Group Constitutions

Article I. Name of Organization

Section I:

The name of this organization shall be the Ballroom Dance Society, hereafter referred to as BDS.

Section II:

The officers of BDS shall make up the Panel of Directors of BDS, hereafter referred to as the Panel.

Article II. Purposes

Section I:

The purpose of this organization shall be to make ballroom dance available and accessible to the students of this university on a regular basis.

Section II:

The aims and goals of this organization shall be to build a community of ballroom dance enthusiast by providing classes, workshops, dances, and establishing intercollegiate connections for competitions and other events.

Section III:

The purpose of the Panel is to organize and oversee the activities of BDS.

Article III. Membership

Any Barnard/Columbia student may be a member.

Article IV. Meetings and Procedures.

Any member of the panel may call additional general meetings as necessary.

Section II:

Policy decision will be made by any member making a motion, another member seconding the motion, and a vote being held. Voting will take place by ballot at general meetings.

Article V. Officers

Section I:

The Panel shall consist of two co-presidents, a treasurer, and a marketing director. Any club member interested in holding any office may run. Elections shall be held by ballot at an open meeting. Any member of the club may vote. No officer may be a first year. Officers should be enthusiastic and able to commit appropriate amounts of time and energy to their position.

Section II:

The co-presidents shall organize all events. The treasurer shall maintain and direct funds and act as a liaison with SGA and USO. The marketing director shall publicize all events and contact members when necessary.

Section III:

The length of term for any office will be one year.

Section IV:

No person may hold more than one office at a time.

Article VI. Electing, Appointing, and Removing Officers

Section I:

Organizational meatiness must take place at least once per year. The officers shall be elected annually at one of these meetings, beginning the second semester of the organization's existence.

Section II:

The members of the Panel may be impeached and removed by the membership. If an officer is unable to continue to perform his or her duties, she/he may be impeached by a majority vote of the members.

Section III:

In the event of a mid-term vacancy of an elected officer, the Panel may appoint a replacement officer.

Article VII. Committees

Section I:

The possibility to create standing committees in this organization will remain available. These committees and their duties will be outlined in the By-Laws.

Section II:

Committee members will be selected by volunteer and approval of the Panel. They may be removed by the Panel.

Section III:

Additional committees may be formed and dissolved by the organization when the need arises. They will be added at the suggestion by the members of the Panel and removed when their task is completed.

Article VIII. By Laws.

Section I:

By-laws of the BDS shall be established and altered by the Panel and then approval by vote of the members.

Section II:

By-laws of the Panel shall be added and altered in the same manner as By-Laws for the organization.

Article IX. Amendments to the Constitution

Any member may propose an amendment by presenting it to the Panel. A vote of two-thirds of the voting membership is required to adopt an amendment.

Article X. Ratification

This constitution shall be established by a vote of a three-fourths majority of the membership of the organization.

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