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ANTYLEGYUS. Antilochus accompanied Achilles to Apollo's temple, where they expected to meet Polyxena, whom Achilles expected to marry there. Instead, they met the Trojans, who slew them. The incident appears in Dares, De excidio Troiae historia 34, and Benoît, Roman de Troie 21838-22334.

The Man in Black tells how Achilles and Antylegyus were slain in a temple in revenge for Hector's death, as narrated by Dares Phrygius, BD 1069-1070. [Achilles: Dares Frygius: Ector: Polixena]

The form is a Chaucerian variant and occurs in final rhyming position, BD 1069.

Benoît, Roman de Troie, ed. Constans, III: 373-399; Dares Phrygius, De excidio, ed. F. Meister, 40-42; ibid., The Trojan War, trans. R.M. Frazer, 160-161.
Copyright © 1988, 1996 Jacqueline de Weever
Published by Garland Publishing, Inc., New York and London.

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