Constitution ARTICLE I - NAME OF THE ORGANIZATION SECTION 1 The organization shall be known as Russian Students Society, henceforth referred to as "RSS" . ARTICLE II- PURPOSE SECTION 1 The purpose of RSS is to unify Columbia students interested in Russian culture through social interaction, cultural programs and activities, educational exchange, and social awareness. ARTICLE III - MEMBERSHIP SECTION 1 RSS shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, handicap, sexual orientation, nationality, or ethnic origin. SECTION 2 Official members of RSS must be a part of the Columbia University community, should have an interest in the purposes of RSS as stated in ARTICLE II above, and should be registered on the membership list. SECTION 3 Any student affiliated with Columbia University may become a member RSS, according to SECTION 1. ARTICLE IV- GOVERNMENT SECTION 1 RSS shall be managed and directed by the Executive Board, henceforth referred to as the "Politburo". SECTION 2 The Politburo shall be comprised of: * President * Vice President * Treasurer * Secretary * Social Coordinator/Public Relations Officer SECTION 3 The officers shall be elected annually in the first week of April, unless otherwise specified by the Politburo. Officers term of office begin two weeks after the date of the election. During the transition term the Politburo and Politburo-elect cooperate to smooth the transition and transfer information about officer responsibilities, administrative procedures, and leadership in general. SECTION 4 The duties of the Politburo shall be: President * to chair over RSS Executive Board and general membership meetings * to coordinate and oversee the activities of the Executive Board * to oversee and supervise the execution of RSS events and programs * to call meetings of RSS, when deemed necessary * to uphold and promote the goals and ideals of RSS Vice President * to provide support to the President by managing internal operations * to substitute if the President is absent * to assume the duties of the President in case of his/her resignation or impeachment Secretary * to keep the protocol and take records of all meetings * to arrange meetings, whether scheduled or called by the President * to keep records, publications, and clippings relevant to RSS * to provide support to the Treasurer by managing paperwork Treasurer * to maintain a detailed record of all financial transactions of RSS * to receive and deposit all moneys due to RSS * to devise annual budgets for submission to Union of Student Organizations and Student Government Association * to render financial reports to the Politburo and Membership Social Coordinator/Public Relations Officer * to research ideas for RSS events and programs * to facilitate the execution of RSS events and programs * to facilitate communication with Members and the general public * to coordinate all announcement and posting duties * to manage the RSS Electronic Newsletter SECTION 5 An Executive Board Officer may be impeached by unanimous vote of the Politburo. SECTION 6 In case that a member of Politburo wishes to resign from his/her office, he/she must notify the Politburo in writing one week prior to resignation. Nominations for the vacant office will be accepted during this period, and elections will be held at a general meeting. ARTICLE VI - ELECTIONS SECTION 1 Only members who are undergraduate students in Barnard College, Columbia College, or the School of Engineering and Applied Science may vote or hold office.. SECTION 2 The President shall appoint an Election Committee to oversee the election procedure. SECTION 3 An election shall be held via secret ballot. Simple majority of general Membership is needed to elect a member of Politburo. ARTICLE VII - MEETINGS AND PROCEDURES SECTION 1 Meetings shall be held not less then monthly. The President has power to call additional meetings if necessary. ARTICLE VIII - AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION SECTION 1 Amendments to the Constitution may be introduced by any RSS member, but must be submitted in writing, and sponsored by a member of Politburo. The Politburo shall then review the proposed amendment, and may approve by two thirds of the vote. SECTION 2 The Constitution shall be reviewed annually in October by the Politburo elected in the preceding April. |