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ATHALUS. Attalus III, Philometer, c. 170-133 B.C., was king of Pergamum. He was a cruel ruler to his subjects and confiscated the estates of those who displeased him. He left a famous will in which he bequeathed his kingdom to Rome (Livy, Summary, Ab urbe condita liber LVIII).

Chaucer says that Athalus invented chess, BD 663-664, following RR 6689-6698. Jean de Meun cites Policraticus as his source, but John of Salisbury says that Atticus Asiaticus invented dice playing and reviews the evils inherent in all games of chance (Policraticus I.5). [Demetrius: Stilboun]

The form, the ME variant, occurs in medial position, BD 663. Intrusive h after t was not pronounced.

John of Salisbury, Policraticus, ed. J.P. Pike, 28-29; Livy, Ab urbe condita libri, ed. and trans. A.C. Schlesinger, XIV: 63, 65; RR, ed. E. Langlois, III: 14-15; RR, trans. C. Dahlberg, 129.
Copyright © 1988, 1996 Jacqueline de Weever
Published by Garland Publishing, Inc., New York and London.

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