Group Constitutions
Columbia East Asian Review


The purpose of the Columbia East Asian Review is to provide in-depth analyses of current political and economic issues in East Asian countries. The Review will thus cover an area that no other campus publication deals with.


Section 1 The name of this organization shall be the Columbia East Asian Review, hereafter referred to as the Review.

Section 2 The officers of the Review shall make up the Executive Board of the Review, hereafter referred to as the "Board."


Section 1 The purpose of the Review shall be to provide the campus with a publication that deals with East Asian political and economic affairs.

Section 2 The Executive Board shall determine the editorial content and layout of the Review.


Section 1 The general body of the Review must be comprised of at least two-thirds CC and SEAS students. The specific requirements of membership are that members must be full-time students at any of Columbia University's undergraduate, graduate, or professional schools.

Section 2 The privileges and responsibilities of membership are to assist the Board with writing, editing, illustrations, layout, management, and advertising for the Review.

Section 3 Membership may be revoked by a three-fourths majority of the board by a formal vote due to a case of proven financial embezzlement.


Section 1 Regularly scheduled meetings will be held once every other week. Any member of the executive board will have the authority to call meetings.

Section 2 Policy decisions will be made by the board as a whole. Motions will be put forward and formal votes will be carried out.


Section 1 The Review shall have the following officers: Editor-in-Chief, Publisher, Forum Editor, Regional Reports Editor, Arts Editor, Layout Editor, Graphics Editor, On-line Editor, Advertising Manager.

Section 2 The duties of these officers shall be to help with writing, editing, illustrations, layout, management, and advertising for the Review.

Section 3 Each term of office will be one semester. There will be no term limitations.

Section 4 Only members who are undergraduate students in Columbia College or the School of Engineering and Applied Science may hold the position of President or Treasurer. No single member may be both the President and Treasurer simultaneously.

ARTICLE VI - ELECTING. APPOINTING. AND REMOVING OFFICERS Section 1 Organizational elections must take place at least once per year. Section 2 The very first board of the Review will be selected through an interview process. The subsequent boards will be selected by nomination, election and secret ballots. Section 3 The members of the Board may be impeached and removed by the membership. See III.3 Section 4 In the event of a mid-term vacancy of an elected officer, a board meeting will be called, and a new officer will be selected by nomination, election and secret ballots.

ARTICLE VII - AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION Amendments can be proposed by any member of the board. It will be decided whether or not to amend the constitution by a secret ballot. If two-thirds of the voting membership votes for the amendment, it will be put in place.


This constitution shall be established by a vote of a three-fourths majority of the membership of the Review.

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