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APELLES, a painter, flourished in the fourth century B.C. in Colophon and Ephesus. The Elder Pliny says that he surpassed all painters who preceded him and all who were to come after him. His superiority was acknowledged in his own lifetime by the public and by other painters. His Aphrodite Anadyomene (rising from the sea) was said to be an extraordinary work. Pliny lists several allegorical paintings featuring Alexander the Great (NH XXXV.xxxvi.79-97).

Nature boasts that not even Pigmalion, Apelles, or Zanzis could challenge her creation, Virginia, PhysT 16-18. In RR 16149-16183, the poet says that Pigmalion, Apelles, and Zeuzis have all failed to portray the form of Nature. [Pigmalion: Zanzis]

Apelles occurs initially, with initial stress on the vowel, PhysT 16.

Pliny, NH, ed. and trans. H. Rackham, IX: 318-333; RR, ed. E. Langlois, IV: 135-136; RR, trans. C. Dahlberg, 273-274.
Copyright © 1988, 1996 Jacqueline de Weever
Published by Garland Publishing, Inc., New York and London.

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