Women's History Month
Constitution Article I: NAME OF ORGANIZATION Women's History Month, hereby referred to as WHM. Article II: OBJECTIVE/ PURPOSE The purpose of this organization shall be to spread of awareness of women's achievements and women's issues through a series of speakers, programs, panel discussions, films, artistic exhibits, performances and issue forums to be held in the month of March. Article III: MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Eligibility All students enrolled at Columbia University shall be eligible for membership. Article IV: OFFICERS Section 1. Method of Elections In April of each year, two coordinators and a treasurer will be chosen, by con census, to facilitate WHM, for the upcoming year. Officers will be chosen from active members of WHM. Section 2. Duties of Officers A. Two coordinators shall facilitate the preparation for WHM 1. Coordinators preside over all WHM meetings 2. Coordinators meet bi-weekly with treasurer to discuss preparation for WHM 3. Coordinators meet with advisor to finalize calendar B. One treasurer shall fulfill all duties concerning funding and budget for WHM 1. Treasurer presides over all WHM meetings 2. Treasurer meets bi-weekly with coordinators to discuss preparation for WHM 3. Treasurer maintains on paper a record of all transactions regarding the use of WHM's funds Section 3. Terms of Office Each officer will serve one full academic year. Officers may remain in office for a maximum of two consecutive years. Article V: COMMITTEES Members will join committees of interest. These will include: Speaker Committee, Publicity and Awareness Committee, Calendar Committee, Intergroup Liaison, and General Programming Committee. Potential speakers will be screened by a speaker committee. Committee meetings will be held outside of the regularly scheduled administrative meetings. Article VI: MEETINGS Section 1. Regular Meetings Fall semester, members will meet every two weeks to discuss preliminary plans for Women's History Month in March. Spring semester, members will meet every week, and as necessary to solidify plans and concretize calendar. All major decisions for WHM will be made by concensus, during the regular meetings. Section 2. Special Meetings In April, a meeting will be held to evaluate the programming for WHM. Recommendations will be made for the upcoming year, and officers for the upcoming year will be chosen (Article V, Section 3). Article VII: QUORUM A quorum consists of one more than half the total active membership. Article VIII: AMENDMENTS Section 1. Procedure for Amendment: 1. Amendments are submitted in writing to the officers of WHM 2. Amendments proposals will be read at two regular meetings before a vote is taken 3. All active members may vote on the proposed amendment 4. Decisions on proposed amendments will be made by concensus Section 2. Ratification Ratification of an amendment requires the approval of Student Council before it becomes official. |