Constitution ARTICLE I: Name and Statement of Purpose Section 1. The name of this organization shall be Spectrum: the Korean American Journal of Columbia University, hereinafter referred to by its full name or in any part thereof that at least contains "Spectrum". Section 2. The purpose of Spectrum Magazine is to promote the interests of and exhibit the literary and artistic skills of Koreans and Korean-Americans at Columbia University through the medium of a literary magazine edited and produced by students and for students, alumni, and friends of both Korea and Columbia University. ARTICLE II: Membership Section 1. Membership in the Spectrum staff shall be open to all Columbia University affiliates interested in and willing to work on Spectrum regardless of their peculiar status in any categories listed in University non-discrimination regulations. Columbia Affiliates include: students, faculty, staff, and alumni of Columbia University, Barnard College, and Teachers College. Section 2. All members shall have the right to participate in Spectrum, but only undergraduates in Columbia College, the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, the School of General Studies, and Barnard College shall be eligible to be members of the Editorial Board of Spectrum. ARTICLE III: Organization Section 1. Spectrum shall have the following Editorial Board members: Editor-in-Chief, Publisher, Managing Editor, Korean Editor, and English Editor. Section 2. The Editorial Board officers shall be elected each fall after production of the first term's issue (in years in which two issues are published; other years shall see elections after the printing of the Spring issue) but no later than the first week in December by the prior year's Board with a plurality by direct and secret ballots at a duly convened Board Meeting. Section 3. As soon as possible after their election, new Board members shall appoint other positions such as Layout Editor and Art Editor that will be needed for the following Spring issue. These positions shall comprise the Associate Board of Editors. Section 4. Aside from appointing the Associate Board, the Editorial Board shall be responsible for deciding questions of content and of the form of Spectrum as well as ensuring that there are the financial resources needed to go to press. All decisions shall be by majority vote of the Board, and, in the case of abstentions that result in a tie, the Editor-in-Chief shall break the tie. Section 5. The minimum duties of the Board members are as follows: a)The Editor-in-Chief shall assist the Publisher in representing Spectrum to alumni and friends, shall preside at all Board Meetings, and shall oversee the editing and the editorial content of the magazine. He or she shall also give input into layout decisions and be there during most of the actual layout. b) The Publisher shall be responsible primarily for fund-raising, whether through ad solicitation or otherwise, and for maintaining good relations with campus politicos and administrators and Columbia alumni and friends. Moreover, he or she shall assume the duties but not the office of the Editor-in-Chief should he or she be absent at a Board Meeting. He shall oversee add solicitation, as well. c) The Managing Editor shall have charge of all papers; records, including the official membership list and alumni and friends' address lists; and correspondence of Spectrum, shall supervise a aspects of production, and shall work with the printer. Additionally, he or she shall submit all paperwork required by the USO or its successor organization on time and shall keep track of the account balance in FBH. d) The Korean and English Editors shall be responsible for soliciting, receiving, and editing Korean and English language materials, respectively, for Spectrum. They shall do this in a timely manner and must write articles themselves if they do not obtain enough submissions. Section 6. The terms of office of the Editorial Board shall be one year from the day of their election until the following year's election. Section 7. Any Board member may be removed or demoted by the following procedure: Upon a request to that effect given by at least two Editorial Board members, the Editor-in-Chief shall call an Editorial Board meeting at which the petitioners and the subject of their petition shall be present as well as all other Board members in body or by written proxy. At the meeting, both sides shall be given a hearing with discussion after which the Board members shall vote secretly in writing. A minimum of 3/5 majority shall be required to remove or demote a Board member. ARTICLE IV: Meetings Section 1. An Editorial Board Meeting shall be convened by the Editor-in-Chief during the fall after the fall issue is produced but no later than the first week of December. In the Board Meeting, election for offices, amendments to the Constitution, production schedules, and decisions on other general matters shall be made. The Editor-inChief shall convene other Board meetings as needed and/or as petitioned by at least two other Editorial Board members. Section 2. Due notice of each Meeting shall be given to all Board members at least one week, or a lesser time with the assent of at least 3/5 of all other Board members, prior to the convening of the Meeting except in the case of amendments to the Constitution. Section 3. At any session of a duly convened Meeting, the Board members present shall constitute a quorum, except in the case of demotion of or removal of a member of the Board. Section 4. Robert's Rules of Order shall govern all procedural matters not covered by this Constitution. Article V: Amendments Section 1. A written proposal for amending the Constitution shall be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief by at least two Board members. Section 2. Within two weeks after receiving the proposal for amendment, the Editor-in-Chief shall convene a Meeting with at least two weeks notice of the proposal and the Meeting time and location to all members of the Editorial Board. Section 3. A two-thirds majority of the Board Members present in a duly convened Meeting is required to pass the amendment. Section 4. The amended Constitution shall take effect at the moment of its approval, and the newly authorized Constitution shall be reported to all Spectrum staff within two weeks after its approval. |