Group Constitutions
Elementary Journal Consitution


The constitution of ELEMENTARY HOP JOURNAL states the reasons for its existence as well as the workings of its officers, committees and members.


SECTION 1. The name of this organization shall be ELEMENTARY HIP HOP JOURNAL, hereafter referred to as ELEMENTARY

SECTION 2. The officers of ELEMENTARY shall make up the Executive Board of ELEMENTARY, hereafter referred to as the "Board"


SECTION 1. The purpose of this organization is to create, amplify and facilitate dialogue abort hip hop culture through the medium of a quarterly journal devoted to historical analysis, personal reflection and intellectual commentary.

SECTION 2. The Executive Board shall guide and coordinate the production of the journal.


SECTION 1. The requirement for membership is participation in some function of the organization.

SECTION 2. Only members who attend Columbia College, the School of Engineering and Applied Science, or Barnard College may vote or hold office.

SECTION 3. Membership may be revoked by a consensus of the Board due to irresponsibility and failure to meet the standards and demands of the journal.


SECTION 1. Members of the Board shall meet twice a week. Any officer of the Board has the authority to call a meeting when he or she deems it necessary or appropriate. SECTION 2. Policy decisions are made by the board in conjunction with the general staff. The Board oversees an open vote by the members.


SECTION 1. The organization shall have the following officers: Editor-In-Chief, Managing Editor, Assistant Managing Editor, Art

Director, Creative Director, Business Manager, Accountant, Publicity Director, Associate Editor, and Senior Writer. In order to hold office, a member must submit A written statement detailing his or her reasons for applying, along with information on appropriate background and related experience.

SECTION 2. The duty of these officers shall be the editorial content, coordination and production of ELEMENTARY.

SECTION 3. The length of office is limitless, unless terminated by resignation, change of office or the consensus of all the members of the Board.

ARTICLE VT - Electing ; Appointing AND Removing Officers

SECTION 1. Election/appointment to an office will be based on a written resume and the decision of the current members of the Board

SECTION 2. A member of the Board may be impeached and removed by the consensus of the other members Inability to fulfill the duties of an office serves as one, though not the only, ground for impeachment and removal.

SECTION 3. In the event of a mid-term vacancy of an elected officer, a replacement shall be appointed by the remaining members of the board through a deliberation over submitted resumes


SECTION 1. The standing committees of this organization shall be Editorial, Business, Photography' Art, Publicity' and Design.

SECTION 2. Committee members will be selected according to expressed interest.


SECTION 1. By-laws of the organization shall be established and altered by the Board with the consensus of the of the members at any given meeting.

SECTION 2. By-laws of the Board shall be established and altered by the Board itself.

ARTICLE IX - AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSITUTION An amendment may be proposed by any member of the organization who has the approval of at least one member of the current Board. Two-thirds of the voting membership is required to adopt an amendment

ARTICLE X - RATIFICATION This constitution shall be established by the Board in Conjunction with the three-fours majority of the membership of the organization.

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