Group Constitutions
Alianza Latino Americana


We the Latino Students of Columbia University, in the City of New York, establish the Alianza Latina Americana (here-after known as A.L.A.) for the purpose of representing and advocating the interests of the Latino Communities at Columbia University and abroad.

This is to be accomplished through:

  1. Sponsoring cultural events that focus on our Latino Heritage.
  2. Political/Social functions that promote, educate, and enrich our awareness of affairs in the Latino Community at Columbia University and abroad.
  3. To combine efforts with people of color and their organizations in order to facilitate an awareness of the minority experience on campus.
  4. Uniting the three Latino organizations (Chicano Caucus, Alianza Latina Americana, Accion Boricua) on campus by:
    • Sponsoring Latino Heritage month (i.e. contributing funds and assisting in programming)
    • Publishing the Tri-club newsletter and the annual journal


I. Organizational Structure

a) Membership:

will be open to all affiliated to any of the Columbia University divisions who identify with the Latino experience, and who are willing to participate and contribute to the enhancement and achievement of the groups goals.

An upperclasssman must participate actively in at least one of the committees and attend general body meetings regularly, in order to be considered a member of A.L.A.,. As for the first year class, they have the option to use their first semester in A.L.A. as an observational period. This will allow it to see which committees interest it and if A.L.A. meets its needs. In their second semester in A.L.A., they will have to confirm their membership in A.L.A. by making a commitment to at least one of the five committees. (Note: It is advised that no member may join more than two committees, if in good academic standing, and only one committee, if on academic probation.)

 b) Executive Board:

1) President: This position will be open to members who have actively participated in the A.L.A. board for two semesters of more. The president will be the spokesperson for A.L.A. in any university related affairs. He or she will chair the general meetings and, with the help of the co-chairs, set up an agenda.

The president will be the spokesperson for A.L.A. in any university related affairs. He or she will also chair the general meetings and, with the help of the co-chairs, set up an agenda. The president also has the role of advisor to the Educational Task Force Committee. Any matters left in question by any member of A.L.A., shall be brought forth to the president or the two co-chairs for a final resolution.

2) Co-Chairpersons: These two positions are open to members that have actively participated in A.L.A. for two semesters or more. Their responsibility is to supervise two of four committees. One co-chair will monitor the Political/Social and UMB Committees. The other co-chair The other co-chair will monitor the Communications. The co-chairs will alternate in chairing the weekly board meeting which are attended by the president, the two co-chairs, the: committee chairs, the secretary, and the treasurer. The co-chairs also aid the president in any matters of delegation.

 3) Secretary: This position is open to first year students only. The secretary's responsibilities include taking the minutes and attendance during the general and board meetings. The secretary aids the president in whatever documentation is necessary. The secretary must also provide the Communications Committee and general membership with a directory of the members.

 4) Treasurer: This position is open to all members who have actively participated in A.L.A. for two semesters or more. The treasurer is responsible for budgeting A.L.A.'s events and appeals. He or she will also be responsible for attending all Polity meetings and submitting a budget to Polity. The treasurer offers financial advise to the committee chairs and is responsible for all financial dealings related to the organization.

 5) Committee Chairpersons: These five positions are open to all members who have actively participated in A.L.A. for two semesters or more. They are responsible for the organization and efficiency of the respective committees. 

 c) Standing Committees:

1. Recruitment/Community: Tasks throughout the academic year.

    1. Represents ALA in the Latino community at the University admissions office in the hopes of encouraging minority students to apply to post secondary institutions.
    2. Monitor the percentage of Latino students accepted and retained into the University on a yearly basis.
    3. Seek or supply senior readers.
    4. Assist in the Students of Color Weekends.
    5. Hold telethons for potential Columbia Students.
    6. Coordinating events with DDC, and Earl Hall

2. Communications Committee:

Tasks throughout the year:

    1. General meeting announcements.
    2. Communication to other clubs.
    3. Establish a monthly calendar to be submitted to the Tri-Club newsletter.
    4. Address on File:
      1. Alumni and General membership addresses.
      2. Organizations on and off campus.
      3. Media addresses.
    1. Create a banner.

Tasks for a particular event

    1. Advertising
    1. Fliers made and copied.
    2. Letters too other schools announcing events.
    3. Campus publications/media WKCR, C-T, WBAR, On-Broadway, Spectator-Bulletin, Record.
    4. Off-Campus media.
    5. Columbia-Net.
    6. Phone mail messages to be sent two days in advance and on the day of the event.

3. Social/Political Committee

a. Programming

    1. Bands ends, theater groups, and other performers.
    2. Room reservations; Set-up/management.
    3. Refreshments.

b. Procedures

1. Prices for entertainment groups.

2. To be aware of events already planned and allocated money for.

3. Contracts for all programming and expenses.

 4. Educational Task Force:

This committee will exist to develop programs of educational benefit of Latino Students on this campus by:

    1. Keeping a list of all programs and developments that serve to assist Latino students academically:
        1. Scholarships/Fellowships
        2. Use of all University Academic services.
        3. Internships and Summer employment.
    1. Network with and present proposals to Columbia University administration (i.e. Dean of Students) as the needs of Latino students rise:
    1. Increase in Latino professors.
    2. Attainment of more Latino studies classes/Latino studies major
    1. Establish a library for the literary enrichment of students.
    2. inform and educate ALA members about pre-professional opportunities.
    1. Planning events with Latino alumnus, to increase members knowledge of graduate and post-graduate school requirements and careers.
    2. Holding seminars with Latino professionals to provide information concerning potential issues in the work force.

II. Meetings

a. General Meetings

These will be held every two weeks and chaired by the President. The purpose of these meetings is to inform the general membership of upcoming events, have forums, and guest speakers.

b. Committee Meetings

Will be held once a week, depending on the activities of the committees, but no more than once every two weeks. Progress reports are to be prepared for the Board meetings. Each committees participation will be monitored.

c. Board Meetings

Alternately held by the chairs every week in order to advise and monitor the progress of each committee. Committee chairs are to submit their minutes to the secretary and hear a financial update from the treasurer.

 III. Elections and Decisions:

 a. For Election of Officers:

Elections for the executive board positions will take place at the end of the spring semester. Nominations of offices for members who qualify will be made two weeks before the elections to give members an opportunity to carefully consider the nominees and their duties.

 b. Removal of Officers and Members:

1. Impeachment Procedure:

against an officer accused of misconduct and or incompetence will proceed in the following manner, 

    • A hearing shall be called no later than two weeks after a formal accusation, either by an officer or representative chosen by the general body.
    • The individual acceptable to both the accuser and the defendant will be selected as a mediator for the hearing.
    • At the hearing the accused will have the right to face his/her accuser and defend him/her self against the charges leveled at him/her.
    • Furthermore both parties will have the right to bring witnesses to testify on their behalf.
    • At the conclusion of the hearing, the board shall make the final judgement.
    • The officers removal is contingent upon the approval of the majority of the board and membership.
    • If an officer makes an appeal, he/she will be granted this appeal to the general membership, which, therefore makes his/her removal contingent on the approval of two-third of the voting membership.

 2. Impeachment procedures:

Against a member accused of conduct that is detrimental to the organization will follow the same format as the procedure for the impeachment of officers.

 c. Amendments:

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