Columbia University School of Social Work Facilities Services
1255 Amsterdam Ave., New York, NY 10027

Use this form to request these services:

- Air-conditioning/Heating in classrooms and offices
- Door locks, keys
- Fancoil leaks (call 212-851-2300)
- Fax cartridges for floor fax machines
- Garbage pickup from classrooms, offices, restrooms
- Health and Safety concerns
- Light Bulb replacement
- Mail, FedEx, UPS queries
- Printer cartridges for floor printers
- Purchases, Miscellaneous
- Restrooms
- Security concerns
- Window repairs, jammed window

Services not covered on this form:

- Floor copiers (contact Mario Pereira, 212-851-2212, Room 103)
- Swipe Access (If your CUID card has lost its swipe access, call 212-854-8500 or email [email protected])
- Phone repairs (contact CU Telecommunications at 854-0000.)

Facilities Services

Room Number:
Phone Number:
IF THIS IS A CHARGEABLE PROJECT/GRANT RELATED REQUEST (for example, new phone or ethernet installation, etc.), please include:
FAS Account Number:

Description of Request: [required]