The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Constitution The American Society of Mechanical Engineers is the primary association of mechanical engineers. The club at the Columbia University acts as a pre-professional society for future mechanical engineers and acts as student council for students in the mechanical engineering department. Article I - NameSection 1The name of this organization shall be American Society of Mechanical Engineers at Columbia University, hereafter referred to as the ASME. Section 2The officers of the ASME shall make up the Executive Board of the Article II - PurposeSection 1The purpose of this organization is to connect mechanical engineering students to the national mechanical engineer's association and to organize programs for mechanical engineering students. Section 2The Executive Board shall be responsible for organizing social, career oriented and educational events for mechanical engineering students. It will also act with the faculty advisor in the distribution of membership forms for the national ASME. Article III - MembershipSection 1Members must meet the requirements of membership of the national Section 2Only members who are undergraduate students in Barnard College, Columbia College, or the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences may vote or hold office. Section 3Members have the privileges and responsibilities that are mandated by the national ASME. Section 4Membership may be revoked by the Executive Board by majority vote due to misconduct. Article IV - Meetings and ProceduresSection 1The meetings will be held biweekly or as deemed necessary by Executive Board members.Section 2Decisions are determined by a vote of the Executive Board. Article IV- OfficersSection 1The organization shall have the following officers; president, vice president, treasurer, representative and secretary. They will be nominated by volunteering or nomination by other members with their acceptance. They shall be elected in midMarch by majority vote of the Mechanical engineering class at Columbia University, excluding the outgoing seniors. Any undergraduate mechanical engineering student is eligible to hold office. In the event of a tie, the outgoing board will vote to break the tie. Students may hold office for as many terms as they are elected. Section 2The duties of these officers shall be to help improve membership and to organize events. Section 3The term of an officer lasts for one year. Article VI- Electing. Appointing and Removing OfficersSection 1The elections are held at a meeting of the membership late in the spring term. People are nominated for the officers' positions. The nominees are asked to leave while their positions are voted on. Positions are appointed to those who had the majority of the votes.Section 2The members of the Board may be impeached and removed by the membership by majority vote. Section 3In the event of a mid-term vacancy of an elected officer, a new officer will be elected. Article VII- Bv-LawsSection 1By-laws of the organization shall be established and altered by the Board by majority vote.Section 2By-laws of the Board shall be established and altered by majority vote of the membership. Article VIII- Amendments to the ConstitutionAmendments may be proposed by any member. If the Board agrees to its validity, it shall be voted on by the general members. A two-thirds vote shall be necessary for the adoption of the amendment. Article IX- RatificationThis constitution shall be established by a vote of a four-fifths majority of the Board.