Presentations during 2002-2003

Past papers are available to the registered members and associate members of the seminar (please write to the co-chairs for password). Non-members should make their requests directly to the speakers.


September 21, 2002

Michael Puett (Harvard University): “Violent Misreadings: The Hermeneutics of Cosmology in the Huainanzi.”
l Sukhu (Queens College, City University of New York): “The Old Script School, Wang Yi, and the Chuci.”

November 16, 2002

Martin Kern (Princeton University): “Methodological Reflections on the Analysis of Textual Variants and the Modes of Manuscript Production in Early China.”
Constance Cook (Lehigh University): “So-Called Clan Signs and Issue of Zhou Identity.”
Jin Zhengyao (
Institute of World Religion, CASS): “Scientific Fact and Archaeological Fact: What is the Story behind Them?”

January 18, 2003

Liu Yu (The Palace Museum, Beijing): "The Archery Ritual in the Western Zhou Bronze Inscrtipions."
Gari Ledyard (
Columbia University): "The Dirrs of the East: The Dongyi before Han Times."

March 15, 2003

Yun-Kuen Lee (Harvard University): "Configuring Space: Structure and Agency in Yangshao Society."
Robin McNea
l (Cornell University): "A Preliminary Study of the Military Chapters in the Reminder of the Zhou Document (Yi Zhou Shu) from the Fourth Century B.C."

May 10, 2003

Anne Underhill (The Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago): "Investigating Change in Settlement and Economic Organization during the Longshan Period of Northern China: The Shandong University-Field Museum Project in Southeastern Shandong."
Bryan Van Norden (
Vassar College): "Virtue Ethics and Confucianism."