Group Constitutions


The name of this organization shall be COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY CONCERTS


Section 1:

The purposes of this organization shall be to Provide alternative, rock-and-roll, ethnic, and other forms of musical entertainment to the joint campuses of Columbia University.

Section 2:

COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY CONCERTS will also act in an advisory capacity to any club/organization which wishes to sponsor or cosponsor a similar musical event.


Section 1.

Membership is open to all students currently enrolled in Columbia University.


Section 1.

The officers of COLUMBIA University CONCERTS shall be elected annually in the Fall semester by voting members of the same.- The elections shall not be held before November 15. Voting is open to members who have attended 3 consecutive meetings.- Members who have not attended 3 consecutive meetings may appeal for voting Privileges, which shall be assigned at the discretion of the Board.- The election shall be conducted by secret ballot.- The Board shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Section 3.

One person may not hold more than one elected position on COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY CONCERTS, but may hold other administrative Positions, such as Publicity Director, Stage Manager, Hospitality Chief, etc.- In addition, the Position may be divided between two members should the split be deemed necessary by the Board. Example: Co-Presidents.

Section 4.

Before resigning, the elected member MUST first speak to the other members of the Board in order to air any Problems, and must also sneak to the club advisor.

Section 5.

Grounds for impeachment are an obvious neglect of duty, infringement of the rules listed above, and the evidencing of an unethical bias in the administration of club activities.

Section 6.

For an officer to be impeached, there must be a quorum vote (of all voting members of COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY CONCERTS, whether they attend the meeting or not). and 2/3 of the Board must approve of this motion.


Clauses in this Constitution may be amended, by the same methods as detailed in ARTICLE IV, Section 5.

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