November 9-11, 2010, Milan, Italy |
Yuri Shevchuk Lectures on Film at University of Milan |
Faculty and students of University of Milan at Yuri Shevchuk's third lecture |
UFCCU director Yuri Shevchuk gave three lectures dedicated to various aspects of Ukraine and Soviet film history at the University of Milan (Universitá degli Studi di Milano), one of the largest Italian universities (some 80 thousand students). The first lecture entitled “Ukrainian National Cinema since 1991” was given on the invitation of the Department of Literary Studies. Some thirty students of Ukrainian, Polish, Russian, and Scandinavian literatures as well as faculty were in attendance at the lecture (Aula A3, Piazza S. Alessandro), which was immediately followed by screening, and discussion of the independent feature shorts collection Jerks. The Arabesques, dir. Volodymyr Tykhy. The screening was a de facto Italian premier of this film. It was a success and provoked a lively discussion. Read the analysis of the film by Matteo Cazzulani.
The second lecture “Soviet Film in Stalin’s War on Peasant” was presented to students and faculty of the Department of History and Historical Documentation, to an audience of some seventy people (Aula “Epsilon”, via Mercalli 23). The third lecture “Language as a Tool of Domination and Control in the Soviet Union and After” was given at the invitation of the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures (Piazza Indro Montanelli 1, Sesto S. Giovanni). In attendance were some one hundred students and faculty. After the lecture a feature short The Dummy by Kira Muratova was screened.