Group Constitutions
Columbia Television


The name of the station will now be referred to as "The Lion Network," but the organization itself will still bear the name of "Columbia Television" or "CTV."

ARTICLE TWO: Objectives

SECTION ONE - responsibilities

The sole responsibility of CTV is to broadcast programming. All projects that CTV participates in must be broadcast. Everything done by CTV must be in the interest of CTV and for the purposes of being broadcast.

SECTION TWO - education

CTV will work to educate students in the art and practices of video production and communication.

SECTION THREE - the space

CTV will maintain a working television station which will broadcast at all times. The organization will take all possible measures to maintain the security of the room and the equipment.

ARTICLE THREE: Programming

SECTION ONE - submitted programming

CTV has the right to reject programming if it goes against the "community standard." If the director of outside programming feels a submitted piece may be harmful for the campus community, the program will be submitted for review by the Management Board.

SECTION TWO - electronic bulletin

When no programming is shown, a bulletin will be posted which will provide campus information and advertisements.

SECTION THREE - forms of programming

CTV will air old CTV programs, new CTV produced shows, and programming submitted from outside sources.

ARTICLE FOUR: Organization

SECTION ONE - Departments

The organization will be divided into separate departments to preside over separate affairs, all to be presided over by the president. Each department will have a department head. The department heads and the president will make up the management board.

SECTION TWO - Responsibilities of the Management Board

The management board is responsible for all affairs regarding CTV. This includes all general administration and internal budgeting. There will be board meetings once a week - the meetings should cover programming events for the week and all other pertinent information.

The management board cannot consist entirely of graduating seniors. This is to ensure that there can be continuation and communication between former and new department heads in the following year. FOR EVERY SENIOR member in a management role, there must be a member of another year in an assistant position to that senior.

SECTION THREE - Department names and functions

The departments will be as follows:

  • Technical - The technical department will handle all technical work. such as equipment maintenance and upkeep.
  • Secretary/Treasurer- This function can be handled by one person. This department is in charge of all paperwork such as looking over the budget, approving budget requests, and taking care of secretarial functions. This includes the alumni newsletter, communications with alumni and the advisory board, and numerous other activities.
  • News - The news department will be in charge of covering all news events and creating news programs.
  • Sports - The sports department will cover all sporting events, broadcast tapings of sporting events and create sports programming and summary shows.
  • Campus Coverage - The campus coverage department will cover all events not covered by sports or news, as well as communicate with other departments throughout the campus outside CTV.
  • Entertainment - The entertainment department will create entertainment shows.
  • Outside producers - This department will coordinate all submitted programming and work done by outside producers, including the collection of programs from outside producers and communication with these producers.
  • Promotions/Sales - This department will handle all promotional activities and ail advertising sales.
  • Development - Development will focus on developing new programs, this group will include a writers pool. The development department will also be in charge of coordinating lectures, featuring members of the television industry.
  • Bulletin - The Bulletin department will be in charge of collecting information and coordinating the updates of the CTV electronic bulletin.
  • Set Design/fabrication - The set design department is in charge of fabricating sets for shows, and acquiring props as needed and requested by the various production departments.
  • ALL of these departments will fall under the governance of the Programming VP, who will report directly to the president. This position involves the responsibilities of coordinating scheduling and watching over ail movements between the production departments.

SECTION THREE (b) - organization of the departments

Each department will have a department head which together will make up the management board. In addition to board meetings, each department must have meetings once a week to organize their separate efforts.

ALL DEPARTMENTS MUST have at least two members who may continue in that department the next year.

---At the middle of the school year, department members will submit resumes and requests for positions in the ensuing half of the year. These positions will be held until the next year when the process will be repeated. Resumes will be reviewed and positions granted by the management board.

Ail other decisions and organization will be made internally by the departments in coordination with the president.

SECTION FOUR - Advisory Board

The Advisory Board will consist of all former members of Columbia television and members of the television industry who are "recruited." Communication with CTV alumni and the advisory board will be the responsibility of the president and secretary. .

The Board will assist CTV in an advisory position, helping with technical questions and helping preserve the original intentions and goals of the organization.

SECTION FIVE - Faculty advisor

The Faculty Advisor will be established to fill the void of a permanent faculty person overseeing CTV. This advisor will help in all dealings with the administration and help push things through. The advisor may also be called upon to help control delinquent members of the organization and stress continued participation. The president is responsible for staying in contact with the faculty advisor and bringing up all pertinent events and information.

SECTION SIX - The President **

The President presides over all other departments in the organization. The president represents the organization, and must make sure that its goals and intentions are being reached and implemented. The president has the authority to overrule any decisions. All members must play a heavily active role in CTV for a minimum of 2 years to be eligible for the position.

** Only Management Board members may be eligible for the position of president. The selection of president will be handled through an election, where there are 21 votes given to the active president(s), 30 votes given to the advisory board, 20 votes given to the management board, and 29 votes given to the general membership. The person to gain the most votes will be president.

SECTION SEVEN - Placing for positions

Positions will no longer be set through election. Instead, all members seeking department head positions, or the positions of Programming VP or President must submit resumes at the middle of the year. These resumes will be reviewed by the active president, faculty advisor, and the advisory board; positions will be given after these reviews.

SECTION EIGHT- General Membership

Meetings of the general membership, which includes all active members of Columbia television, must take place at least once a month. These meetings will detail all important information for members and all upcoming events.

Membership is open to all students of Columbia and Barnard, regardless of race, creed, sex, or color.

ARTICLE FIVE: Security and Discipline


Only board members are allowed to hold keys. No keys will be given out to any person at the FBH info desk. If keys are lost, they must be replaced by that member. Locks will be placed on all cabinets and doors. Only board members may hold keys to these locks.

SECTION TWO - Entry to studio

CTV will operate at regular hours in which it shall be open to all its members. If a board member wishes to enter the studio at an off hour, that board member must leave a message with all the other members so that each member is aware. If a board member goes into the studio at off hours without notifying the other members, disciplinary actions may be taken.

SECTION THREE - Disciplinary actions

All disciplinary actions of a member of Columbia Television will be handled by the president, managing board, faculty advisor, and the advisory board. Through review of the case, these groups will decide what actions should be taken.

All cases must be handled in this fashion.


This completes the new Constitution of Columbia Television. We feel that these are the necessary and appropriate guidelines by which the organization may function as it was intended to.

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