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CAMBALO, CAMBALUS is the younger son of King Cambyuskan in The Squire's Tale. His sister's lover is also called Cambalus. It is not clear that brother and lover are two separate people. [Algarsif: Cambyuskan: Canacee2: Elpheta]

Cambalo occurs twice, SqT 31, 667, and Cambalus once, SqT 656, all in final rhyming position. Skeat (V: 370) suggests derivation from Cambaluc, Kublai's capital; Robinson (718) suggests Kambala, the name of Kublai's grandson. Cembalo, the medieval name for Balaklava, is closer to Chaucer's form.

N.E. Eliason, "Personal Names in the Canterbury Tales." Names 21 (1973): 137-152; Riverside Chaucer, ed. L. Benson, 891.
Copyright © 1988, 1996 Jacqueline de Weever
Published by Garland Publishing, Inc., New York and London.

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