Charles Drew Premedical Society of Columbia University
Constitution l) encouraging qualified minority students of all grades and ages to consider the fields of medicine and health-as professionals. 2) bridging the information gap between college and high school, and to keep potential candidates abreast of the varying requirements and opportunities in the schools. 3) providing any necessary tutorial assistance for club members to help build stronger foundations, through the sharing of our common interests, knowledge, and talents. 4) apprising incoming students of therigors of premedical studies and thereby help them to prepare for their studies. 5) establishing direct permanent contacts with various medical schools to obtain relevant information and to invite speakers to discuss current topics in medical sciences, with special emphasis on those problems that most directly affect minority groups. 6) aiding in the establishment of summer orientation and tutorial programs on both the undergraduate and high school levels. 7) serving as a representative body for the members and function as a mediator between those students dedicated to the society's goals and the university faculty and administration. 8) supplementing the premedical advisory office in whatever manner possible. a ). , . by finding substantive occupation for club members in health fields during the summer. MEMBERSHIP Membership will be open to students of the undergraduate division of Columbia University who are dedicated to the goals of the Charles Drew Premedical Society. There will be an annual (nominal) membership fee. Members who have been negligent With respect to 1) attendance of meetings, 2) participation in the functions and programs of the society, and/or 3) financial obligations can be disenfranchised by the Board of Administrators of by a vote of 51% of the membership. Such members will be termed "negligent". Associate members cannot hold office (however, they are not "negligent"). OFFICERS Members who have been declared "negligent" will be denied the privilege of holding office. Each office will be maintained for a period of one (1) full year, and a member may hold the office until he requests to withdraw from the position, or until his status as a member changes. It for any reason an officer must prematurely terminate his office, a temporary replacement will be appointed by the Board of Administrators. The officers and duties will be as follows: President - will serve as the -chief representative of the society and is primarily responsible for the main tainance of the club and the attainment of its goals. The President must be from Columbia College, Barnard College. or the School of Engineering. Vice-President - will assist the president in whatever manner necessary and will assume all duties of the president upon the president's absence or leaving of office for whatever reason, until replaced. Treasurer - will be responsible for all financial affairs of the society and will maintain all fiscal records will be authorized the use of club funds and will be responsible for the proposal of a semesterly budget all-of which must be approved by the Board of Administrators. Recording Secretary - will he responsible for taking the minutes at each meeting and for completed membership and committee Lists and the maintainance of the constitution and by-laws. Corresponding Secretary - will chair the Communications Committee. will be responsible for informing all members of meetings and special programs, and will also be responsible for al' correspondence between the society and any external organization and keep records of all such correspondence(s). PROCEDURES Meetings - will be planned by the Planning or Programming Committees and will be conducted by any member of the Executive Committee. Policy Decisions - no policy or program will he implemented by the society without a majority vote and approval of the Board of Administrators. Elections - will be conducted principally on an annual basis and officials will be inducted into office by a majority vote and approval by the Board of Administrators. All elected officials will be subject to the regulations of the society and are subject to disciplinary action for delinquency, negligence, and other acts deemed detrimental to the society. Amendments - this constitution shall not be done away with or amended except by a vote of seventy-five percent (75%) of the society's members at two (2) successive official meetings, as well as approval of the Board of Administrators. Standing Committees 1 ) Communications Committee2) Coordinating Committee 3) Education Committee 4) Fund Raising Committee 5) Planning Committee 6) Programming Committee Boards Board of Advisors - will provide factual and accurate information as wall as responsible guidance for the society. Board of Trustees - composed of society graduates, will maintain contact with the society throughout medical school and provide firsthand relevant information. Board of Administrators - all final decisions on all society matters shall be rendered by a five-man group to be called the Board of Administrators. Successors to the "Board" will be elected by the members of the Board of Administrators. The Board of Administrators shall not be done away with except by a vote of seventy-five percent (75%) of the society's members at two (2) successive meetings, as well as by approval of the Board of Administrators. OFFICERS The majority of officers must be students of Barnard College, Columbia College, the School of Engineering, the School of General Studies, or the School of Nursing. The office of the president shall be occupied only by a student of either Barnard College, Columbia College, or the School of Engineering. Amendment I: September, 1974 The President - The President must be a student of Barnard College or Columbia College. Amendment II: September, 1974 Membership will he open to student of Barnard College, Columbia College, the School of Engineering, the School of General Studies, and the School of Nursing. Amendment III: September, 1975 All members in good standing must give at least two hours of their time each week to some designated activity or program get up by the society. Amendment IV: September 1975 All services and business functions rendered for the Charles Drew Premedical Society must first have the signature of the President of the Society or his/her direct permission. |