Turath (Middle Eastern and North African Cultural Club)
Constitution Preamble: The Arab students of Columbia and all other students interested in Arab culture and affairs wish to unify and be recognized by the University as a student polity organization. The following constitution outlines our purpose, goals and functioning procedures. Article One: Name The full name of the organization shall be, Turath: The Middle Eastern and North African Cultural Club, hereafter to be called Turath. Article Two: Statement of Purpose 1. To provide an introduction to the vibrant Arab culture of the Middle East and North Africa for the students of Columbia University 2. To create a support base for Arab and Arab-American students, as well as, to act as a representative Voice for them by no means the only voice) within the University as a whole. 3. To provide a social atmosphere where Arab students on the Columbia campus can meet, interact, and Enjoy cultural events. 4. To educate about Arab culture and dispel stereotypes, ethnic and political, that exist about the Middle East and North Africa. 5. To promote Arab literature, art, music and all other facets of culture through cultural events and similar activities. 6. Turath, acting as a representative of the Arab Community at Columbia, will act as a liaison between the Arab community and other communities on campus. Article Three: Membership Section 1 Membership is open to all students from Columbia College, SEAS, GS, and Barnard who agree to abide by this constitution and the bylaws of Turath. Both graduate School and professional school students are encouraged to join, but will not be granted voting privileges. Turath, in accordance with applicable Federal and State Law and University Policy, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, ancestry, marital status, citizenship or sexual orientation. Section 2 Membership Rights and Responsibilities are as follows: Members are encouraged to attend all Turath meetings and events, as well as voice their opinions concerning the policies and practices of the organization. Members will be considered "active" and will be granted voting privileges after attending two or more meetings. Members will be expected to pay full price at any Turath event for Munch there is an entrance fee. Section 3 Membership from Turath may be revoked in the event that a member engages in misconduct, as defined by the Central Committee, at any event sponsored by Turath. Should the Central Committee decide that any member or members behaved disruptively, inappropriately or in a manner that reflected negatively on the organization, that member or those members will be asked to present a defense before the Central Committee. If three of the flue members of the Central Committee believe the member (s) in question guilty, that party or parties' membership shall be revoked. Article Four: Administration Section 1: Powers The legislative powers herein granted will be vested in the voting (active) members of the club. Section 2: Quorum A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of all the voting members. Section 3: The Central Committee Instead of a president or single leader, there shall be a Central Committee of flue officers, all being active members of the club. The Central Committee will make vital decisions that are necessary to carry out the plans and goals of the club. The Central Committee will also present resolutions to the voting members of Turath. The responsibilities designated to President, Vice-President, and Secretary will be delegated on a rotating schedule among the flue members of the Central Committee. The position of treasurer will be delegated to one Central Committee member for the full academic year. Decisions made by the Central Committee may be reversed by a majority (3/4) of the voting body present at a meeting. The Central Committee members shall enjoy the same voting rights as the remainder of the voting body. Section 4: Elections The Central Committee of Turath will be elected for the following academic year by the voting members in the last meeting of the Spring academic term. The duration of each position on the Central Committee will be one academic year. Any or all of the members of the Central Committee may be impeached if a majority (3/4) of all voting members agree to impeach. Valid grounds for impeachment must be presented, in writing, to the general body for consideration. These include mismanagement of funds or inappropriate behavior at an event sponsored by Turath. Article 5: Procedures Section 1 Turath general body meetings shall be held approximately once every month or whenever the Central Committee acting together agrees that a meeting should be called. Section 2 The Turath Central Committee shall meet every week. Committee members are expected to attend every meeting; members of the general body are welcome and encouraged to attend. Section 3 Policy Decisions shall be made with 3/5 vote of the Central Committee. These decisions can be vetoed by the voting members at each meeting with a majority vote (3/4). Article 6: Amendments to the Constitution Amendments to the constitution can be proposed, in writing, by any voting member at any official meeting of Turath. If 3/5 members of the Central Committee agree to vote on the amendment, a vote will be taken. If there is a majority vote (3/4) in favor of the amendment, it will pass and become an official amendment to the constitution. Article 7: By-Laws By-Laws shall be established in the same procedure as amendments outlined above, with the exception that only 2/3 majority vote of all voting members shall be required to enact such laws. |