Digital Anthropology Resources for Teaching aims to explore the potential of digital resources for the teaching of undergraduate anthropology. The project will also investigate digital-library technologies that will allow for the flexible delivery and customized use of these resources.
Columbia University and the London School of Economics are partners in this international project. At Columbia, DART is a collaboration between the Department of Anthropology, the Electronic Publishing Initiative at Columbia (EPIC), and Academic Information Systems (AcIS). At LSE, the Department of Anthropology and the Centre for Learning Technology will collaborate on the project. Drawing on the collective skills and existing infrastructures of these institutions and organizations, DART seeks to initiate a meaningful and sustainable transformation of undergraduate education and professional practice in the field of anthropology.
DART is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under its Digital Libraries Initiative (Grant No. 0229076) and by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) under the Digital Libraries in the Classroom Programme.