Modern Sources of Sarum Chant and Liturgy

Given below are some useful sources for the Sarum chant repertory in modern printed form. These should be found in any good research library, and are available through Inter-Library Loan. They comprise liturgical texts, the chant in musical notation, and also instructions and directives on the performance of the Sarum services. There is also a tonary, which is needed for providing the correct psalm-tones for the prescribed antiphons.


Breviarium ad usum insignis ecclesiae Sarum, ed. F. Procter & C. Wordsworth
3 vols. (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University, 1882, 1879, 1886)

The Use of Sarum, ed. W. H. Frere (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University, 1898,1901):
vol.1: The Sarum Customs as set forth in the Consuetudinary and Customary
vol.2: The Ordinal and Tonary

Missale ad Usum Sarum, ed. F. H. Dickinson
(Burntisland, 1861-3)

The Sarum Missal, edited from Three Early Manuscripts, ed. J. Wickham Legg
(Oxford: 1916; reproduced 1969)

Processionale ad Usum Sarum, ed. W. G. Henderson
(Leeds, 1882; reproduced Farnborough: Gregg Press, 1969)


Antiphonale Sarisburiense: A Reproduction in Facsimile of a Manuscript of the Thirteenth Century, with a Dissertation and Analytical Index, ed. W. H. Frere
(London: Plainsong & Mediaeval Music Society, 1901-24; reproduced Farnborough: Gregg Press, 1966)
[The Barnwell Antiphoner, supplemented by pages from other MSS of the 13th-15th centuries: the primary source for transcribing materials for the Office]

Graduale Sarisburiense: A Reproduction in Facsimile of a Manuscript of the Thirteenth Century, with a Dissertation and Analytical Index illustrating its Development from the Gregorian Antiphonale missarum, ed. W. H. Frere
(London: Plainsong & Medieval Music Society, 1894; reproduced Farnborough: Gregg Press, 1966) [The primary source for transcribing materials for the Mass]

Antiphonaire monastique, XIIIe siècle: Codex F.160 de la Bibliothèque de la Cathédrale de Worcester, Paléographie musicale, vol.12
(Solesmes: Abbey of Solesmes, 1922; reproduced 1971)
[Monastic antiphoner and processional]

Le Tropaire-prosaire de Dublin, ed. R.-J. Hesbert, Monumenta Musicae Sacrae, vol.4
(Rouen, 1970) [Dublin c.1360: tropes of Ordinary of Mass, with Marian proser]

Pynson, R.: Processionale ad Usum Sarum 1502, ed. G. R. Rastall
(Clarabricken (Ireland): Boethius Press, 1980)
[Printed source; contains music and texts for ceremonies other than Mass and Office]


The Use of Salisbury, ed. N. Sandon (North Harton, UK: Antico Church Music)
1: The Ordinary of the Mass (1984)
2: The Proper of the Mass in Advent (1986)
3: The Proper of the Mass from Septuagesima to Palm Sunday (1991)
4. The Masses and Ceremonies of Holy Week (1996)
5. The Proper of the Mass from Easter to Trinity (1998)
6. The Proper of the Mass from Trinity to Advent (1999)

Other volumes of the Antico Church Music series include editions of Sarum polyphony from the 14th and 15th centuries. The series also plans editions of the Daily Office, with that for Compline likely to be the first to be issued.


Harrison, F. Ll.: Music in Medieval Britain
(London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1958)

Edwards, K.: The English Secular Cathedrals in the Middle Ages
(Manchester, 1949; rev./2 1967)

Harrison, F.: Life in a Medieval College: The Story of the Vicars-Choral of York Minster
(London: John Murray, 1952)

Harper, John: The Forms and Orders of Western Liturgy from the Tenth to the Eighteenth Centuries: A Historical Introduction and Guide for Students and Musicians (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991) [strong on Sarum Rite]


A. G. Rigg: "Anglo-Latin," chap.4 of Singing Early Music," ed. Timothy McGee, A. G. Rigg, and David Klausner (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1996) [a guide to pronunciation of Latin in medieval England]


Cappelli, Adriano: Lexicon abbreviaturum: Dizionario di abbreviature latine ed italiane (Milan: Ulrico Hoepli, 1961)
