- The name of this organization/publication will be the Columbia Review unless changed by a vote of 2/3 of the membership.
- The purpose of this group will be to produce a free, annual literary magazine that publishes all literary forms from diverse backgrounds without having one particular subject criterion.
- The Columbia Review will publish its magazine in the spring to be distributed throughout the campus as well as some off-campus locations. The Columbia Review will sponsor coffeehouses for open readings, and there will be a reception for all authors of works published in the Columbia Review of that year at the end of the spring semester.
- Submissions to the Columbia Review are welcomed from all of Columbia University as well as off-campus writers regardless of race, gender and sexual orientation.
- Submissions for publication will be reviewed anonymously, discussed and then voted upon by secret ballot at the weekly meetings by the Columbia Review membership. The worthiness of publication is ultimately decided by each individual member based on the language, style, and overall quality of the piece. If the majority of the members present vote in favor of a piece, the piece will be put into the "final cut pool". If a majority does not accept the piece, the piece will not be published in the Columbia Review. The author, if he/ she has left a contact number, will be notified by the editors of the decision.
- All submissions accepted into the "final cut pool" will reviewed again in the beginning of March for a "final cut" using the same procedure as stated above.
- Submissions will be accepted until a designated deadline in the beginning of March before the final cut.
- Upon final cut, authors of all accepted works will be notified of the decision at which time they may choose to deny the publication of their work.
- Membership is open to all and any Columbia and Barnard college students who have an interest in literary work. Members can be of any race, gender or sexual orientation.
- Members must come to weekly meetings prepared to actively discuss and vote on pieces.
- All members have one vote.
- There are no specific officers for the Columbia Review. There is an editorial board made up of 2-4 editors and or associate editors that guide the Columbia Review along. The members that come to weekly meetings comprise the editorial staff. Anyone on the editorial staff can further their responsibilities beyond weekly meetings if so wished. The Columbia Review is a non-hierarchical group.
- The responsibilities of the editors is to collect and make photo copies of submissions for weekly meetings keeping names of authors confidential, notifying author about the status of their pieces, finding a publishing or printing company, organizing coffeehouses, and taking care of general administration.
- Editors can serve for as long as they remain Columbia undergraduates. However, if editors are not fulfilling responsibilities they can be asked to relinquish the position if 2/3 of the membership agrees.
- Editors are elected by majority vote according to their interest in the position and their ongoing commitment to the Columbia Review.
- Editors and all members of the editorial staff are also allowed to submit their own work to the Columbia Review.
- Meeting are held once a week for a total of an hour to two hours. The times of regular meetings and special meetings are decided upon a consensus of the group.
- All decisions are made by the entire group together by a 2/3 vote.
- Any change to this constitution can be made by a vote of 2/3 of the membership.
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