Seminar: Irish Studies, 535
Meeting Date: February 6, 2004
Chair: Martin J. Burke
Speaker: Prof. Mary McGlynn
Professor of English, Baruch College, The City University of New York.
Title of Talk: ÒOne Man, Two Nations: Garth
Brooks and the Rhetoric of Compromise.Ó
Rapporteur: C—il’n Parsons
Attendees: Frank Naughton (Kean University); Alice
Naughton; Rita Loughlin (American Irish Teachers Association); Peter M. Leahy
(CUNY Graduate Center); Ed Hagan (Western Connecticut State University); Bob
St-Cyr; Diane Menagh (Fairfield University, Connecticut); Terry Byrne (The
College of New Jersey); Anna Brady (ex. Queens College, CUNY); Michael Malouf
(Columbia University); Dermot Ryan (Columbia University); Bill McGimpsey;
Gertrude Hamilton (Marymount College of Fordham University); Maria McGarrity
(Long Island University); Patrick McNierney (Columbia University).
ÒOne Man, Two Nations: Garth Brooks and the Rhetoric of
A copy of the
paper that Prof. McGlynn gave has been deposited with University Seminars. The following is a synopsis. A version of this paper will appear in
a forthcoming volume, The Irish in Us, edited by Diane Negra for Duke University Press.
In 1997, a time of
unprecedented prosperity in Ireland, Garth Brooks sold out Croke Park, Dublin,
three nights in a row. That same
summer, he played to 800,000 fans in Central Park, New York. An HBO promotional campaign soon
afterwards dramatically compared the two tour stops: ÒONE MAN, TWO NATIONS.Ó His success in both countries speaks to
the cross-fertilisation of US and Irish cultures, suggesting that each national
self-image was reinforced by his persona.
cultural critics frequently bemoan the pervasiveness of American influence in
Ireland, economists repeatedly credit IrelandÕs boom to its openness to
American products and investments.
The importation of American culture reverses centuries of cultural
dissemination in the opposite direction.
Scottish and Irish immigrants heavily influenced bluegrass, music from
Appalachia, the Deep South and the Ozarks, which had come by the 1930s to be
associated poverty and backwardness, but which was lifted out of its hillbilly
roots in part by Gene AutryÕs reinvention of himself in the 1930s as a cowboyÑa
classless, white man of indistinct region.
Ireland through the twentieth century, the fascination with all things
westernÑreferring to both west of Ireland and the American WestÑincreased,
perhaps spurred on by a burgeoning sense of individualism, borne of resistance
to the collectivism of nation and religion. Fintan OÕToole suggests that the popularity of country music
in Irish cities could be a result of the fact that it reminded people of their
country past, and the image of that past was American. Equally, country musicÕs popularity in
the US, Stanfield argues, was thanks to the urban dwellersÕ desire to remember
a lost agrarian past, while effacing the pejorative connotations frequently
attached to such a past. While the
west of Ireland moved into modernity, its past was kept alive in the memory of
city dwellers and emigrants.
BrooksÕ pop country breaks with the downward class trajectory of country in the
late twentieth century, moving away from the Nashville sound and portraying the
west in his shows as a technologically progressive Sun Belt. Country music, in the guise of pop
country, belies its trajectory of upward mobilityÑit has lost its political
edge, and has become part of a larger political and cultural consensus. Its core values reaffirm monogamy,
religion and family, advocating a world of individual conformists. His song ÒFriends in Low PlacesÓ
crystallises the values of what could be called ÒNew Country.Ó Garth is not himself in a Òlow place,Ó
but he has friends there. In a
live performance he displaces the crude lyrics of the final verse from himself,
letting the audience take over.
Brooks represents a compromise between upward mobility and working-class
roots, between the myth of the west and the ethos of the suburbs.
upwardly-mobile trajectory may explain BrooksÕ popularity in an Ireland in the
late 1990s in which the middle class was growing dramatically in size and the
standard of living was improving rapidly.
Q. What was BrooksÕ audience in Ireland?
A. It was very broad, including almost all
social groupings.
Q. There was always a strong affinity in
Northern Ireland with the dissenter tradition of the southern redneck, but in
the republic in the 1950s showbands were the major acts on the Irish music
sceneÑthere was always resistance to endorsing southern music. Then suddenly it changedÑcountry music
took off and The Chieftains headed to Nashville. Why?
A. The Lost Highway documentary on BBC claimed that by the
1970s the Nashville sound had become too cantÑNashville became too predictable,
and Austin and Southern California revived country music by dissociating it
from the Nashville sound.
Q. Could there be other factors involved? It was a major shift.
Q. I was in Ireland in Õ66 and it was huge
then. I had the impression that it
had been around for quite some time.
A. Part of the reason for its success was
television and the increasing popularity of movies. In the 1960s country music was big in the US too, so it was
not simply an Irish phenomenon.
Q. Alice McDermottÕs Charming Billy fits quite well with your story of the
A. I am not familiar enough with the book to
Q. Where else was Garth Brooks popular?
A. In Russia and in Germany.
Q. Southern Italian immigrants in the US
seemed to connect with itÑthere was some link between country music and the
south of Italy.
A. One of the reasons it is big in Germany is
because of its connection to the land.
That might be the case here too.
Q. Bluegrass music is different from the rebel
A. YesÑit is associated with Gospel.
Q. The rebel sound and southern music was very
popular earlier in Northern Ireland than in the Republic.
Q. A connection with Northern Ireland is the
pentecostalist preachers from the US who are preaching and playing music in
Q. Many people in the American south are
descended from immigrants from Northern Ireland.
A. Yes.
People in the American south are never ÒIrishÓÑthey are always
Q. The New Yorker ran an article that claimed
that the Lincoln County War, between Billy the Kid and Pat Garrett, was an
extension of the Irish strife.
A. There is a lot of interest in Ireland in
stories of the American west.
Fintan OÕToole has a Jesse James obsessionÑhe went looking for places in
Ireland that claimed to have been home to his family. He was very popular in the 1950s and 1960s.
Q. What is difference between alternative and
mainstream country, and are both big in Ireland?
A. Alternative is more acoustic, and not as
popular. It has a lot in common
with Seattle and with movements antithetical to mainstream American culture.
Q. Obviously what makes a musician popular is
not simply his voice or his messageÑthere has to be a huge and effective
publicity machine. What was
BrooksÕ promotion of himself like?
A. His promotion of himself is very directed
to certain market. His Òworld
tourÓ took in just three countriesÑthe US, Canada and Ireland. People see him as not being in the
business of promoting country music, but promoting Garth Brooks.
Q. WhatÕs his reception in Britain?
A. It is nothing like his reception in
Q. Another American from the south popular in
Ireland in the 1990s was Bill Clinton.
The seemed to triangulate themselves with both Ireland and the US.
A. I think triangulation is a good term. Of course, they both also cast
themselves as ÒnewÓÑClinton was the ÒnewÓ Democrat, Brooks the ÒnewÓ country
Q. The song that you mention having been
suppressed on CMTVÑdid it advocate violence against abusive husbands?
A. The song is ÒThunder RollsÓ. The heroine lies in wait for her
husband to come home, and shoots him.
The Dixie Chicks had a similar song banned two yeas ago.
Q. I am wondering about your causal
narrativeÑdid the change in the economy cause cultural change?
It seems that there was already a market for country music in Ireland
before the 1990s. How did he
integrate himself into it?
A. That is an important issue, and I am not
sure exactly how I negotiate it. I
would not say that the economy determines culture, but that there is a relationship.
Q. He may not be popular in England, but is he
popular in Scotland?
A. I interviewed the Scottish writer James
Kellman, and he asked me where I was from. He was familiar with Lubbock, TX because of Buddy Holly, who
was huge.
Q. You mention fiction in which boys have an
affinity with the American west.
Are there adults who do?
A. I am looking for this. Joseph OÕConnor has written Desperadoes, and of course there is Colum McCannÕs
interest in the west.
Q. Is this a gendered phenomenon in the books?
A. YesÑthere are very few girls with a
fascination for the west.
Q. Where does Dolly Parton come in here, as
the archetypal superwoman?
A. I donÕt know about her role, really, Cultural studies has largely neglected
country musicÑmuch work remains to be done.
Q. I grew up in Wyoming and Colorado, and
there is little association there between country and western. They are quite separate.
A. The appropriation of the western in country
was an attempt to dissociate it from hillbilly.