Group Constitutions
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Student Branch

I Name and Location

1. The organization shall be called the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Student Branch hereinafter referred to as "The EKE"

2. The office of the IEEE shall be located at the 1312 Mudd in the Department of Electrical Engineering.

II Aims and Purposes

Its purposes are: (a) scientific and educational, directed toward the advancement of the theory and practice of electrical engineering, electronics, radio and the allied branches of engineering and the related arts and sciences. b) professional, directed toward the advancement of the standing of the members of the professions it serves. c) act as a liaison between the undergraduate electrical engineering majors and faculty d) to follow the guidelines of student branch from its parent organization, the IEEE, incorporated, hereinafter referred to as the EKE, inc., located at 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017 e) participation in the IEEE's activities will enhance the members future careers by offering leadership experience, field trips, employment seminars and design projects.

III Organizational Structure

There are two separate classes of members: i) Non-registered member ii) registered member

  1. All students of Columbia University are eligible for non-registered membership.
  2. However, to be registered member of EKE, inc., the student must be a registered undergraduate or graduate student currently enrolled in at least 50% of a normal, full time course of study in electrical, electronics or computer engineering or computer sciences, or in an allied branch of engineering, engineering technology or the related arts and sciences. Registered member has to pay the basic annual fee of $28 to the IEEE, inc.
  3. Registered EKE membership includes

a) a subscription to the award winning monthly magazine, Spectrum, the flagship publication of the IEEE, inc., the Institute, a news supplement to the Spectrum, and also Potentials, the quarterly magazine for up-and-coming engineers.

b) participation in student branch activities in order to enhance the members future careers by offering leadership experience, field trips and design projects.

c) membership access to the 35 EEE, inc., technical societies, their publications and services at discounted rate;

d) invitations to attend and participate in numerous technical conferences in the areas of the members technical interest, as well as various educational seminars, technical and professional programs and courses.

e) Recognition and cash awards through the EEE, inc. Student Paper awards.

f) Participation in local, professional Section and Chapter meetings where members meet members and industry leaders to discuss technical and professional issues and career concerns.

g) access to the world's most comprehensive source of electrical and electronics publications, specialized books, conference records and published standards.

h) member accessories and personal interest programs, such as various insurance plans, credit cards and employment services.

i) scholarship, fellowships and other awards available to members from IEEE, inc based on merit, involvement and needs .

IV Officers

The EKE is guided by its student officers and faculty adviser. The Executive Committee is responsible for administering Branch operations and consists of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. A) Duties of:

i) the President

  1. responsible for the overall management of all affairs
  2. presiding at all meetings of the IEEE.
  3. acts as the key liaison between the undergraduate students and the chairman of the Electrical Engineering Department.
  4. preparing the necessary reports for the IEEE ,inc.
  5. arranging for the elections of officers on a calendar year basis.
  6. notifying the chairman of the Electrical Engineering Department, faculty adviser of the newly elected of ricers, and the Office of Student Activities in FBH of the newly elected officers.

ii) the Vice-President

  1. oversees committee responsibilities and always shares the workload of the president.
  2. assisting the President in following up on assigned committee responsibilities.

iii) Secretary

  1. notifying the EKE, inc., of the names of newly elected officers immediately upon election.
  2. keeping detailed records of each Branch meeting in 2) If there is a strong disagreement and no order to complete the Annual Report which shall be unanimously regarding certain policy, then, a general sent to IEEE,inc. at the end of each calendar year meeting shall be held to pass the policy.
  3. maintaining stationery and other IEEE and the fourths majority among the voting IEEE members are Electrical Engineering Department's form of supplies. needed to pass the motion.
  4. carrying out the necessary communications and membership roster and committee assignments shall be kept by the secretary. At the end of the term, the records shall be transferred to kite incoming secretary.

e) posting of calendar events.

iv) Treasurer

  1. must see that the finances are in order and accounted for.
  2. Depositing all monies received in the Office of Student Activities in FBH and maintaining an exact accounting of all receipts and expenditures.
  3. preparing a budget at the start of the year for the executive committee and faculty adviser.
  4. receiving and depositing the annual rebate check of $50 from EEE, inc.
  5. Overseeing all fund raising efforts.

v) faculty adviser

a) must be a faculty member in the department of electrical engineering and an active registered IEEE member and serves as an advisor.

vi) office of student activities adviser

a) serves as an adviser in all areas that includes the usage of funds from the office of student activities.

B) The officers shall be elected by the voting members of IEEE. All members are eligible to run for office with the stipulation that once the officer are elected, each is required to become a registered IEEE member. The officers shall assume office immediately upon elections. The officers shall be considered for removal if considerable complaint is raised against them by the members of EKE.

V. Procedures

  1. Meetings

Scheduled meetings shall be held during the course of each semester as corresponding to the events planned for the semester. The President shall have the authority to call a meeting.

B) Policy Decisions

1) Policy decisions are made by unanimous vote among the officers.

2) IF there is a strong disagreement and no unaimoisty regarding certain policy, then, a general meeting shall be held to pass the policy. Three-fourth majoirty among the voting IEEE members are needed to pass the motion.

3) Voting shall be limited to the IEEE members serving as custodian of all records, including all outgoing correspondence.

4) The percentage shall be based only on those who are present at the general meeting.

5) There shall be no quorum to pass a motion.

VI Election

1. The President shall be elected by the members, as defined in Article 4, Section B of this constitution, by a simple majority vote. The voting shall be conducted through closed balloting by the outgoing president. If the president seeks reselection, the voting shall be conducted by any outgoing officers or if no officers are outgoing, the votes shall be counted by the current faculty adviser of IEEE.

2. The Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary shall be elected by the same procedure as stated in article VI (l) above.

3. The term of office of each of the elected officials shall be one year.

4) The procedure for removal of officers shall be as described in Article 4, Section B.

VII Amendment

Amendments shall be proposed by three-fourths majority among the officers. This constitution shall be amended by a three-fourth majority of the voting members, as defined in article V, Section B of this constitution. If there is a unanimous decision among the officers to pass the proposal for the amendment, then the constitution shall be amended; otherwise, a general meeting shall be held and the proposal shall require three-fourths C) There are currently no standing committees in the majority among the voting members to result in an IEEE. Future committees may be formed at the amendment to this constitution. discretion of the officers.

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