Group Constitutions
Black Heritage Month


The month of February is recognized nationwide as Black Heritage Month. Black Heritage Month is a celebration of the struggles and triumphs of peoples of African descent. The month is to consist of a series of events designed to enlighten and educate black people as well as persons from other ethnic backgrounds.

Article I - Black Heritage Month

Section l.

The name of this organization shall be Black Heritage Month hereafter referred to as BHM.

Section 2.

The officers of BHM shall make up the executive board of BHM, hereafter referred to as the 'Board'.

Article II - Purpose

Section 1.

It is preferable that the members of BHM be active participants in the Black Students' Organization However the Board is encouraged to seek membership from persons in the University community who have an interest in BHM and can make a positive contribution to the organization.

Section 2.

The Executive Board shall be responsible for assigning tasks to BHM committee members.

Article III- Membership

Section 1.

Membership is open to all members of the Columbia University undergraduate community.

Section 2.

All members of BHM affiliated with Barnard College, Columbia College, or the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences may vote or hold office.

Section 3.

The responsibilities of membership are to attend weekly planning meetings that will take place from late September through February. Members are required to perform tasks delegated to the Board. Privileges of members include free admission to BHM events they were directly involved in the planning or execution of.

Section 4.

Membership may be revoked by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board due to inability or unwillingness to perform the tasks assigned by the Board.

Article IV- Meetings and Procedures

Section 1.

Weekly meetings will be held as deemed necessary by the Board. All meetings scheduled should be cleared by one of the BHM Co-chairs who will approve the meeting does not conflict with the committee meetings of the Black Students' Organization.

Section 2.

Policy decisions should be brought to the BHM General Body for a vote. Votes can be taken by the raising of hands or by secret ballot, depending on the nature of the vote.

Article V- Officers

Section 1.

BHM shall have the following officers; Two co-chairs, Secretary, Treasurer, Publicity Chair. The Co-chairs shall be the Vice President and Campus Liaison of the Black Students' Organization.

Section 2.

The duties of these officers shall be, but are not limited to, the following:

(1) Co-chairs are responsible for:

  1. Creating an overall calendar of events for the month.
  2. Soliciting representatives from other student groups through the Black and Latino Caucus to make up the BHM General Body.
  3. Appointing members of the General Body to the positions of secretary, treasurer, and publicity chair.
  4. Assigning tasks to members of the general body and overseeing the overall planning for the month.

(2) Secretary is responsible for:

  1. Keeping the minutes at weekly meetings.
  2. Sending out phone mail messages announcing weekly meetings.

(3) Treasurer is responsible for:

  1. Itemizing a budget for the month.
  2. Keeping track of spending for the month.
  3. Keeping track of monetary co-sponsorships from other campus organizations.
  4. Keeping track of money earned during the month through ticket sales.

(4) Publicity chair is responsible for:

  1. Flyering and phone mail messages for each event sponsored by BHM.
  2. Off-campus publicity for BHM events when appropriate.

Section 3.

The term of each officer shall last from appointment until the end of Black Heritage Month.

Article VI - Electing, Appointing, and Removing Officers

Section 1.

The Secretary, Treasurer, and Publicity Chair shall be appointed by the BHM Co-chairs based on activity in the Black Students' Organization and/or BHM. Nominees have the right to decline the position.

Section 2.

In the event of the resignation or impeachment of an officer, the Board shall appoint a member of the BHM General Body or Board to fill the empty position. Nominees have the right to decline the position.

Section 3.

Impeachment of an officer shall be for the following reasons.

  1. Inability to perform in the best interest of the organization.
  2. Activity unbecoming a leader, as deemed by the organization.
  3. Inability to attend scheduled meetings.

Section 4.

Impeachment procedures are as follows:

  1. Formal, typewritten charge(s) will be presented to the Board, and then to the General Body.
  2. The case will be opened to discussion.
  3. The General Body renders a decision on the retention or dismissal of the officer by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote.

Article VII - Amendments to the Constitution

Section 1.

This constitution may be altered, amended, repealed, or otherwise changed by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members of the organization.

Article VIII - Ratification

This constitution shall be established by a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote of the membership of the organization.

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