Musical Theater Society
IV. A. Because of the qualities of this theater group, there will be only five officers on the bards They will not only-be responsible for the smooth operation of the administrative aspects of Musicals, but also for the smooth operation of the show during its rehearsal periods. The five positions are one year positions: President, Vice-President, Musical Director and Secretary. The President is responsible for maintaining discipline at all meetings, proposing the choices of shows for the semester ahead to the other members of the board, and for the consideration of membership (involving the interviews for prospective division heads) and the consideration of dismissal of members who are detrimental to the success of be show. If not also acting as a director or division head, the President may, through a fair audition. Appear in a show. The Vice-President will assist and work with the President. He or she will take control of meetings in the absence of the President, and oversee the Financial workings of the group. The Vice President is able to both perform and work on any of the shows. The Business Manager serves as Treasurer for the group and the Business manager for the show is to be responsible for the processes involved in submitting our group to royalties companies for shows we are interested in upcoming months. He or she will also be responsible for dealing directly with the Student Activities Office. The Musical Director is not necessarily the musical director of the present show. He or she will be responsible for overseeing the musical direction of the show, for finding available rehearsal space for the band/orchestra, for arranging for storage of instruments and piano tuning during the run of the show, and for keeping an updated list of musicians and campus musical connections for the group. The Secretary will be responsible for taking minutes and notes at the meetings and for informing the members or the group about meetings. He or she will also be responsible for whatever typing is necessary to royalties, costume, set, makeup or program companies. The Secretary will also be called upon to do whatever xeroxing of paperwork is necessary. The President will work with the show's Director to coordinate rehearsal space with the Student Activities Office. Every individual in the group from actor to usher and directors has the right to suggest a meeting for a necessary discussion -- but these will be impromptu meetings to take place before or after rehearsals. Any of the five board members may call a formal meeting at any time. There will be two full membership meetings per semester' one at the beginning of the rehearsal period regarding the progression of the show and the dates of the show and any possible events during the course of the show, and the second, after the end of the show in order to speak about the prospects for next semester and any openings or elections.
Any officer may be removed through a majority vote from every member of Musicals V.
1. There will be no need for regularly scheduled meetings as the rehearsals will serve as such, and to which every member is invited. 2. Any member has the authority to call an informal meeting should the need arise.
VI. Since the only officers to be elected are the President and the Vice President, his or her election will be done through nominations and a secret vote through ballot. The majority will win. Any number of nominees is possible. VII. Amendments may be proposed by ant member at a formal meeting, and a majority vote of 2/3 is necessary to adopt the amendment to the constitution. This 2/3 vote is of those present at the meeting. VIII. There is no need for the establishment of by-laws in a group such as this: amendments will suffice to solve the lack of a working part of this constitution. As mentioned several times above, this group will aerate on a per semester/ per show basis such that the rehearsal period will bring together most of the members and the performances will bring together every member of the group. |