures within the Columbia community.
    2. To create, plan, and manage such social activities, events. and programs that promote fellowship among Asian students at Columbia University.

Section 5. Asian Community Awareness Program

To create and maintain such community service programs that increase students' awareness of the Asian community outside of Columbia University.

Section 6. Asian/Pacific American Awareness Month

To coordinate all programming with the AAA member organizations for Asian/PaciEc American Awareness Month.

Article V. Resolutions and Correspondence

Section 1.

A majority vote is required for the writing of a letter or the drafting of a resolution.

Section 2.

After a discussion of the contents of the letter by the Board. the Chair will be responsible for drafting a letter that reflects the opinions and concerns of the Board. The draft of the letter will be either read through phonemail or presented at the next AAA meeting or approval. Changes may be made to the draft, subject to the approval by the board.

Section 3.

Resolutions and letters must be approved by a 2/3 vote of the AAA Executive Committee.

Section 4

The vote will be recorded on resolutions and letters as follows: 'the following AAA organizations were present and voted in favor of the above (resolution or letter):..."

Article VI. Calendaring

Section 1.

All AAA member organizations will coordinate their schedule of events every spring term for the next academic year. All conflicts will be mediated by the AAA Chair. and if necessary . resolved by a vote of the AAA Executive Committee.

Section 2.

AAA will periodically hold calendaring meetings at which AAA member organizations will be responsible for updating their schedules of upcoming events and coordinating their programming with other member organizations.

Section 3.

AAA will maintain a calendar in the AAA office which will be updated weekly.

 Section 4.

The AAA secretary will maintain a perpetual calendar of events. AAA members will be responsible for contacting the secretary when they reschedule. add, or plan an event. If this change conflicts with a previously scheduled event, it is the responsibility of the organizations involved to coordinate their programming and avoid conflict.

 Section 5.

If AAA organization have a scheduling conflict, they will are to resolve the conflict with mutual respect and to minimize any conflicts.

 Article VII. AAA Retreat

The AAA Retreat is a crucial yearly event as it brings together the newly-elected leaders of the twenty-four member groups on campus to strengthen the Asian-American community at Columbia. This event sets the tone for the entire year that these leaders must work together, and provides them with a strongly unified sense of purpose as they interact and discuss issues that: 1) concern the Asian American community and 2) enhance leadership skills. This retreat must essentially take place away from the distractions of campus for participants to focus in depth on the necessary workshops and issues for an extended length of time.

 Section l.

AAA will organize at least one Retreat each year.

Section 2.

Every AAA member organization president or representative should attend.

Article VIII. Asian American Unity Workshop

Section 1.

AAA will organize Asian American Unity Workshops to encourage openness and cooperation through day-long programs that may include the following: workshops, dinner. and/or social activities

Section 2.

The executive boards of all AAA organizations are encouraged to attend as well as all other interested members of the Columbia community. Each AAA organization should send at least one representative.

Article IX. AAA Newsletter

Section 1.

The AAA Newsletter is intended to promote unity in the Asian American community at Columbia by serving as an organized calendar for events, and by publishing articles that increase awareness of Asian American issues.

 Section 2.

The AAA newsletter is to be published monthly and distributed to the members of all AAA organizations. Copies will be made available to the rest of the Columbia community


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