Columbia University Undergraduate Architecture Society
Constitution I. Name of the Group The name of this organization shall be the Columbia University Undergraduate Architecture Society, hereafter referred to as CUUAS. II. Purpose CUUAS is a non-profit organization for the promotion of architecture to undergraduate students on the Columbia campus. Our activities include: Field trips, gallery and office tours, display of student work, the publication of monthly calendars, newsletters and a journal at the end of the academic year. CUAAS is intended to provide a forum for students interested in architecture as a field of study and as a profession to ask questions, learn about graduate schools and the profession within the context of New York City. It is also meant to be a loosely structured group, one more for social and intellectual gatherings than as a strictly run political organization. III. Membership A. Any member of the Columbia campus is eligible for membership, including members of the faculty, graduate students, members of the Paris/New York exchange, students in the school of Engineering and Applied Sciences and students in the school of General Studies. However the society is directed towards Barnard college and Columbia college students and it is expected that at least two thirds of the membership will come from these two divisions of the university. B. The requirements for membership are signing the roster, attending at least two organizational meetings and attending at least one event during the year No dues are required. C. It is not expected that any membership need be revoked. In the event that this is occurs the person in question will be asked not to attend any CUUAS sponsored activities or meetings. D. The CUUAS does not discriminate on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, disability or anything else. IV. Officers A. There is an executive board of officers which is officially in charge of CUUAS. It is recommended that at least one of these officers be a senior, in order to provide perspective on the activities of the group. The term for executive board membership is one year but interested students may serve for more than one term. B. The executive board may consist of as many students as is seen fit. However, to avoid confusion, inefficiency or dictatorship, it is recommended that the board consist of between three and five members. Board members assume office at the start of the academic year and elections are held at the close of the academic year. C. Standing committees include the committee for the journal Onsite, the Calendar and the T-shirt design contest. Other committees can be created as needed but are not standing. It is recommended that all of the committees have at least one representative in each of the architecture studio classes offered by Barnard and Columbia. V. Procedures A. CUUAS meetings are held biweekly, the executive board meets weekly and the committees meet as often as necessary. There will be a monthly meeting with the faculty advisors who are selected by the Architecture department for both CUUAS and Onsite. B. Policy decisions are usually voted on by the members of the Executive board although in some cases they will be voted on by the entire group. VI. Elections Officers are self nominated and elected by the CUUAS at the end of the academic year. Winners will be determined by a majority of votes and in the event of a tie both students will be elected and will share the duties of the post. VII. Amendments Any amendments to this constitution can be made by the executive board of the CUUAS at any future date, especially in the event of a drastic change in finances or membership. |