By-Laws of the New York Phi Chapter of the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity
Purpose - - The New York Phi Chapter of the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity is a social organization that was formed to promote the positive social interactions of fraternal life and to promote brotherhood through the practices of virtue, diligence, and brotherly love. These By-Laws are meant to enforce these practices and to encourage the advancement of brotherhood within the chapter. Meetings - -Whereas the New York Phi chapter's membership must be participatory, there will be one meeting per week while school is in session. -Whereas the New York Phi chapter's leadership must remain strong and effective, there will be one Executive Board meeting per week while school is in session. -Whereas occasionally schedules do not permit meetings, the chapter president or the presiding officer has the authority to cancel or move an Executive Board meeting at any time. -Whereas attendance at each meeting is mandatory, only the president or presiding officer has the power to excuse a brother from a chapter or Executive Board meeting. Notice needs to be given at least 24 hours in advance. -Whereas unexcused absences are not permissible, every unexcused absence from a weekly meeting loses that brother one month in housing seniority. -Whereas heavy participation in events is often vital, any event can become mandatory if a 2/3 majority of the Executive Board votes to make it so. - In the case that an event is ruled mandatory, the chapter will be notified at least a week in advance by e-mail. Dues - -Whereas a full budget is essential to New York Phi's ability to operate as an organization, each brother must pay the full proscribed amount of dues each semester. -Whereas as New York Phi's budget is relied on for all events, dues must be paid in full by the second meeting of each semester, unless a different timetable is otherwise specified by the Vice President of Finance. - Any changes to the amount of dues to be paid each semester will be proposed by the Vice President of Finance and voted on by the chapter. A simple majority is required to approve this change. Expulsion - -Whereas the proper internal governing boards will handle altercations between brothers, any brother who pursues third party intervention against another brother or the chapter is expelled from the chapter effective immediately (via the approval of a 2/3 majority of the Executive Board). -Whereas expulsion can only be used when a brother violates his contract with the chapter of national organization, dues will not be refunded upon expulsion. Executive Board and General Board - -Whereas New York Phi seeks to create a governing board to best represent the different aspects of Sigma Phi Epsilon, Executive Board will consist of seven members. In order of election, they are the President, the Vice President of Programming, the Vice President of Development, the Vice President of Recruitment, the Vice President of Finance, the Vice President of Communications, and the Chaplain. -Whereas order must be maintained at all times, the order of election is also the order of ascension when Executive Board members are unable to fulfill their duties. -Whereas New York Phi seeks to keep strong leadership throughout the year, if an Executive Board member vacates their post for any reason, the current Executive Board decides upon the best course of action with a vote of a 2/3 majority of the Executive Board. -Whereas New York Phi seeks to create a standards board in the vein of Sigma Phi Epsilon's national ideals, Standards Board will consist of four members,. In order of election, they are the Senior Marshal, the Junior Marshal, the Guide, and the Guard. -Whereas New York Phi seeks to create a cabinet to further the chapter's success and role both on campus and nationally, a 16 member General Board will be selected by the new Executive Board at the first meeting of the new Executive Board, unless elections are specified, as in the case of the Standards Board. The positions consist of: the social chair, the intramural chair, the philanthropy chair, the house manager, the fundraising chair, the Sigma challenge coordinator, the Phi challenge coordinator, the Epsilon challenge coordinator, the recruitment chair, the public relations chair, the two Intergreek Council (IGC) Representatives, and the four members of the Standards Board. -Whereas the General Board is a vehicle to aid the Executive Board in meeting the needs of the chapter, each General Board position will be overseen by a member of the Executive Board. The Vice President of Programming oversees the social chair, the intramural chair, and the philanthropy chair. The Vice President of Finance oversees the house manager and the fundraising chair. The Vice President of Development oversees the Sigma challenge coordinator, the Phi challenge coordinator, and the Epsilon challenge coordinator. The Vice President of Recruitment oversees the recruitment chair. The Vice President of Communications oversees the public relations chair. The Chaplain oversees the four members of the Standards Board. The President oversees the two Intergreek Council Representatives. -Whereas other cabinet positions are needed beyond the scope of the General Board, the current Executive Board can appoint any position that it sees fit at the start of each semester. Executive Board Election Prerequisites - -Whereas New York Phi seeks to have the most experienced Executive Board possible, candidates for certain positions on the Executive Board must fulfill certain requirements prior to their installation. The requirements are as follows: President - Must have completed the Epsilon rite of passage ceremony. Must have served at least two semesters on Executive Board or general board. Vice President of Programming - Must have served at least two semesters on Executive Board, general board, or the programming committee. Vice President of Development - Must have completed the Epsilon rite of passage ceremony. Vice President of Recruitment - Must have served at least two semesters on Executive Board, the recruitment committee, or have written approval from either the current Vice President of Recruitment or the current President. Chaplain - Must have completed the Epsilon rite of passage ceremony. -Whereas the Executive Board of New York Phi will be held accountable to promises made prior to their election, candidates for Vice President of Programming, Vice President of Development, and Vice President of Recruitment will fill out quota sheets prior to running. -Whereas quota sheets should be a possible simulation of the chapter on a daily basis, the current Vice President of Finance will submit a proposed semester budget to all aforementioned candidates. -Whereas quota sheets should help the chapter see the specific talents of the candidates, the aforementioned candidates will make calendars for their positions based on the proposed semester budget presented to them by the Vice President of Finance. -Whereas the idea of the quota sheets is to better educate the chapter before an election, the sheets will be distributed to the chapter by the current Vice President of Communications directly prior to the Executive Board election. -Whereas every member of New York Phi swears to uphold the bylaws, if an elected officer is found by a 2/3 majority of the chapter to be ineligible after the election has taken place, that officer is removed from his office. Election Process - -Whereas elections are an internal issue, only current brothers will be allowed in attendance at any chapter election. -Whereas the Executive Board must be decided prior to semester break, Executive Board elections will be held at the second to last meeting of the fall semester. -Whereas the Standards Board must be decided prior to semester break, Standards Board elections will be held at the last meeting of the fall semester. -Whereas nominations must be taken prior to elections, nominations will be held a week prior to the election being nominated. Nominations for both Executive Board and Standards Board will also be taken up until the start of the election. -Whereas the Executive and Standards Boards should be in place at the earliest possible time, installation will be held at the first meeting of the spring semester. -Whereas candidates should be serious about which position they choose to run for, an Executive Board candidate can only drop down once. A presidential candidate may drop down twice. -Whereas elections often run longer than expected, a candidate may only speak for three minutes. A presidential candidate may speak for five. -Whereas a candidate should best represent the ideals of the chapter, a 5 minute question and answer period will be held after each speech. -Whereas New York Phi would like to elect an Executive Board that most suits the members' needs, each candidate may have up to two brothers speak for them, limited to one minute each. A candidate must not be in the room at this time. -Whereas each candidate must be given his fair turn, all other candidates must leave the room while another candidate is speaking, or during another candidate's question and answer period. No candidates may be in the room during any vote count, or any candidate discussion period. -Whereas New York Phi's best interests are to have a qualified candidate for each position, in the case of an unopposed election, a vote of acclamation will be held. If the vote fails, any candidate, regardless of prior qualifications, may run off of the floor. -Whereas a majority of the vote must be garnished to win an election, a run-off between the top two candidates will be held if all candidates fail to receive a majority of the vote. After two run-offs, whichever candidate holds more votes wins, regardless of majority. - In order to cast a vote in a chapter election, a brother must have accepted his bid and have attended two meetings prior to the meeting at which said election takes place. - Anyone who is not present at the meeting at which the election takes place shall not be allowed to vote in that election. - The Vice President of Communications and the President shall be the only two brothers in the chapter that are allowed to count votes and those two brothers will determine the winners of the elections. - All ballots are secret. Anyone violating this secrecy will be kicked out of that meeting. - The President casts a vote in the event of a tie. If the President casts a vote, this shall be kept secret. -Whereas New York Phi follows Roberts' Rules of Order, no elections will be held without a quorum of the chapter present. Executive Board Training - -Whereas New York Phi seeks to prepare the Executive Board for the coming year, a weekend long retreat will take place sometime between elections and installation. Attendance is mandatory for the old Executive Board and the new Executive Board. -Whereas New York Phi seeks to prepare the Executive Board for the coming year, the old Executive Board will each write a letter to the next board member at their position, to be kept on file in the house. -Whereas New York Phi seeks to prepare the Executive Board for the coming year, each new Executive Board member must have a question and answer session with the exiting Executive Board member of the same position, lasting at least one hour. Removal of an Executive Board Member - -Whereas the removal of an Executive Board member is an important issue, the Executive Board member in question will have the opportunity to present his case to stay on board at a chapter meeting, followed by a brief discussion session where said board member is not in the room. -Whereas the Executive Board was elected to serve the best interests of the chapter, to remove a member of the Executive Board, a 2/3 majority of the chapter must vote to do so. -Whereas a fully functioning Executive Board member is an integral part of the chapter, within a week after an Executive Board member is removed, an election to replace the board member must be held, according to election rules. -Whereas often time does not permit an election, if the removal takes place less than a semester before the next Executive Board election, a brother may be appointed in the removed Executive Board member's place, if voted for by a 2/3 majority of Executive Board. Creation of the No-Standards Board - -Whereas events often occur in the chapter that necessitate formal action yet do not require the convening of the Standards Board, an ethics committee capable of dealing lesser punishments will be formed. -Whereas the idea of the ethics committee is to prevent Standards Board altercations before they happen, the committee will be named "The No-Standards Board." -Whereas the structure of the No-Standards board shall mirror that of the Standards Board, the No-Standards board shall consist of one head and four (4) members. -The first head of the No-Standards Board shall be elected by the chapter in an election that takes place according to the election rules of the chapter. -Whereas the No-Standards Board does not need a popular election thereafter, the following head of the No-Standards Board will be chosen by the current head of the No-Standards Board after, yet still on the same day as, the new Standards Board is elected. -Whereas the No-Standards Board must all be willing to work together on issues presented before them, the Head of the No-Standards Board will decide on his own board members. - A brother can only be the head of the No-Standards Board for one term. No Standards Board Constitution - -Whereas accusations between brothers must be legitimate, to bring someone before No-Standards Board, a brother must present his case in writing to the head of the No-Standards Board. -Whereas Standards Boards jurisdiction takes precedence over No-Standards Board, an accused brother can opt to move his case to Standards Board at any time. -Whereas No-Standards Board's purpose is to aid the Standards Board, a decision of the No-Standards Board can be reversed by the Standards Board at any time. -Whereas remaining impartial is a must, in any case involving a member of the No-Standards Board, that member does not retain the right to vote in his case. -Whereas the number of voting members of the No-Standards Board might be even, in the case of a tie, the Chapter President must vote to break it. -Whereas Sigma Phi Epsilon adheres to a system of checks and balances, an accused brother can appeal the decision of the No-Standards Board to the Standards Board. -Whereas the No-Standards Board's purpose is to increase chapter brotherhood, anyone caught in violation of a ruling of the No-Standards Board is automatically brought before the Standards Board. -Whereas the No-Standards Board will seek justice as swiftly as possible, the procedure will be that of a courtroom, with the head of the No-Standards Board as the judge, the entire No-Standards Board as the jury, and the accusing brother and accused brother acting as the prosecutor and the defendant, respectively. -Whereas No-Standards Board cases are internal issues, no one beyond an undergraduate member of Sigma Phi Epsilon, unless directly involved in the case, is allowed to view the proceedings. - The President of the chapter shall not be allowed to serve on the No-Standards Board. Likewise, no member of the Standards Board shall be allowed to serve on the No-Standards Board. Audit Form System - -Whereas the Executive Board should be held accountable for their actions, at the end of the Spring semester each Executive Board member shall fill out an audit form concerning the performance of each Executive Board member. -Whereas the Executive Board is responsible for the welfare of the chapter, an Executive Board member can be audited at any time after a 2/3 majority vote by the rest of the Executive Board. -Whereas audit forms are designed to aid the Executive Board as efficiently as possible, the forms are based on pass/fail, where 65 is passing. -Whereas audits will be semi-anonymous, upon request to the chapter president, any member of the chapter can learn any Executive Board member's pass/fail ratio. -Whereas the purpose of the of the audit is to hold an Executive Board member to his job responsibilities, the failure of two thirds of the audits shall warrant that Executive Board member to be brought before Standard's Board. If Standard's Board recommends it, the possibility of removal of the Executive Board member in question is then brought before the chapter, and removal procedures are followed. -Whereas the purpose of the of the audit is to hold an Executive Board member to his job responsibilities, the failure of one of the audits enables the Executive Board member in question to be re-audited at any time at the request of one other member of the Executive Board. Audit Form - Each Executive Board member begins with a score of 100 points. An Answer of "yes" to questions 1-16 subtracts 5 points from his score. Automatic deductions are as follows. -10 points for each unexcused Executive Board meeting absence. -3 points for each excused Executive Board meeting absence. -5 points for each unexcused chapter meeting absence. -2 points for each excused chapter meeting absence. -5 points for each mandatory event absence. 1) Has the officer ever been brought before Standards Board? 2) Has the officer asked you to cover for him multiple times? 3) If elections were now, do you feel the officer would lose his election? 4) Has the officer ever been too incapacitated to perform his duties? 5) Does the officer owe outstanding dues? 6) To your knowledge, has the officer ever violated a bylaw? 7) Has the officer's committee failed to perform? 8) Has the officer failed to meet the promises he made before he was elected? 9) Has the officer ever taken legal action a brother or the chapter? 10) Has the officer's negligence ever put a brother or the chapter in danger? 11) Has the officer ever been disruptive at a chapter meeting? 12) Has the officer ever been disruptive at an Executive Board meeting? 13) Does the officer miss too many events? 14) Has the officer ever gotten in trouble with Headquarters? 15) Does the officer lack respect for the rest of the Executive Board? 16) Is the officer too hard to reach on a daily basis? Passed on September 30, 2001: Finance Accountability By-Law Whereas the Vice-President of Finance is solely responsible for handling all chapter monetary transactions, and whereas the |
© 2003. E-mail Pete Korfiatis ([email protected]) with questions. |