Group Constitutions
Notes and Keys

Preamble: This constitution is to state the rules and regulations of the a Capella singing group Notes and Keys. The purpose of the group is to provide entertainment for Columbia University, and also for charity events.

Article I

Section 1: The name of this organization shall be Notes and Keys hereafter referred to as Notes and Keys.

Section 2: The Executive Board of Notes and Keys, hereafter referred to as the 'Board' shall be made up of business manager and music director.

Article II

Section 1: The purpose of this organization shall be to provide singing entertainment at Columbia University.

Section 2: The Executive Board shall run the rehearsals, take care of the budget, and plan performance dates for the group.

Article III

Section 1: The requirements of membership are to attend a series of auditions, where the current members will vote on the people they feel will make the best contribution of musical talent to the group.

Section 2: Only members who are undergraduate students in Barnard College, Columbia College, or the School of Engineering and Applied Science may vote or hold office.

Section 3: The privileges and responsibilities of membership are to attend all rehearsals and concerts.

Section 4: If the group feels that a student has not been a responsible member, membership may be revoked.

Article IV

Section 1: Meetings are held on Sunday nights from six to nine, and Tuesday nights from eight to ten.

Section 2: Policy decisions and formal votes are carried out by simple majority votes by every member of the group.

Article V

Section 1: The only officers are a musical director and a business manager. Any member of the group is eligible for either one of these positions, and they are voted in by majority vote.

Section 2: The duty of the musical director is to make arrangements, direct performances, and run the rehearsals. The duty of the business manager is to take care of the budget, and to schedule the dates of performances with the appropriate people.

Section 3: These positions last for one year, and then elections are held again.

Article VI

Section 1: Election rules are that you must be a member of the group to vote. It is a majority vote in all cases, including appointment of officers.

Section 2: The members of the Board may be impeached and removed by the membership. If someone in the group feels that a member is not being a responsible, committed member of the group, the group can propose to have a vote on whether that person should be impeached or not. If the majority vote is for impeachment, then it would happen.

Section 3: In the event of a mid-term vacancy of an elected officer, the remaining members simply vote, by majority rules, for any other member that might be interested in the job.

Article VII

Amendments can be proposed by any member of the group, and are voted on with majority rules.

Article VIII

This constitution shall be established by a vote of three-fourths majority of the membership of the organization.

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