An International Conference on the Early History and Archaeology of Qin
帝國之前 早期秦國歷史和考古國際學術討論會

Columbia University in the City of New York, April 6-7, 2012

Kent Hall 628 (April 6) – Kent Hall 403 (April 7)


Sponsored by

 Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Columbia University

Gansu Provincial Institute of Archaeology, China

The Columbia University Seminar on Early China

CCK Interuniversity Center for Sinology, USA



The unfortunate looting on Dabuzishan in Lixian, Gansu Province, in 1994 led to the discovery of early Qin. Over the next fifteen years artifacts originating from Dabuzishan have been gradually published, and a number of other critical sites related to the early Qin state have also been excavated including the most fascinating northern-steppe chariot burials at Majiayuan. The conference brings a group of senior archaeologists who were responsible for the later discoveries together with leading Western scholars to discuss their implications for understanding the early history of Qin and the eventual rise of the Qin Empire.   



A Special Report by Professor Robin D. S. Yates on the just-now released

Liye Qin Jian 里耶秦簡, volume 1, is scheduled on April 7



Conference Language



Preregistration is required for attending; please email
Brian Lander (
[email protected]) ASPS



Conference Organizers

Li Feng ([email protected]), Columbia University

Wang Hui, Gansu Institute of Archaeology




April 6, 2012 Friday (Kent Hall 628)


9:30-9:45 AM

Opening Remarks: Robert P. W. Hymes 韓明士, Chair of Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Columbia University 哥倫比亞大學東亞語言和文化系主任   


9:45-10:30 AM

Wang Hui 王輝 (Gansu Institute of Archaeology 甘肅省考古研究所):

“The Archaeological Discovery at Majiayuan and Its Cultural Connections to the Northern Steppe” (馬家原的考古發現及其與北方草原地區的文化聯係)


Coffee Break


10:45-11:30 AM

Kuang Yu Chen 陳光宇 (Rutgers University 羅格斯大學):

“Cinnabar and Mercury Industry of Qin and Early China” (秦及上古中國的硃砂水銀工業)


11:30-12:15 PM

Zhao Huacheng 趙化成 (Beijing University 北京大學):

“New Discoveries and New Studies of Early Qin Culture” (早期秦文化的新發現和新研究)


Lunch: 12:15-2:00 PM


2:00-2:45 PM

Jiao Nanfeng 焦南峰 (Shaanxi Institute of Archaeology 陝西省考古研究院):

“New Archaeological Discoveries of Qin Royal Tombs: On the Three Recently Identified Qin Mausoleums near Xianyang” (秦陵的考古新發現: 近年咸陽附近新確認和發現的三座秦陵


2:45-3:30 PM

David Pankenier 班大爲 (Lehigh University 理海大學): 

“Qin Cosmography and the First Cosmic Capital – Xianyang(秦的宇宙觀和第一座宇宙之都 咸陽)


Coffee Break


3:50-4:35 PM

Yuri Pines 尤銳 (Hebrew University 希伯來大學):

“Reassessing Textual Sources for Pre-imperial Qin History” (重新評價有關前帝國時期秦國的文獻資料)


4:35-5:10 PM

Question and Discussion


Dinner for Speakers 6:30-8:30




April 7, 2012, Saturday (Kent Hall 403)


9:30-10:15 AM

Chen Chao-Jung 陳昭容 (Academia Sinica, Taiwan 台湾中央研究院):

“To Become ‘Huaxia’: A Study of the Early Qin State Based on Textual Evidence and Excavated Artifacts” (從文獻與出土文物看早期秦國的華夏化歷程)


10:15-11:00 AM

Li Feng 李峰 (Columbia University 哥倫比亞大學):

“This Qinzi Is Not That Qinzi: Rethinking Recently Discovered Early Qin Bronzes”



Coffee Break


11:15-12:00 PM

Robin Yates 葉山 (McGill University 麥吉爾大學):

“A First Reading of the Liye Qin jian Volume 1”  (《里耶秦簡》(一)初讀)